James Altucher’s “Second 1,000% Apple Call” – Potential to 100x Your Money?

On February 2nd, Apple held its biggest product launch since the iPhone – the Apple Vision Pro.

The night before James Altucher went live with a “Second 1,000% Apple Call”, saying this launch has opened up a “wealth window” for us to double or triple our money in the coming months. 


The Teaser

James goes further, saying this opportunity could even deliver a 100x return over the next decade. What is he talking about?

Source: paradigm-press.info

James Altucher could be described as a serial entrepreneur and now a serial stock pitch connoisseur through his Altucher Investment Network, which is published by Paradigm Press. We have reviewed many of his previous pitches here at Greenbull, including the “A.I. Crown Jewel” Supplier Stock and “Carbon Web” Company.

Without going too deep into James' repetitive video pitch, I suspect this could be about an Apple partner or supplier stock. But let's see what he says.

Back in 2010, James predicted that Apple would become the world’s first trillion-dollar company when its market cap was ‘only' around $200-$300 billion. This was the first 1,000% Apple prediction of his career.

This time around is a bit different, however.

Even though relative paragons of objectivity like Investopedia concur with his conclusion that Apple's Vision Pro could be another game changer. He isn't recommending we go out and load up on Apple shares like many publications and analysts.

Instead, James' focus is on a small $2 stock that could prove to be his second correct 1,000% Apple prediction.

The AI 2.0 Thesis

Apple's CEO Tim Cook claims the Vision Pro is the most advanced consumer electronics device ever created.

Admittedly, he's a bit biased, but it ties into James' AI 2.0 thesis, which is creating a “wealth window.”

See, one of the areas where the Vision Pro is a leap ahead of its competition is in the realm of high-resolution display. Simply put, its display quality is good enough to replace a computer monitor or phone screen.

One tiny company is behind this advanced display tech and as demand for its patented technology increases, it could 10x our money in just a matter of months.


The Pitch

All the details on this tiny firm have been packaged into a research packet called the Second Apple Prediction.

The research is ours, but only if we subscribe to something called the Paradigm Mastermind Group. 

Source: paradigm-press.info

This is a tech and AI-focused newsletter that is built on the ideas of three analysts – James Altucher, Jim Rickards, and Ray Blanco, who are all familiar names to longtime readers, as we have covered their pitches here before.

One to two new technology stock recommendations per month are promised in the subscription, as are live quarterly mastermind calls discussing the hottest early-stage tech opportunities, along with subscriptions to some of Paradigm's other newsletters, such as the Paradigm Press Concierge and Altucher Confidential. 

It's all ours for the not-so-low price of $2,495.


The Next Phase of AI – 2.0

AI 2.0 is supposed to change the way we work, are entertained, and maybe even shop.

James is talking about the intersection of Virtual Reality (VR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), which have been rapidly advancing in recent years.

Right now, the size of the virtual reality market is about $60 billion. But researchers at Citi believe the virtual reality economy could be worth as much as $13 trillion by 2030.

That's more than 200x growth in just over half a decade if they are right.

The Apple Vision Pro is a big leap towards this and it is already changing the world.

Someone wearing one of these headsets recently sat courtside at an NBA game proving this point and with upwards of 200,000 Vision Pro headsets already sold to date, we're still very much in the early days of this change.

The Key to Apple's VR Dominance

If Apple is going to dominate VR like it previously did the downloadable music and smartphone market, it's going to need the necessary technological components to scale.

After all, a single VR/AR headset consists of all the components listed below:

  • Sensors
  • Input devices
  • Audio system
  • Software

All of these are mission-critical to creating an immersive experience and one “mighty little company” has the goods to supply Apple with what it needs.

James believes this company could join the ranks of Apple partners or Apple could simply buy up the entire business given its moth size compared to the $2.7 trillion market cap of the tech giant.

This is purely speculative, but such a move would give Apple more control over the VR supply chain and bring one of the critical components highlighted above in-house.

If this happens, James' pick could easily double or triple our money over the short term. Let's find out what his second Apple call is.


Revealing James Altucher's Second 1,000% Apple Call

James cast a wide net and sprinkled his clues throughout his long video presentation, making sure we watched it all…sigh. In the end, this is what we got:

  • The tiny company has approximately 200 patents to its name.
  • It already supplies the likes of Google, 3M, and Garmin with VR/AR components, among others.
  • Its current market cap is less than a quarter of 1% of Apple's market cap.

The answer was found on Reddit's r/stocks forum thanks to user u/happy-tripping. James' second 1,000% Apple call is Kopin Corp. (Nasdaq: KOPN).

  • Our Reddit friend rightly said that Kopin holds over 200 patents, mostly related to wearables.
  • It is a Google (Google Glass), 3M, and Garmin supplier.
  • The current market cap of KOPN is just under $300 million, so less than 0.015% of Apple's market cap.


Real Potential to Make 100x Our Money?

Can and will Kopin become a $30 billion company or 100x its present size?

To properly answer this, we need to determine just how big virtual/augmented/mixed reality will be.

As someone who considers himself an adopter of early technology – I first logged onto a PC as a kid in 1996 and started using Twitter/X shortly after it launched in 2007, I am not at all tempted to put a giant headset on my head around the house, let alone in public.

Until the technology becomes more affordable, an Apple Vision Pro headset currently retails for $3,500-$4,000, and more wearable, I'm not going to bother with it.

That's just me of course, but I suspect others feel the same way.

This is kind of representative of Kopin's financials. The company's revenue has been steadily, but slowly, growing over the past few years. Going from $40 million in 2020 to over $48 million last year.

A whopping 7% annual growth rate.

Having said that, I can see the practical future use cases for VR/AR, like virtual meetings (Zoom sucks), interactive learning experiences, and hands-free conversations.

Kopin's OLED microdisplays are said to have the highest frame rates and resolution rates with the smallest sizes and lowest power consumption, so the company is an early frontrunner.

I don't know if this is a good thing, given the fate of early Internet companies, but just like them, Kopin is purely a speculative growth play at this stage.


Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • James Altucher made the “Second 1,000% Apple Call” of his career, saying the launch of Apple's Vision Pro headset has opened up a “wealth window” for us to double or triple our money in the coming months and 100x our money over the long term.
  • This is all about the intersection of Virtual Reality (VR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), which have been rapidly advancing in recent years and one tiny company is behind the advanced tech necessary to scale things up.
  • All the details on this tiny firm have been packaged into a research packet called the Second Apple Prediction. It's ours if we subscribe to something called the Paradigm Mastermind Group, which costs a not-so-low $2,495.
  • Greenbull readers don't need to pony up any money though, as we were able to reveal James' second 1,000% Apple Call for free as Kopin Corp. (Nasdaq: KOPN).
  • As a maker of quality components for wearable VR/AR devices with patented tech, Kopin has real potential, but that's all it will have until headsets hit the mainstream.

Do you already own or plan to buy a VR/AR headset? Leave a Yes or a No in the comment section.

12 thoughts on “James Altucher’s “Second 1,000% Apple Call” – Potential to 100x Your Money?”

  1. Like you I have been an early adopter. 1980’s had mobile phone then cell and satellite (for Rural reception). Then Flip and now Smart iPhone. First used Internet in 1993 on PC’s and Apple. Tried Linux. Developed Shop Carts for business in late 1990’s.
    I am waiting for the Holodeck from Star Trek and a 3D experience. That will be awesome. The headphones, not so much.

  2. I agree this is a company to wait on and see how the technology advances. At under $3 a share, you can put this on the back burner and let it simmer.

  3. No, but it inspired me in 10 seconds to think of a GREAT way to use the product. Very cool to be living in this era of AI !

  4. I note I bought Kopin based on this sometime in early 2024 for $1.98 and today 6/6/2024 it is worth just over $0.78 per share. Math tells me it is less than 100x my money. : ( Altucher’s presentation today (6/6/24) is the link below, another $2,495 teaser for the name of the vendor most likely to benefit from Apple’s 6/10/2024 1:00 PM EST/11:00 AM PST reveal of it’s AI iPhone which requires ios 18 (I think) to run AI on iPhone 15 or later models.

    Tech Insider James Altucher predicts this will send one tiny AI stock up 1,000% over the next 12 months! (paradigm-press.info)


    The order form: https://order.paradigm-press.info/journey/pmg_aiphone_0524/1?promocode=WPMG4600&h=true&origin=PMGPHONE&origin_type=list&pagenumber=2&organization-abbreviation=AF

    Please post if you have Altucher’s stock pick for this! (Please!)


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