Marijuana Millionaire Playbook – Scam or Legit? [Review]

Is Ray Blanco's "Marijuana Millionaire Playbook" legit and can it really help you get rich investing in marijuana stocks like he claims? 

Well, one thing is for certain... you can never trust the hyped-up claims that come from investment teasers 100%. In this review I'll be going over what this Marijuana Millionaire Playbook is and what you need to know about it.

It's been promoted a lot and it is hyped-up to no-end. In one of the teasers that I came across, Blanco talks about how starting with just $100 is enough to to turn a "tiny stake into a fortune" and how you could even "retire incredibly wealthy in less than a year".

He even goes as far as to say that "you could cash out with a retirement fortune just a few short months from today" and that this is a "once-in-a-lifetime 'get rich quick' opportunity".

Sounds amazing of course... and better yet he claims he wants to send everyone a "free" copy of this new report, which is the Marijuana Millionaire Playbook.

BUT, of course this isn't really "free", and of course he conveniently gives a bunch of examples of marijuana stocks that have shown soaring profits, yet leaves out all the losers that people lost tons of money investing in. Let's not forget about the big cannabis crash of 2019 now.

You probably already know that you can't trust everything you hear from these investment teasers, but I just though I'd go over some of the more outlandish claims.

Let's get to the review...

What is the Marijuana Millionaire Playbook?

  • Title: Marijuana Millionaire Playbook
  • Type: Digital ebook on marijuana investing
  • Author: Ray Blanco
  • Cost: "free", but not really
Marijuana Millionaire Playbook

The Marijuana Millionaire Playbook is a digital informational ebook that provides step-by-step instructions for getting started investing in the marijuana market.

Because of how new this emerging market is and its volatility, there are quite a few things investors should know before getting started. It's far from the safe world of investing in blue-chip stocks like McDonald's and Starbucks, but this is good because there is much more opportunity to make big and fast profits.

As mentioned, Ray Blanco believes that investing as little as $100 could make people "incredibly wealthy"... if they follow his step-by-step instructions of course.

But let's not get too carried away with what we are told. After all... this "playbook" isn't really free and, like I said, it seems that you can never trust 100% of what you hear in investment teasers like this.

The Author

Ray Blanco

Ray Blanco is the man behind this playbook, which is no surprise since he's been a big advocate for cannabis investing for quite some time now. 

The playbook is published through Seven Figure Publishing, which is an investment advisory firm that Blanco joined back in 2010. At this company he runs several newsletter investment advisory services, which of course is what is being sold with the lure of this Marijuana Millionaire Playbook.

The man grew up as a "geek" (not my words), obsessing over different technologies, and after graduating college he started working as a network technician and systems analyst. Later he worked for a massive wealth management firm that handled over $30 billion where his job was to design the network infrastructure, and then later got into the business of providing investment advice after first joining the Agora Financial company in 2009.

He mostly seems to be interested in technology and provides a lot of advice on investing in this area through his newsletter services, but cannabis investing is yet another one of his big interests.

What It Includes

As we know, this is a "playbook" for investing in the emerging marijuana industry, which is and industry that you can make a lot of money fast in right now... or lose a lot of money fast if you don't know what you are doing.

The playbook is a guide that includes step-by-step instructions for getting started, which is all based on Ray Blanco's expertise.

It's a "teach a man how to fish" type of deal. He's not simply telling people to buy this or buy that stock here, but rather he's providing valuable instructions and insight so that investors will be able to go out on their own and invest in marijuana stocks, mitigating risk and improving their chances of success.

That said, I've seen this Marijuana Millionaire Playbook coupled with a "special report" from Ray Blanco where he does provide specific investment recommendations, which he calls Four Incredible Marijuana Stocks… for a Six-Figure Payday. This report provides 4 marijuana stock recommendations and gives all the details on when to buy them, how much to pay, etc.

The [Real] Cost

Well, the Marijuana Millionaire Playbook isn't free. I know he says over and over again how he wants to give this ebook to people "for free", but there is a cost... of course.

Here's how it works: you can get the playbook "for free", but first you have to purchase a subscription of Technology Profits Confidential, which is the same thing we saw with "The $5 Biotech Stock Revolutionizing Health Care" and the "Secret $50 5G Stock Blueprint". This normally costs $199/yr, but there are often discounts and when I came through the sales funnel it was discounted to $99/yr.

This Technology Profits Confidential is one of Ray Blanco's main newsletter advisory services, and joining it is the only way you can get his playbook.

Pros v Cons


  • Lots of big profit potential investing in the marijuana industry
  • Don't need much money to get started
  • The Marijuana Millionaire Playbook helps teach people how to invest themselves rather than just feeding them recommendations


  • The Marijuana industry is very volatile because of how new it is - have to be careful
  • Over-hyped marketing - certainly aren't guaranteed to strike it rich like Ray Blanco leads people to believe
  • Have to buy a subscription to his Technology Profits Confidential advisory service just to get the playbook

Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • The Marijuana Millionaire Playbook is a guide for investing in marijuana stocks - claims it will give people the ability to invest as little as $100 and "retire incredibly wealthy"
  • Ray Blanco is the author - works for Seven Figure Publishing where he edits several investment advisory services
  • You can get his Marijuana Millionaire Playbook "for free" but first you have to buy a subscription of his Technology Profits Confidential service... so in other words it's not really free

And that's about it.

Hopefully this review has provided some value to you. As always, be sure to comment below and let us know what you think of all this. We like to hear back from our readers!

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