The Company Who Makes The “Quantum Glass” Battery – Revealed

The opportunity to invest in "quantum glass" battery technology has been teased a lot lately. Being an early investor could potentially lead to large gains, but who is it behind this new tech? What company makes "quantum glass" batteries, aka the "battery of the future"?

This is what the focus of this review is about. People have been asking for more information on this matter and here at Green Bull Research answering questions like this is exactly what we do.

In this quick review I'll be going over what the heck "quantum glass" batteries really are and the company (stock ticker included) behind it all.

The teaser:

From what I've been able to find, investment expert Matt McCall been the one teasing this opportunity all over the internet, claiming that this new breakthrough technology "will ignite the global $3 trillion electric car revolution"...

Matt McCall is someone we're familiar with, having come across teasers by him in the past, such as that for his FOLED stock and 5G Highway stocks. He has around two decades of professional experience in finance, starting out at the position of account executive over at Charles Schwab. He's written investment books, has been featured on media outlets like Fox News & CNBC for his expertise, and is currently running some investment newsletter advisory services over at InvestorPlace.

He knows a thing or two about investing in solid companies behind breakthrough technology, but at the same time you have to take what he says with a grain of salt because he's also a salesman for his advisory services.

What the heck is a "Quantum Glass" Battery?

"Quantum glass" batteries, which are more commonly referred to as simply glass batteries, are a type of solid state battery that use a glass electrolyte and lithium or sodium metal electrodes.

The description of this new type of battery was first published in Energy & Environmental Science in 2016 and has been subject to a considerable amount of skepticism... but is said to solve two of the biggest problems currently facing electric vehicles and holding them back from more widespread adoption, which are a short battery life and long charging times.

This new tech was developed by Nobel Prize winner John Goodenough, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin who also is behind the lithium-ion battery tech currently being used in EVs.

Glass batteries' electrolytes, which I just mentioned are solid state, have a higher energy density, meaning they can hold more electricity. This is great and all, but what's sometimes overlooked is how this new battery tech also helps to eliminate the problem of batteries exploding. Right now, a good portion of the weight of lithium-ion batteries go into preventing explosions... and solid state batteries don't have this problem.

Matt McCall seems to have been the one who coined the term "quantum glass" battery and has also referred to this as the "Jesus battery" and "holy grail"... claiming that this technology will grow as much as 67,976% in the coming years (a bold prediction).

It's promising new battery technology and of course there are many people looking to invest in it... so let's get to the point of this article and talk about the company who makes it.

Exposing What Company Makes the "Quantum Glass" Battery

There are a lot of companies out there trying to get a piece of the market for this new battery tech, but what we're mostly interested in here is the company that Matt McCall has been teasing... since he's the one who came up with the "quantum glass" battery term and all.

What's the company behind the new technology that McCall thinks will grow as much as 67,976% in the coming years?? What is Matt McCall's "battery of the future"?

Without further ado... it's more than likely Ilika, which "is a pioneer in a ground-breaking solid state battery technology", with their main product line being Stereax batteries.

  • London Exchange: IKA

Ilika is a UK company but also has operations in the US, China and Israel.

I'll keep it short in this post, but if you want more information on how we came to the conclusion on Ilika being McCall's stock pick here you can read this post.

Other "Quantum Glass" Battery Companies You Might Want to Consider

I was also able to find that InvestorPlace, the company that Matt McCall works for, has an article on other "quantum glass" battery stocks "that could surge". These include:

  • Panasonic (PCRFY) - Entered into a 3-year deal with Tesla to manufacture lithium-ion batteries and is "at the forefront of the current revolution with batteries and electric vehicles", according to InvestorPlace. Also developing solid state batteries.
  •  Albemarle (ALB) - A world-leader in lithium mining.
  • Samsung (SSNLF) - Has developed solid-state batteries that can help EVs go 500 miles on a single charge and can be recharged more than 1,000 times.

Now you may be wondering why they are listing a company that mines lithium as a good way to invest in "quantum glass" battery tech, and the reason is simple... this is because lithium is still a component of many solid state batteries.

Good Investment Opportunity?

Solid state glass batteries have big potential but only time will tell how things really play out. McCall seems to think they are going to take over the EV market. However, there are big advancements being made with the common lithium-ion batteries and if they continue to see such then there might no longer be the need for solid state ones.

As far as Ilika goes, well, they are still a very small company and investing in them would carry some risk. Not only is the future of solid state batteries uncertain, but there are also a number of other small companies out there they have to compete with, and we're seeing larger lithium-ion battery manufacturers stepping into the space as they see the potential of solid state batteries. That said, they do still remain in good positioning to take advantage of future growth.

As always, invest at your own risk and do your own due-diligence before anything.

Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • The "Quantum glass" battery term was made-up by investment expert Matt McCall and they are really just a type of solid-state battery.
  • McCall thinks that this new battery technology will grow as much as 67,976% in the coming years.
  • He teases the opportunity to invest in a company who makes these batteries as a way to make a lot of money.
  • The company he's teasing is likely Ilika, which is a small UK-based company that has good positioning in the space.
  • Because this is a new technology and its future is uncertain, and because Ilika is still a very small company, investing here definitely carries risk.

Hopefully this review has provided some value to you and helped clear the air on this investment opportunity.

As always, let us know what you think of this stock pick down in the comment section below. We like to hear back from our readers!

27 thoughts on “The Company Who Makes The “Quantum Glass” Battery – Revealed”

  1. clap your hands, you Split the Atom! That's how stupid the government thinks we, American, society thinks of the United State of America thinks we are! I've been called dumb…. Feel awful dumb to let that go. 12 years at Cresco High School. Coledge at…local. Dad was so smart. Read all the time. Cowboy novels, read paper. Last thing Dad said to me is "don't let people forget". What did he mean? Hope he ment the enviroment? Keep mis-takes in to show I'm no genius! Maybe nuclear power–Cresco, Iowa?

    • Jon Henry

      Maybe you should go back to high school and learn how to spell College. Just because you don't believe in this battery technology doesn't mean it doesn't exist. People are supposed to be broad minded instead of being narrow headed.

  2. How much does it cost to make these batteries compared to lithium ion batteries, and when they have reached the end of their service life are they recyclable or are they toxicundefinedhazardous waste?

  3. I have followed, and invested in, Ilika for well over a year or two. They already sell their Stearax batteries aimed at embedded medical technology and ultimately the IoT, They have serious technical partners for their larger, car sized batteries and have set up a trial production facility and, I believe, are signing up mass battery factories to use or license the technology and patents….
    But they might not be entirely alone – however, the race to be first to market is vital…..

    • I am a very small invester and have been following Lithium-batteries info and then the Jesus-battery and learned about ILIKF what brokerage co. on the net do you recommend to use to invest in ILIKF THANKS JOHN COSPER

      • Yes, I have this same problem. I'm small-time, and new; I have accounts on Webull, Tradestation, and with my bank (JPMChase). None of them will allow me to buy shares of ILIKF–not even Tradestation, which I joined specifically to trade OTC and penny stocks. This is the second or third time in the past couple of weeks–like I said, I'm new–I've gotten a recommendation that I can't act on, and it's really frustrating! (Not Green Bull's fault, of course.)

        It makes me even more glad that I'm not spending the money to join all these advisories and such–how many of their daily or weekly recommends would I be shut out of? Where do I have to open an account to get access to these stocks, or do I have to find a broker (which, what broker is going to be willing to work with someone investing $20 here or $30 there? My total investment/portfolio right now is less than $200; no professional is going to even look at me for that).

        • I’ve used TD Ameritrade for years which is now Schwab, another top notch online broker. Great free education on their site. Also, Schwab has advisors you can call and talk to. Most trades are free but OTC trades are $7. Not a bad cost. They have no minimum investments. Open an account, deposit what you have, and then do the research on their site into investments, and buy what you want. Schwab was literally developed for small investors like us. Read reviews on Schwab and you should be highly pleased. Most broker comparisons rate Schwab number 1. Good luck and always do your due diligence before you invest in any stock.

  4. Thanks! I am feeling pleased with myself that I tracked down the name of the quantum glass battery company without having to pay $47 for Matt's newsletter. Hope to impress my young broker with my success!

  5. Hello, Mr. Anders.

    How are you doing today?

    May I know what stocks are you currently investing in and what if any are you holding for the long term? Thank you for your expertise, patience, generosity, and your time, stay safe, thank you,


  6. Yes, the Matt McCaul hype is tempting. The glass between Sodium and Lithium seems potentially cheap and its solid state logically appears would mitigate against explosion and degeneration over time. Glass is stable and environmentally fairly benign. However, is there a patent on the production such that one company will corner the market/

    So which company will that be? Gates,, Besos and Musk brought skills that got them out ahead, plus abilities to maintain their lead. The glass battery appears simple enough that you could have dozens of companies competing. Which one to invest in? You could be dumping your money into a Theranos 'blood testing' machine. A somewhat ironic aspect is, the inventor of the technology is named Goodenough, which should give you pause.

    • Try prime planet energy solutions.
      They are tied in with Panasonic and Toyota.
      Both companies are part owners in the afore mentioned.
      The patent however is held by nleg and university of texas.

  7. The article you wrote here on the glass battery is one I have have been following for many moths.
    Their is one other battery development I have been watching with the glass battery. You may want to look this one up and follow as well. The company is called Sila nanotechnologies. They are a company that has developed a battery more powerful than the glass battery, but I still find the glass battery of
    great interest If the nano powder that has been developed is what is being claimed is one that will out perform the glass battery. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

  8. This sounds like the former business model of Fuel Positive Corp (NHHHF), formerly known as EEStor, formerly known as Zenn, formerly known as Feel Good Cars.

    They were working on an ultracapacitor using Barium Titanate as the dielectric, and had a few good results on hand-tweaked prototypes, but couldn't get it to manufacture consistently or to scale. The company still has that model in their back pocket, but has since moved on to using ammonia and a device that can create ammonia in a carbon free manner (hence their name change to Fuel Positive).

    Energy density is key. If the company doesn't show good consistent results and a decent amount of energy density when compared to fossil fuels like gasoline or diesel, then watch out!

    That being said, the stock isn't that expensive, so a modest investment (using money that can be lost completely without issue) wouldn't necessarily be a bad idea.

  9. It was a real pleasure to read the Green Bull Research analysis of the so called Jesus or miracle battery. Your report with the real abilities of this battery put it all in perspective for me. Mr. Mizrahi has made some fantastic claims as to this battery's capabilities which are just false. As a result I was very interested as an investor, but now when I understand that there are many folks working the problem I will look at this universe instead of trying to find the one planet that is unique. By the way I have not purchased any of the Mizrahi reports which seem to be pumping his little company. I did my own research to get to Green Bull Research. Once I read your take I knew it was real. I also used to work for Merrill, Lynch.

  10. The original Prius was put together with rechargeable C batteries. Something like 2,000 of them.
    What I find interesting with the glass rechargeable is the common sizes of normal batteries. Because a glass version of the lithium batteries used in a digital camera could really use the common sizes to extend the life of batteries used for common everyday things like telephones.
    Extending the life of batteries is a worthy project even if it costs much more.
    Putting the battery companies out of the market happened all ready with the alkaline and lithium batteries.
    I think the battery companies have deliberately shortened the life of the lithium batteries currently on the market.
    No one has mentioned voltage and amperage. A typical lithium non-recharged battery is at between 1.8 and 1.7 volts.
    And that is basic to all 1.5 volt batteries.
    The rechargables of yesteryear were at 1.2 volts each.
    When we used 4 batteries in a camera or a telephone it brought total voltage to 6 volts. With the other chemical nature it was 4.8. Lithiums were 6.8 volts
    Most units today use at most 2 batteries.


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