Nomi Prins’ Stock Picks REVEALED [Updated 2024]

If you're looking for Nomi Prins' stock picks then look no further.

I've put together a running list of stock picks that she's teased and will be continuing to add to the list as she continues to pump out the investment teasers, which there seems to be no shortage of. 

She seems to be the perfect person to listen to when it comes to investing. She claims to have a Ph.D. in International Political Economy and to have worked on Wall Street making millions of dollars a year.

But, we'll talk more about her background later. For now, let's get to the list of the stocks she's teasing that we've been able to expose.

If you're familiar with our website here, then you'll know that we take a look at the investment teasers people like Prins pump out and dig around to see if we can expose the stocks being teased for free. While sometimes there aren't enough clues given for us to expose them confidently, we try our best.

Below, I've ordered the list of Prins' stock picks with the newest ones at the top. You can skip ahead to any of the picks you want to see with this nifty table of contents here...

***If you know a stock pick that we haven't listed, let us know in the comment section below this post. We beg you!***

*Got a recommendation that's not on the list? Let us know in the comment section below this post*

Prins' 2023 Picks

"EV Master Key" Stock

  • Title of Teaser Presentation: "The Forever Battery"
  • Name of "Special" Report: "The EV Master Key: The #1 Easiest Way to Profit from “Forever Lithium"
  • Promoted Under: Distortion Report

With Charles Mizrahi's "Forever Battery" teaser from back in 2021 as well as Louis Navallier's "AI Master Key" teaser from this year (2023), the lingo that Prins uses in her teaser here is nothing new to us and the Green Bull family.

She tells us that there is some "Forever Battery" investment opportunity and that some small firm "could mint more new millionaires than the rise of Tesla".


The teaser starts out with Prins talking about how expensive EVs are and how the main reason is the cost of their batteries, which require quite a lot of minerals that aren't exactly cheap and easy to get.

In fact, she states that about 1/3 the cost of most EVs is a result of the cost of their batteries.

I'm not sure how true this still is today, but this was a parroted generalized statement back in 2020.

The solution Prins tells us is "forever lithium", or LFP... or lithium iron phosphate.

These batteries not only last longer, but are also safer due to the fact that they don't overheat and catch fire... a big problem with the more traditional lithium ion batteries.

Not only this, but they are also cheaper... and the company Prins is teasing us with is supposedly going to roll out a big LFP battery factory in the US - first of its kind.

Some other clues we are given are that:

  • Yahoo Finance calls this stock “a favorite amongst the big guns”, with big money managers holding 85% of shares.
  • The company’s CEO says: “His batteries will be lower cost and have twice the lifecycle of an NMC battery.”

What's her pick here? 

We've been able to identify this one as Cummins Inc. (CMI).

 >> Full write-up on her "EV Master Key" stock here

The "#1 Gold Stock for 2023 and Beyond"

  • Title of Teaser Presentation: "Shocking Truth About America's 'Recession'"
  • Name of "Special" Report: "The #1 Gold Stock for 2023 and Beyond"
  • Promoted Under: Distortion Report

Here we have Nomi Prins teasing us with her "#1 Gold Stock". 


Well, because she's predicting a bank/dollar crisis of epic proportion and thinks that gold is where you should be looking to keep your money safe.

But, she doesn't recommend investing in physical gold... at least not in this teaser.


Nomi is predicting a massive recession.

It's true that many economists say that according to the data we are already in a recession, but Prins thinks it will become more evident and undeniable soon enough.

While the cost of items will soar, others will fall into what will seem like a bottomless pit.

She's predicting bank failures and even cited a report that shows an alarmingly high number of banks, 722 to be exact, reporting unrealized losses exceeding 50% capital.

And our savior, the FDIC, isn't looking much better with many calling its current state insolvent.

So... what to do?

Well, she tells us about how, even after Americans basically lost 69% of the value of their gold when it was confiscated by the government back in 1933... the smart investors who had quickly taken the cash paid for the gold and invested it in Homestake Mining were able to profit 519% in just 2 years.

With this in mind, it makes sense that she's recommending a gold stock here.

What we know is that:

  • it's been around for decades and is mining gold at very low costs
  • it's been making lots of big deals - very vague
  • it has remote mining locations

Very general information here, but we think she is teasing none other than Barrick Gold Corp. (NYSE: GOLD).

 >> Full write-up on this "#1 Gold Stock for 2023 and Beyond" here

Her Dollar Endgame "Escape Plan" Picks

  • Title of Teaser Presentation: "Exposed: Dollar Endgame"
  • Name of "Special" Report: "The Escape Plan: How to Become Your Own Banker with the World’s Hardest Asset"
  • Promoted Under: Distortion Report

Like many other teasers out there, such as Teeka's "Biden Shock" of 2023 teaser where he teased a stock pick in preparation for the expected CBDC in the US, Prins is also teasing us with an "end of the dollar"-type pitch and gives us some recommendations to prepare and profit from it. 


There was a heck of a lot going on in this teaser. She was teasing quite a few things but we'll just go over what's relevant to her "Escape Plan" and the picks that go with it.

As you know, Prins thinks the dollar is going to end. More specifically... the paper dollar will end and we'll be forced to use a digital dollar, or Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

She talks about how this process of replacing our cash is already in process, as was leaked in a seemingly unsuspecting bill that was later redacted where information on a "Digital Dollar" was mentioned. But, moving forward some more we have Biden's Executive Order 14067 which is pushing to further the development of such digital assets.

It may sound nearly impossible to eliminate cash, but Prins reminds us of how gold was confiscated from Americans by the government back in 1933 and this wouldn't be much different.

Sounds bad and all to many people, but how can you prepare and even potentially profit from this all?

Well, she gives us several steps to take:

  • Step 1: We weren't able to identify any specific picks here, but with talk about being able to "become your own banker" and how "it's not a commodity, stocks, bonds, or options play" and more... we're guessing she's teasing a cryptocurrency here
  • Step 2: Buy a gold firm. She tells us that the demand for gold will skyrocket with the rollout of a digital dollar and gives us some clues to invest in one of the world's oldest mining companies, which we've identified as Agnico Eagle Mines Limited (NYSE: AEM)
  • Step 3: Here, she teases a special three-stock portfolio but doesn't give any specifics.

This was a messy teaser with lots of different things going on. We weren't able to expose as much as we'd like, but hopefully knowing that she's teasing Agnico Eagle Mines Limited (NYSE: AEM) as well as a cryptocurrency, perhaps Bitcoin?... helps you out some.

 >> Read our full report on these "Escape Plan" picks here

2022 Picks

"The Tiny Firm Saving Amazon"

  • Title of Teaser Presentation: "Amazon Is Running On Empty"
  • Name of "Special" Report: "The Tiny Firm Saving Amazon"
  • Promoted Under: Rogue Strategic Trader

According to Prins in this teaser, "Amazon is running on empty" and is facing some serious problems that one small company might be able to solve for them... possibly making investors in this company a fortune.


Prins starts out the presentation by talking about the difficulties the E-commerce giant Amazon is facing.

With rising fuel costs as well as prices of goods increasing drastically, she tells us that this will cost Amazon a lot... supposedly $264 billion over the next year.

We are told that the cost for Amazon to deliver an average-sized box has gone up by ~83%. Now that's quite a high amount and this is one of the reasons Amazon is planning on laying off thousands of workers.

But, not to worry... of course, there's always (well, almost always) an upside to these teasers. It's not all doom and gloom here and she claims that there's a company Amazon has placed a massive order with that could swoop in to save the day.

It all has to do with EVs, and apparently, this small company isn't making your normal EVs.

What we are told about the company is that:

  • Amazon has placed a massive order for their vehicles along with Transdev Canada
  • They're building a new facility in the midwest that's 900,000 square feet
  • It's generating about $30 million each quarter

What she's teasing here is The Lion Electric Company (NYSE: LEV), which matches up with all the clues nicely.

>> Read our full write-up of her "Tiny Firm Saving Amazon" here

The "Liquid Energy" Company

  • Title of Teaser Presentation: "Why 5 Billionaires are Buying this $4 Stock"
  • Name of "Special" Report: "Liquid Energy: The #1 Stock for the $130 Trillion Energy Revolution"
  • Promoted Under: Disruption Report

The title of this presentation, or at least the one I came across (because there could be different variations of it floating around online), is "Why 5 Billionaires are Buying this $4 Stock".

It sounds interesting. I mean, if a handful of billionaires are buying it, they're must be some big potential here, right?


Well, according to Nomi, there is going to be a $130 trillion (with a T) energy revolution and a small company she's narrowed in on is going to be at the head of it.

She claims to have recently visited Tesla's Gigafactory in Austin, TX, and thinks that this other small company, the one she's teasing, is going to give Tesla a run for its money. Or, rather, she thinks that Musk is dead wrong about the future of batteries and that this small company is going to dominate Tesla.

Yep, batteries. It's another presentation about battery technology, which we've seen no shortage of (Remember Ray Blanco's "Million-Mile Battery", the "Forever Battery" Charles Mizrahi was teasing, or Jason Williams' "Newton Battery"?).

What this whole presentation comes down to is something called an Iron Flow Battery. This is what she's calling "liquid energy" because of how these batteries store electricity in tanks of liquid electrolyte.

Nomi thinks this battery tech is the future, largely due to it being cheaper to store energy when compared to Tesla's lithium-ion batteries, for example. Not only this, but she also mentions how these iron-flow batteries are environmentally friendly. This is largely because of iron's abundance on earth and the fact that they are easier to recycle and reuse.

Of course, these batteries do have their downsides, but the fact that billionaire investors are interested in the technology really makes me wonder what the stock is that Prins tells us is "The #1 Stock" for this tech. Not only this but in 2021 the global market was predicted to grow with a CAGR of 29.3% going from 2021 - 2028 - not too shabby.

Luckily, we were able to figure this one out based on the clues given, some of which include:

  • The company is trading for $4 (at least around this price when she first released her presentation).
  • The company manufactures these batteries and only requires 3 ingredients to do so.
  • Bill Gates, Jack Ma, Richard Branson, Michael Bloomberg, and Jeff Bezos are among the billionaires investing in it.

Based on these, we found the company she's teasing to be ESS Tech Inc. (NYSE: GWH). 

As I write this, the stock is trading at $4.64, but this isn't far off from Nomi's $4 statement. And, I can see that it was trading at this price rather recently.

>> Read our full write-up of this "liquid energy" stock here

Her "#1 Stock for America's New Era"

  • Title of Teaser Presentation: "The REAL Reason Why 263 Million Americans Could Face a 'Permanent Recession'"
  • Name of "Special" Report: "The #1 Stock For America’s New Era"
  • Promoted Under: Disruption Report

A "Permanent Recession"? A big crash that "263 Million Americans Could Face"?

Once again, here we have Nomi Prins fear-mongering to get people to keep their faces glued to their computer screens for her presentation.

And guess what? It sure does work. But this is nothing new. From past presentations like Bill Bonner's "America's Nightmare Winter", Stansberry Research's "The Big Lie", etc... I've seen plenty of doom & gloom teasers of this nature recently.


In this presentation, Nomi talks about how the wealth gap in America continues to grow. The top 1% of our society is getting richer while the majority of us, the middle class, continue to struggle more and more to get by.

The wealth gap was already increasing pre-COVID, but what we've seen more recently is the pandemic acting as somewhat of a catalyst to increase the gap further and further, largely due to rising inflation and decreased purchasing power, which remember was just "transitory"... until it wasn't.

In the presentation, she also talks about how she thinks CBDCs, or Central Bank Digital Currencies, are going to be increasingly pushed on the populations.

It's no secret, and no matter how much you're for or against them, a future with them seems more and more inevitable.

This all sounds bad and all. But, luckily for us, Nomi claims to have identified "The #1 Stock For America’s New Era" and she thinks we can all collect a 500% return if we invest now.

We're told that:

  • Blackrock just acquired 24 million shares of the company and Jack Dorsey has 48 million shares.
  • It's been bringing in $1.3 billion in annual profits.
  • It was called the decentralized "Bank of The Future" on CNBC.

... and with this, we've narrowed it down to being Block Inc (NYSE: SQ) that she's teasing here.

Another stock we've seen teased in the past, Block Inc was teased as the "Crypto Dark Horse" by The Motley Fool as well as their "Top Crypto Play".

>> Read our full write-up of her "#1 Stock for America's New Era" here

That "Great Distortion" Stock of Hers

  • Title of Teaser Presentation: "Fill Your Gas Tank While You Still Can"
  • Name of "Special" Report: "The #1 Stock for America’s Great Distortion: 10x Gains on a Small Firm Disrupting a Critical American Industry"
  • Promoted Under: Disruption Report

"Fill Your Gas Tank... While You Still Can." 

These are the words of advice Prins is giving us.

Sheesh. This sounds horrible. Does this mean filling our tanks might be increasingly hard in the future?


What Prins is harping on and on about here is the energy crisis we're facing.

According to her, "America's New Energy Crisis is Unfolding", but, of course, all you have to do is listen to her and you'll survive.

She says that she thinks we can "maybe even 10x our money, but only if we prepare now."

The energy crisis we're looking at now largely comes from increased demand, yet at the same time decreased supply of oil.

It's almost like a perfect storm, largely fueled by COVID, the Russian-Ukrainian war, and the push towards "renewable" energy that we've been seeing.

Of course, the Davos crowd says that oil is NOT the answer, but right now I think people are mainly worried about being able to put food on the table and not freeze to death this coming winter.

Whatever the solution may be, the fact of the matter is that gas prices are soaring and the commodity is in high demand, and let's remember that this is in addition to Biden draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve at an alarming pace.

But, what Nomi's teasing here actually comes from the other side of the spectrum. She's teasing the opportunity to invest in EVs, something that you can imagine we've reviewed quite a bit of teasers on here at Green Bull (remember Andy Snyder's "No. 1 EV Stock" or that "Bigger Than Tesla" EV stock Jeff Siegel was teasing?).

With rising gas prices, it only makes sense that the transition to EVs would come at an increasing rate, right?

She thinks so and the company she's teasing has something to do with EV charging stations.

Some of what we were told is that:

  • The company in question is bringing about a whole new type of charging station, one that you can use while inside Walmart shopping or grabbing a cup of coffee.
  • They are striving to be a "commerce-centric" charging company and want businesses to use their stations in their parking lots.
  • They have Toyota and Volvo in partnerships.

We were able to figure out this one as being ChargePoint Holdings (NYSE: CHPT), a company that, among other notable accomplishments, has managed to partner with Starbucks to bring EV charges to their parking lots.

This is also a stock we've seen teased by David Fessler as the "Charging King."

>> More on her "great distortion" stock here

Who Is Nomi Prins?


The types of presentations you normally see Prins pumping out are of the typical "doom & gloom" variety.

This comes as no surprise to me seeing that she's working for Rogue Economics, which is under the umbrella of "The Agora", a company that has many of these independent investment research firms under their control with a... well... horrible reputation.

These companies often lure in subscribers to their services via fear-mongering and by other somewhat less than ethical means. Nonetheless, some of the "experts" they have running their investment advisory services are highly qualified and the type of people you'd want to listen to when it comes to investment advice.

Where does Nomi Prins fit in? Should you actually listen to her advice?

Prins' Background:

Well, she claims to be a "20-year Wall Street veteran" who has "ties" to Morgan Chase, Bear Stearns, and Goldman Sachs. This is all in addition to her Ph.D. in International Political Economy, which she claims has helped her a lot in her professional carrier:

I used these skills on Wall Street. Where I made my employers at JP Morgan Chase, Bear Stearns, and Goldman Sachs rich.

Since her time working on Wall Street, she claims to have written 7 books and has appeared on media outlets such as Fox Business, CNBC, Bloomberg, PBS, and CSPAN.

Is she telling the truth here?

Sounds legit, right?

Well, I have yet to do an extensive background check of her, but I will say that based on what research I have done, her claims seem to be no lie.

In a recent presentation (her "Liquid Energy" teaser), she mentions quitting Wall Street "20 years ago". This matches up with her employment record on her LinkedIn profile, which shows her quitting as Managing Director at Goldman Sachs in Apr 2002 (this was after working Lehman Brothers as a Senior Strategist and then at Bear Stearns & Co. as a Senior Managing Director).

Not only this, but I can easily see that her claims of being an author are true by going to Amazon. She's written a handful of books, some of which are very highly rated. For example, at the time of me writing this her book titled Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World has 366 ratings with an average of 4.6 out of 5 stars and her book All the Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power has 309 ratings with an average of 4.6 out of 5 stars as well.

Furthermore, she claims to have attended Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul for her PhD and although I didn't verify this claim through any official university documents, her Wikipedia page does corroborate this.

And yes, you read that correctly. She has her own Wikipedia page. This is a pretty big deal in and of itself.

In my opinion, based on what I did find about Prins in the short time that I researched her background, she seems legit... very legit. In fact, I'd say she seems more legit than most of the financial "experts" out there.

She's still actively appearing on high-level financial media outlets for her expertise and continues to publish in-depth and highly acclaimed books. And please take note, these aren't those books that you often see investment newsletter publishers writing where they write them more to promote their newsletters than anything else. These are quality books in and of themselves.

Conclusion & Should You Buy Nomi's Recommendations?

All this said, should you buy those recommendations Prins is telling you to buy?

Well, here at we cover Nomi's picks but don't take this as a recommendation to buy these stocks. At the end of the day, there's still only one stock advisory service we actually recommend, and it has nothing to do with Nomi Prins.

But, don't take this the wrong way either. We're also not telling you not to buy what she recommends. 

The decision is ultimately up to you. Just, please, please do your own due diligence before buying anything.

These "experts" don't always get everything right.

9 thoughts on “Nomi Prins’ Stock Picks REVEALED [Updated 2024]”

  1. I’m a subscriber of Rogue Economics.

    Your prediction has so far been accurate. I get bored of the seemingly endless list of people who ‘can show us where to put the nxt order’.
    They’re all hoping to receive funds from us separately.

    Jeff Clark, Larry Benedict, Nomi Prinns, Teeka Tewaari & some others that are constantly coming up. We get emails from one of them, recommending that we subscribe to the rest. This week they’re all adding Jeff Clark to their feed & he’s here with three different offers, each one with a unique strategy & price.
    They’re each other’s friends.

    Keep up the good work & get us all the trends.

  2. I think that once the fed rate total 4.75% future forecast is reached and is a threat to servicing the u.s.debt of 31 trill, then they will increase qt tightening
    to try to get to 2%. inflation.

  3. Thanks for your great Recommendation for stock CHPT.

    I’d be embarrassed to tell you how much money I have lost on this your recommendation

  4. I purchased CHARGE POINT HOLDINGS ( CHPT ) as recommended by you on 6/22 at $14.68 a share. Today it is $1.78 per share. Nomi, what should I do ?


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