After Reviewing Hundreds of Stock Advisories, This Is THE ONLY One I Recommend
Most stock advisories are over-hyped and just plain disappointing.
The one I recommend is different. I've been a member for over a year now and can't recommend it enough.
It's run by professional money managers targeting gains of 3x - 10x+ off of heavily discounted stocks that most fund managers would run from.
Right now, they're letting in new members for just $1.
In a nutshell, what the guys running this stock advisory do is look for out-of-favor sectors that are usually rather unpopular and lack funding.
Because of this, the stocks here often extremely undervalued and have the potential for exponential returns.
This is asymmetric investing >> Investing in stocks that have huge upside potential but low downside.
It might sound too good to be true, but I'll get into the details on what they look for, why it's low risk, and how they select their stock picks in more detail in a bit.
Hi, I'm Anders, founder and editor here at Green Bull Research.
I created this website in 2020 to help investors avoid the many overhyped investment opportunities that exist online.
Now, my small team and I help un-tease the teasers, exposing stock picks for free, as well as reviewing the underlying stock advisory services.

Me on a hike
Most Investment Advisory Services Are Over-Hyped And Don't Perform Well
This is the conclusion I've come to after reviewing 100's of such advisory services.
There are plenty of these advisory/stock-picking services out there.
The problem is that most of them... well... just aren't that great.
Many are over-hyped and don't perform well, although they'll often lead you to believe that their subscribers are making loads of money.
What I've often found is that many of the companies providing such services spend most (or much) of their money hyping up new opportunities rather than finding good investments for their subscribers.
Now I'm certainly not saying that all their services are bad. But, what I am saying is that they are often mass-marketed and hyped-up to no-end... which usually leads to a lot of disappointed subscribers.
The stock advisory I recommend is different. This is because they take a different approach to things and look for deep value opportunties that few will touch while you'll find most advisory services just recommending the next hottest tech stocks and whatnot.
Even in the recent market downturn their picks have been fairing quite well. Here's a comparison of their picks (blue line) to the world stock market (green line) as of June 2020...

Here at Green Bull Research, we like results, not hype.
And this is the point of me writing this today... to go over the one and only stock advisory service I recommend and why.
I've been a member of this service for over a year now and recommend it now more than ever.
You've Probably Never Heard of It Before.
My recommendation is "little-known", and the reason for this is simple... the guys running it are focused on results, not on mass-marketing it all over the internet.
It's called the Insider Newsletter, and the professional money managers running it look for stocks most wouldn't touch with a 20 foot pole...
Have you heard of it?
Probably not.
The Insider Newsletter, in a nutshell, is a weekly newsletter advisory service run by professional money manager Chris Macintosh that provides unique market insight & commentary as well as off-the-radar investment ideas that you won't hear 99% of the other "experts" talking about.
Chris' investment approach is generally contrarian, but not always.
The main goal is, of course, to make handsome returns on investments. The way Chris goes about doing this is different from most.
What he recommends are stocks that are out-of-favor, and because of this, extremely undervalued.
Not only that, but him and the team look for sectors that are considered vital for the functioning of society. So, just because their charts may look like a bloodbath, they aren't going away anytime soon.
So instead of it being a question of if you'll make money, it becomes a question of when?
This is how they provide asymmetric investment opportunities with little downside risk.
As mentioned, the goal here is 3x returns at a minimum.
I'll go over this approach with some real examples in more detail shortly, but first let's talk about the guy(s) behind it all more.
Run by professional money managers, not "talking heads" in the media
You won't get any hype from Chris, and this is something I like. He's a no-BS kind of guy, not a professional salesman like much of the "experts" out there.
He's blunt, speaks frank, call's a spade a spade and covers controversial topics sometimes in very un-"politically correct" ways.
But, I joined this service to make profits, and if this is what you're looking for too then you won't find any better.
Chris Macintosh (the main guy behind it all)

Chris is the editor and founder of Capitalist Exploits, the name of the company behind the Insider Newsletter, as well as the founder of Glenorchy Capital, a private capital money management firm for high-net clients.
Chris started out his career at Invesco Asset Management, Lehman Brothers, JP Morgan-Chase and Robert Flemmings, eventually working his way up to managing family offices internationally and overseeing over $30 million invested into venture capital opportunities.
Does he have some big fancy diploma from some ivy league university? Nope.
Chris mentions in an interview on the Jay Kim Show (an investment show) how he became extremely interested in finance and economics, and the history of it, very early on in life. This eventually led him to getting a job in the investment bank world in the mid-to-late 90's (during the dot-com boom) with no terciary education, but, as he puts it, working his "ass off" to make up for it (also mentions having a great mentor).
Over the years he's also gained first-hand knowledge of the global markets by traveling around quite a bit. According to the same interview I mentioned above (from 2020), Chris claims to have lived in 7 different countries.
This past career experience and global background is great and all, but what's not talked about quite so often, but is perhaps more important than anything else, is the fact that over the years of working in the industry he's made high level industry contacts all over the world.
It's this "rolodex" of contacts that he often uses to get insight into what's going in the markets and the world in general that most people just don't have access to.
Brad McFadden (behind the scenes)

Chris isn't alone in this work. Behind the scenes, doing a lot of the research and digging around for unpopular stocks that are being traded at massive discounts, is Brad.
I'm not entirely sure how the two met, but I do know what they've been friends for years and both grew up in South Africa.
Brad has 20+ years of experience in the markets, having worked at Henry Ansbacher managing high net-worth clients' funds as well as managing a trading book for Rand Merchant Bank in South Africa.
Besides working at Cap Ex, he's also the Chief Investment Officer for an investment community and education company.
Brad is the Head Trader at Insider, and although you won't hear from him in the Insider newsletters, the work he does uncovering deep value opportunties with asymmetric potential is equally as important.
The two of them make a great team.
Asymmetric Returns by Investing In Out-Of-Favor Stocks
This is their strategy, and here are a couple examples of where they invest... at rock bottom...

The first chart shows an investment that took years (right around 4 years) to show any returns worth talking about, yet if you had waited those years you'd be sitting on 4x+ returns right now... with still a long way to go.
The second chart was more perfectly timed. They invested right at the bottom, have already made nice returns and, still, have a long way to go.
These charts track the performance of overall sectors, and the arrows point to when Chris and Brad first published recommendations in these sectors.
As mentioned, what Chris and Brad do is look for entire sectors that are extremely undervalued and out-of-favor, and invest in stocks there.
These sectors are often out-of-favor for political or social reasons, and are areas most fund managers wouldn't touch with a 20 ft pole.
“We’re buying these things when they’re absolute toxic waste”. - Brad
Why do they invest in these sectors? Well, because sectors like these are where you can find great asymmetry, having stocks trading at heavily discounted prices because they've been starved of funding.
It's all about asymmetric investing, which is simply finding opportunities with big upside and little downside.
As Chris Macintosh has stated himself, "I engineer my portfolio so that even if I'm right only 25% of the time, I'm still profitable."
Here's how they do it (a top-down approach)..
It's a top-down approach.
First, they start with the big, global macro picture, looking at capital flows, supply and demand issues, what's needed to meet the often ridiculously unobtainable goals of politicians, etc.
Second, they decide what angle to take... how to invest for the biggest upside and the lowest risk?
Example: do you buy physical bullion or do you buy a gold ETF? Do you buy gold mining companies or do you buy gold mining royalty companies?
They look for what's profitable, practical, most resiliant to the chaos in the world, and... all-in-all, what has the most upside with the least downside.
Thirdly, they select companies that are 80 - 95+% down from previous highs, yet still financially healthy, have good management, and have been able to weather the storm of extreme lacks of funding.
The Results:
As I showed earlier, here's a comparison of the world stock market (green line) to their recommendations (blue line). And keep in mind that this is during a market downturn.

Their strategy works, and they believe the bull markets in the sectors they're invested in are just getting started and will last years to come.
What you get with the Insider Newsletter
As has become custom, each weekly issue of the newsletter starts out with a nice sunset photo sent in from a subscriber.

After this, you'll find the a list of what's going to be covered in the current issue and then you'll get to the meat of things, which can be quite a lot of content.
*These newsletters generally seem range from 20 - 40 pages of unique investment insight, depending on what's going on in the world.
As mentioned, Chris takes a global approach to investing. You can expect a wide-angle macro economical view in these newsletters.
Some things you can expect him to cover include:
Some of the content you'll find here will be a bit glum, but there's not too much doom & gloom because Chris always provides practical solutions for profiting.
Finding ways to profit from just about any situation..
Governments have been racking up unsustainable debt-levels for years, and the stimulus packages that have been sent out in response to the coronavirus have only exacerbated this problem.
Contrary to what the MSM is leading us to believe, the coming inflation is far from being "transitory" and debt levels are to the point that they could make blood shoot from your eyes.
Sounds bad, right?
Yeah, but we can still position our money to profit from it all.
Everything is relative, and in a time of inflation it's better to own "stuff" (like undervalued stocks) rather than fiat currency.
This is just one of many examples I can give.
Sure, the world as we knew it pre-2020 has changed drastically with COVID coming onto the scene - lockdowns of draconian proportion, riots, supply destruction, governments printing cash like there's no tomorrow, increasing geopolitical tensions, etc.
With the endless flow of news and information in today's world (mostly garbage), it's hard to know what to listen to and how to stay safe.
This is what the Insider Newsletter helps with.
Essentially, the Insider Newsletter is a curated report of what Chris, as an experienced professional fund manager who has a single goal of profiting from current situations, finds to be important enough to share.
No BS.
No hype.
Just the important stuff.
That's the core of the Insider Newsletter.
At the end of each issue, you will find what's called "The Big Five", which are described as:
"Five interesting long-term setups - unloved and totally off the radar of the average fund manager."
First you get all the important news of what's going on out there, and then you're left off with some actionable investment ideas.

What you'll often find here are charts that offer huge asymmetry, like this one from a recent weekly newsletter...

Remember, they're trying to invest at the bottom.
Right now it's only $1 to join
I can't recommend the Insider Newsletter enough.
It's a breath of fresh air in an industry that is mostly filled with garbage and sensationalist crap.
Keep up to date with what's important and get quality unique investment ideas... for only $1.
This is the special offer that Chris and Brad have made available if you join today.
The Insider Newsletter costs $35 per month, which is one heck of a deal any way you look at it, but right now just $1 for the entire first month.
Just $1 for your first 4 Insider newsletters, with the latest issue sent out immediately upon joining.
Where they're investing at the moment
Of course I can't divulge everything that they're investing in, but I will explain one sector Chris and Brad are extremely bullish on right now and their reasoning.
This will give you a better understanding of how they invest.
What they're bullish on right now: Agriculture
Here's why..
Their thesis (in a nutshell): Food shortages are going to get worse in the near future. This is mainly stemming from economically-destructive COVID "lockdowns" - an attempt to stop the spread of the virus, but with many unforseen second-order consequences that are starting to rear their heads.
It's created "unprecedented supply and labour destruction in our globalised food system".
Add to this the increasing monetary debasement and geopolitical tensions we're seeing and... well... it's the perfect storm for higher food prices.
Much of this is still playing out in real-time as it takes time for the effects to be felt (consumers being at the end of the food supply chain).
Yes, it's a bit glum.
But, at least we can profit from it.
These are the types of investment opportunties Chris and Brad look for - often times profiting from chaos.
Now, this agriculture investment thesis isn't typically what you find with the Insider Newsletter.
It's not an unpopular sector that has been left for dead.
But, it's certainly vital for society, and at the moment looks extremely undervalued.
Why I recommend the Insider Newsletter
I stumbled upon this service pretty much by luck over a year ago.
It goes without saying that I've been a member ever since (a happy member at that!).
I've reviewed 100s of investment advisory services over the years, many before even starting this website.
Most are heavily marketed, chase the "hottest" new trends, and simply do not perform all that well.
The Inside Newsletter isn't like this at all. It's truely unique in the field.
Chris and Brad take an old-school investment approach.
Sometimes they invest in "boring" things... but there's nothing boring about making 3x+ returns.
I'm far from the only person who agrees.
In fact, the company behind the Insider Newsletter, Capitalist Exploits, has a 4.9 out of 5 star rating on Trustpilot - almost unheard of.

Here's a review I found from someone claiming they've "been an investor for over 20 years" and that "this is by far the best service" they've come across...

Here's another, this one from a subscriber talking about the uniqueness of the service, stating that it's something "you will simply not find anywhere else"...

That's a statement I'd have to agree with based on my personal experience as well.
And here we have a review mentioning the "no hype, no need for mass marketing" approach. This is another reason I'm more than happy with the service myself.

Just some of the overwhelmingly positive reviews this service has received.
So, if you're looking for my top recommendation here at Green Bull Research, this is it.
Just be warned... Chris isn't known for beating around the bush, nor is he known for being "politically correct".
He's a professional money manager above everything else.
He's looking to profit, and he calls things as he sees them.
If you are easily offended, this might not be the right service for you.
But, if you give him an open mind and listen to the unique market insights and investment ideas presented, which are often far from what you'll hear in the Mainstream Media, then you'll be right at home.
You can click the button below to join and they'll send you the latest issue immediately.
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