That “x.AI” Stock Adam O’Dell Won’t Shut Up About – Exposed

You may have heard about the $80 trillion Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry, but have you heard about the fastest growing sector within it? Or the one small cap stock that is at the center of it?

Adam O'Dell is here to tell us about “x.AI”, in this presentation that he says will change our lives! 


The Teaser

The presentation starts with a video of billionaire tech investor and early Internet pioneer, Mark Cuban saying AI will have 10X the impact of the Internet.

Adam O'Dell is a former hedge fund manager and editor of Money & Markets' Green Zone Fortunes, Home Run Profits, and the time-tested 10X Profits research service. He has been publishing recommendations since 2012 and made it his mission to find the absolute best moneymaking opportunities in the markets at any given time. We have also reviewed a few Adam O'Dell presentations here in the past, including his #1 DNA Stock and his “Green Zone” investment opportunity.

The “10x the impact of the Internet” comment is a lot to take in, as it grew tiny startups such as Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Netflix into some of the largest companies in the world. A feat which will be incredibly difficult to top, although not impossible given the growth trajectory of AI.

For starters, it is growing at a faster pace than any of the other megatrends today. With current projections calling for AI to be:

  • 8 times bigger than blockchain
  • 10 times bigger than virtual reality
  • And 12 times bigger than 5G

By 2030. This is a major reason why big tech is dumping hundreds of millions and even billions of dollars into AI. But Adam tells us that big tech’s investment in AI is only half the story, because Washington D.C. has just strapped a rocket to the entire AI industry, that could send investor returns soaring.

What he's talking about here is the new U.S. Innovation and Competition Act Senate bill that was recently passed with bi-partisan support. This provides a sweeping $250 billion budget to “boost tech research” in broad terms. Not only this, but the White House has also just launched the National Artificial Intelligence Research Task Force. Which brings together over twenty federal government agencies such as, NASA, The Department of Defense, and DARPA — the federal agency that created the Internet, among others, to work together with the single focus of further America’s dominance in AI.

Given all this energy and funds flowing into AI right now, there has never been a better time to capitalize on this trend than right now and there’s one sector in particular. A sector Adam calls “x.AI”, that holds the biggest promise of all.


The Pitch

In order to learn more about “x.AI” and a few of the best companies in the sector, we will need a subscription to the Green Zone Fortunes research service. This will cost us just $79 and carries a myriad of benefits.

These include three special reports on Adam's top “x.AI” stocks, including the NGS Fortunes: The No. 1 x.AI Company Working to Eradicate Cancer report containing the name of his top “x.AI” stock pick, 12 monthly issues, 52 weeks of exclusive, market-beating analysis and in-depth financial research, 24/7 access to a proprietary, patent pending Green Zone Rating system, so you can check the overall rating of any stock you want, whenever you want, and more.


What in the World is x.AI?

We already know that Adam is calling the opportunity that he's sharing with us today BIGGER than all his previous opportunities combined

It’s easy to see why when we know what x.AI is focused on, in short, it’s about enhancing the most valuable thing for each of the 7.9 billion people on the planet right now: Our health.

As we speak, the smartest minds in the world are leveraging AI to help us live healthier, happier, longer lives. With cures and treatments that go far beyond the limitations of modern medicine. This makes it abundantly obvious that what Adam is referring to as “x.AI” is actually the biotech sector.

It was dubbed x.AI — which stands for extreme AI, for no other reason than the extreme amount of wealth this sector has the potential to create. Some of the world’s richest men like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg agree. Which is why they have all personally backed biotech companies and they're not the only ones, with pharmaceutical giants Bayer, Pfizer, and Procter & Gamble on board as well.

All told, AI-assisted drug discovery received the MOST private investments of any AI sector in 2020 – nearly $14 billion worth.

With all this funding, research, and development, some truly remarkable things are being developed. Including the race to cure all of the leading causes of death in the U.S., such as cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and more. This is what Adam's No. 1 biotech company is leading the charge in. Let's try and find out what it is.


Revealing The No. 1 x.AI Company

Thanks to the application of AI some major medical breakthroughs are being made, including in genetic sequencing, which is what this company is pioneering.

  • Adam's No. 1 company has developed a new approach to genetic sequencing called next-generation sequencing or NGS for short.
  • This company’s proprietary NGS technology, allows them to build customizable genetic sequencing tests.
  • It is backed by a billionaire tech entrepreneur, with a history of successful business ventures and philanthropy around the world. To date, he’s founded three AI companies. The second of which he sold back in 2017 for nearly a billion dollars, around the same time, he took this third biotech company public.

Based on this info, the company O'Dell appears to be teasing is Illumina Inc. (Nasdaq: ILMN). Here is how the clues align:

  • Illumina's next-generation sequencing technology generates masses of DNA sequencing data and is both less expensive and less time-consuming than traditional Sanger sequencing.
  • The $56 billion market cap company recently launched a multiple-gene test to spot rare treatable cancers.
  • As for the billionaire tech entrepreneur, its Illumina co-founder Larry Bock, who has aided in starting or financing more than 40 early stage growth companies, that combined have a market value of more than $70 billion.


The #1 Stock in the Fastest Growing Sector?

There is no denying that Illumina is among the most prominent players in the next-gen sequencing (NGS) market, with its proprietary sequencing and array of technologies fueling groundbreaking advancements in life science research, consumer genomics, and molecular diagnostics.

Having said that, biotech is a very rapidly changing corner of the market that requires at least some specialized knowledge to be successful in long-term. Otherwise there is just no way of knowing who has the best technology (they all say they do) or what advancements are coming that could disrupt the entire space.

Looking at Illumina strictly from an investor standpoint, it is trading at a high 71x trailing earnings and returns a modest 10% on its equity. But then again, its AI powered NGS technology could serve as a catalyst that makes the company even bigger. It's a tough one to call.


Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • Adam O'Dell is here to tell us about the fastest growing “x.AI” sector of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry and the one stock at the center of it.
  • We learn that “x.AI” is Adam's code-name for the Biotech sector, which is growing faster than any other AI sector.
  • If we want to want to find out the name of the No. 1 Biotech Company, we will need to purchase a subscription to Adam's Green Zone Fortunes research service, at a cost of $79 for the first year. This will get us the NGS Fortunes: The No. 1 x.AI Company Working to Eradicate Cancer special report with the name and ticker of his top pick.
  • Based on the clues sprinkled throughout the presentation, we think the next-generation sequencing company being teased is none other than Illumina Inc. (Nasdaq: ILMN), which is the world’s largest maker of DNA sequencing machines.
  • It takes some specialized knowledge of biology and medicine to properly evaluate Illumina and its prospects, as there are several well-funded, public companies vying for supremacy in the biotech space. Illumina's valuation looks rich to us, but it could grow into it depending on how good its AI-based NGS tech really is.

Is next-gen sequencing the answer to many of society's current medical ills? Tell us your insights in the comments below.

4 thoughts on “That “x.AI” Stock Adam O’Dell Won’t Shut Up About – Exposed”

  1. I have had this stock for about two years now. It has done tremendously well for me, especially pre Biden stock market. Now it stands at 15.94% gain. It was as high as 74% before the market started its downwards trend about a year ago. Let’s Go Brandon (sorry had to throw that in there)

  2. What I would like to know is how next-generation sequencing technology differs from CRISPR technology? Is one a subset of the other? Does NGS require CRISPR as a foundation? Don’t know much about biology….

  3. Lately “DNA” ticker is in DNA revolution has low stock price with big potential, by Luke Lango. Enjoy your work!


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