Exposing Louis Navellier’s “QaaS” Stocks – The Biggest Technology of the 21st Century?

Over the past 30 years, Jeff Bezos has built a trillion-dollar empire by making massive bets on cutting-edge technology.

Now, he's made his next bet in something Louis Navellier calls “QaaS” that could be the biggest technology of the 21st century.


The Teaser

By making this investment, Bezos has set himself up to capture the lion’s share of a brand-new technology destined to rewrite every aspect of the American economy.

Source: investorplace.com

Louis Navellier started his investing career back in 1977, so he's been around the block once or twice and isn't just chasing the latest fads. We have previously revealed his A Phase” Stocks and New Oil Age” Plays, which were decent picks, so let's hear him out on this one.

All told, “QaaS” is going to be a core technology to almost every industry we can think of, making it a once-in-a-lifetime $46 trillion opportunity.

The best part is, this tech is already in use and it's disrupting numerous industries.

$10.4 Trillion Disruption

One early example is the massive $10.4 trillion logistics and delivery industry.

For decades delivery companies have been faced with the “traveling salesman problem.” 

This means finding the best path for all delivery drivers to take to cut down on stops, traffic lights, and wear and tear on vehicles. It's a difficult problem because a single 16-stop route has over 20 trillion possibilities.

Several years ago, UPS began using a primitive version of “QaaScalled ORION in an attempt to make its drivers more efficient.

According to Forbes, ORION was able to find routes that reduced fuel consumption by over 10 million gallons, resulting in $300-400 million in annual cost savings.

Keep in mind, that these savings were only for their trucks, not counting their planes, cargo ships, or any other vehicles, and this is just one company in one industry.

The technology behind ORION is called Quantum Computing As A Service (QaaS) and Louis has a “#1 ‘QaaS’ Stock” that is set to dominate the market.


The Pitch

Louis has put together a brand-new report called, My #1 QaaS Stock: The Tiny Company About to Dominate the Coming $46 Trillion Disruption.

Source: investorplace.com

In it, he provides all the details to capitalize on this play, and all we need to do to get it is subscribe to a year of Louis Navellier’s Growth Investor newsletter for $49.

Included in the offer is a 90-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee, 12 monthly issues of the Growth Investor, and four reports, including the one being teased here.


The Most Powerful Technology Ever

Quantum computing has been around for decades, ever since the fields of quantum mechanics and computer science began to converge in the 1940s.

Now it's finally ready to come out of the lab and be applied to solving our biggest problems.

Without getting overly technical and breaking down how transistors work, quantum computing technology is 158 million times more powerful than the world’s biggest and most capable supercomputers. 

Simply put, its ability to process data and run simulations is incredible.

For example, Google gave a quantum computer one of the most difficult math problems in existence. It was a problem that would take the world's fastest supercomputer 10,000 years to solve, but a quantum computer solved it in less than four minutes.

This was back in 2019, since that time quantum technology has become exponentially more powerful and now it's on the brink of being able to solve problems once thought impossible.

The Next Industrial Revolution

As fast as innovation has been over the past decade, quantum computing is about to make it way, way faster.

Louis says we should be thinking of cancer cures, forever batteries, and unlimited energy production, to name just a few.

One former NASA engineer even believes quantum computing is going to “lead to the next industrial revolution” and remember Jeff Bezos? He's backed several quantum computing ventures, including publicly traded D-Wave Systems (NYSE: QBTS).

This is a lot of hype for a technology that up until now, has largely only seen theoretical applications.

However, this is now changing thanks to the #1 QaaS Stock and a piece of technology they’ve patented called an ion trapper.

Made of a composite group of highly specialized materials including silicon, quartz, and sapphire

It has enabled the company that Louis is teasing to create the first-ever commercially viable quantum computer.

Not only is it viable, but it is 32,000 times more powerful than any other quantum computer on the market, creating a scenario where this company could command a majority share of the emerging quantum computing market.

Let's find out the name of the #1 QaaS Stock and why Louis believes it could be to quantum computing, what Nvidia has been to AI.


Exposing Louis Navellier's QaaS Stock

We get a few generic clues about Louis' #1 QaaS company:

  • It's a small Maryland-based firm that's projected 100% CAGR for years to come.
  • They are already working with the likes of Amazon, Microsoft, and the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

The Maryland-based and DARPA partner clues led us to IonQ Inc. (NYSE: IONQ).

But wait, we're not done. As a bonus, Louis teases two more QaaS stocks for six-figure paydays and we're going to try and reveal these too.

Stock #1

  • Is an Austin, Texas-based company that specializes in cloud security.
  • They are the first company to hit $1 billion in revenue on AWS’s marketplace.  

The pick here is CrowdStrike Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: CRWD).

  • CrowdStrike is based in Austin, Texas, and claims to be the first cybersecurity vendor to sell more than $1 billion of software through the AWS Marketplace.

Stock #2

  • For over 40 years they’ve built a competitive advantage in almost every aspect of technology, including cloud computing, cybersecurity, software, gaming, hardware, search, you name it.
  • As of November 8, 2023, they’ve taken their game to the next level and made a massive investment into QaaS that could drastically improve every aspect of their business.

What I was able to find relating to November 8th, is that it is the date quantum computing and networking startup Photonic raised a $100 million round that included an investment from Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT).


The Perfect Mix of Stability and Exponential Growth?

Louis'picks run the gamut between mid-cap, large-cap, and mega-cap. Here are my two cents on each:

IonQ: The company does have several quantum computing-related patents assigned to it, but it isn't the only one, so this isn't a source of competitive advantage. IonQ is a high-risk, higher-reward type of play.

CrowdStrike: Decent business in a high-growth industry – cybersecurity. However, it is overvalued at a price/earnings of over 800x and there's lots of competition in the space.

Microsoft: Probably the best pick of the bunch simply because it meets the criteria of safety of principal and satisfactory return over the long term.

One thing I am certain of, we will see many more quantum computing teasers and picks over the coming months and years. So, we will have plenty of opportunities to stake our claim in this nascent space.


Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • Louis Navellier is teasing something he calls “QaaS” that could be bigger than AI and he has a few picks that are set to see explosive growth.
  • What Louis calls “QaaS” is Quantum Computing As A Service (QaaS), and it is giving rise to technology so powerful, that it will be able to solve problems once thought impossible.
  • Louis has put together a brand-new report called, My #1 QaaS Stock: The Tiny Company About to Dominate the Coming $46 Trillion Disruption. In it, he details everything we need to know about this play and it's ours with a subscription to his Growth Investor newsletter for $49.
  • We are in top form here at Greenbull as we were able to reveal not only Louis' top pick as IonQ Inc. (NYSE: IONQ), but two other bonus picks as well. They are CrowdStrike Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: CRWDand Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT).
  • Louis' three picks are high-risk, higher-reward, overvalued, and a good mix of stability and growth in that order.

Will quantum computing solve humanity's biggest problems? Drop a Yes or a No in the comments.

3 thoughts on “Exposing Louis Navellier’s “QaaS” Stocks – The Biggest Technology of the 21st Century?”

  1. Great..two stocks I’m already invested in, and IONQ that I , bought a year ago (3.7.23) at 4.99, did balloon up to 19.04 in July, but back down to 9.64 in October and sold the last of them at 12.86, now in the 8’S

  2. I already own qbts (D-Wave) and impressed by their activities. So far no quantum systems are reliable from a data integrity standpoint, or able to boast even 1K of actual qbits, so building actual computers at the atomic level is still some years off. qbts seems to be leading the effort; others (ie msft) just trying not to be left behind. A bit is limited to 1 of 2 choices; a qbit can have multiple choices (via spin) – hence promises faster computing.


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