Jeff Clark’s “One Stock Retirement” Strategy – Make 390% In As Little As 8 Days?

Jeff Clark brags that he's joined the ranks of the top 1% of wealthy Americans, by ignoring 99% of the entire stock market.

Within the 6,000 different stocks on the market to choose from, there exists a very special stock and he calls it “The One Stock Retirement”, as it makes for “The Perfect Trade”. Let's find out more about Clark's contrarian strategy.


The Teaser

This strategy breaks almost every rule in the trading handbook while delivering gains of 210%, 353%, 385%, and more – all by trading one single stock.

Jeff Clark is the editor of the several investment advisories which focus on trading profiting in any market environment. He began writing newsletters after retiring from his independent, San Francisco-based brokerage house and private money management firm at the age 42. We have reviewed several of Jeff's presentations here in the past, including his “5 Minute Money Multiplier” and America's Boldest Financial Experiment.

If you’ve ever wanted to make more money in a single trade than what most people collect in DECADES in the markets and do it over and over again, Jeff says this will be the biggest discovery of your life.

To some, the whole idea of retiring by trading a single stock sounds crazy. Especially since most of us have been told to do one thing, over and over again: Build a balanced portfolio and hope for the best. But who's gotten wealthy from doing this?

This is one reason you very likely won’t hear about the “One Stock Retirement” secret from CNBC, Yahoo Finance, CNN, or anywhere else. It is also why nearly 41% of the entire country says they don't have enough money to retire. So today, Jeff is going to give us the name of his “One Stock”, a real demonstration of it in action, and also walk us through his entire trading strategy. Let's start with the real-life demonstration.

This actually happened during one of history’s worst market crashes, a single day when the Dow Jones Index plummeted 1,191 points – “a week in which $3 trillion worth of wealth was wiped out” by some accounts. But instead of getting caught in this $3 trillion wipeout, Jeff used the “One Stock Retirement” strategy to recommend a simple trade that had the chance to collect a 373% gain in just 8 days!

This wasn't any fluke either, as this strategy has helped folks see triple-digit gains over 48 times and double-digit gains over 81 different times:

At this point, you are probably ready to learn more about what's behind the trading strategy?


The Pitch

In order to learn how to execute the “One Stock Retirement” strategy and receive a live demonstration, we will need “The One Stock Retirement Blueprint: How One Stock Can Yield a Retirement Fortune” special report.

It is ours with a subscription to the Jeff Clark Trader. This is Jeff's flagship trading advisory and for a limited time an annual membership will cost us just $19. For this price we will get The “One Stock Retirement” Blueprint special report, a “One Stock Retirement” Video Masterclass, private 24/7 Access to the Jeff Clark Trader, and more.


What is The “One Stock Retirement” Strategy?

A profitable trading strategy in and of itself is amazing, when considering the fact that more than 90% of active traders lose money when trading the markets. A consistently profitable trading strategy that wins whether the market is up, down or sideways is practically unheard of. 

This is what Jeff is claiming the “One Stock Retirement” strategy pulls off and without the added complexity of having to keep up with a small universe of exotic instruments and hundreds of different stocks. He even goes so far as to say that the #1 financial myth of all time is: “building a highly diversified portfolio”. Adding that, if you had $10,000 to invest into the stock market and grabbed the average 10% annual return, it would take around 8 years for you to double your money.

This strategy enables us to be in and out in as little as 8 days. One stock, once per month, over and over again. The best part is that anyone with as little as $100 can get started and have a shot to multiply their investment 2-times, 3-times, even 4-times over. The “One Stock Retirement” strategy is extremely powerful.

So how exactly does this strategy work step-by-step? Jeff explains that all we have to do is take our phone, input the ticker symbol of “the one stock”, the quantity we wish to buy, and boom, we're all done! He insists it really is this simple and there is no more spending hours glued to a computer screen, no more trying to snatch up gains after the talking heads on T.V. covered the play, and no more waiting years just to get a decent profit.

Guess the only thing left to find out is the name and ticker of this stock.


Revealing “The One Stock” Behind The Retirement Strategy

Jeff comes out and reveals that “The One Stock” is actually an ETF – VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF (NYSE: GDX).

GDX tracks an explosive grouping of gold stocks, trades a large volume everyday, and it’s what Clark consider to be the world’s most predictable stock. Whether the market’s up, sideways, or on the decline, we can leverage the power of GDX for an opportunity to extract massive profits out of the market.

As an examples of this, in January of 2021 when the Dow dropped more than 600 points and the S&P 500 went red for the year. Jeff recommended one simple trade on GDX as millions of Americans' portfolios turned red and snapped up a 75% gain amidst this chaos. Then when the market was pounding back to life, Jeff recommended another simple trade on GDX. Sure enough, those that heeded this recommendation saw a 107% gain in just 7 days.

Jeff insists there’s one reason why GDX is so special to trade…


Triple Digit Gains in Just Days?

It all comes down to what The Economist calls, “the world’s most valuable resource”. This reason is: Data.

Since GDX closely follows the price of real physical gold, there are literally centuries of data to pull from to accurately predict the direction GDX could move in any market condition. It’s like how a supercomputer might extract data at a rate of 200 quadrillion per second, taking in countless different sets of information to release one predictable outcome. “The One Stock Retirement” system is very similar.

Jeff sums things up by saying that the “One Stock Retirement” trades usually take around 2-minutes or less every single time and there's no more being a slave to your computer screen or having to spend thousands of dollars on an investment that might take years to reap any kind of reward.

Based on what we were able to find, trading GDX Based On GLD inventory levels as a signal, is a common yet unique enough trading strategy. The conclusion we were able to draw from the public comments of some that employ such a trading strategy is that back test runs from the inception of GLD suggested that a simple algorithm resembling that outlined above warranted further investigation, as it DID demonstrate a better return than a long-term buy and hold strategy over a time period spanning both up and down markets.


Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • Jeff Clark says he has found The Perfect Trade” and its part of a proprietary “The One Stock Retirement” strategy that delivers results in any market environment.
  • We learn that Jeff and others have successfully used this trading strategy to realize triple digit gains over a matter of just days, instead of waiting the decades that it takes most people to see similar types of returns from the market.
  • A live trading demo and all the details about how to execute this trading strategy are in a special report called: “The One Stock Retirement Blueprint: How One Stock Can Yield a Retirement Fortune”. It is ours with a subscription to the Jeff Clark Trader, which costs only $19 for a limited time.
  • It turns out that “The One” stock behind this trading strategy is actually an ETF – VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF (NYSE: GDX), which tracks a group of gold stocks and is very liquid.
  • Based on info we were able to track down, trading the GDX ETF Based On GLD inventory levels as a signal – which broadly speaking is what is being done here, isn't all that uncommon. Limited back test results from some employing a variation of this trading strategy shows that it can be profitable.

Do short-term proprietary trading strategies still have a place in today's market or have algorithms completely taken over trading? Let us know what your experience has been in the comment section below.

3 thoughts on “Jeff Clark’s “One Stock Retirement” Strategy – Make 390% In As Little As 8 Days?”

  1. Wow. Thanks for your unveiling of this financial “secret”.

    They say that the easiest way to make money is selling financial “advice”. Looks like this Jeff Clark takes publicly available information and repackages it to gain dependent subscribers.

    The world needs more people like you who emancipate information from those who would hide it and profit. Thanks to you, all it takes is a bit of internet search to uncover the truth.


  2. I fell for his interview and signed up for the USD19; immediately followed by a newsletter for USD299. I signed up…and on the heels of that, a whole slew of further promotions bombarded me. Since there’s a full refund within 60 days, I immediately emailed and alerted my credit card company that I wished to withdraw. I don’t know if this is legit but it smells like a scam especially using a stock photo as testimonial. I only did my due diligence after sign up…check this out:


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