Teeka Tiwari’s “#1 Stock for the Coming Digital Dollar” Exposed

Everyone is talking about the biggest change to our financial system in 52 years. 

It's the end of the U.S. Dollar as we know it and former investment banker Teeka Tiwari has a “#1 Stock for the Coming Digital Dollar.”


The Teaser

The U.S. Dollar by all outward appearances is on its last leg and the U.S. government will soon announce a radical plan to stop its free fall.

Source: palmbeachgroup.com

Teeka Tiwari knows a thing or two about crisis', he admittedly made a small fortune going short during the Asian crisis in the 90s before proceeding to lose it all in a three-week span because he hung on too long. We have extensively reviewed Teeka's track record here at Green Bull and also revealed more than a few of his stock picks.

Getting back to our teaser, what dastardly plan is the government about to announce?

Teeka says a mandatory national recall of the U.S. dollar is in store and it could come as soon as July 26.

Digital Dollar Trojan Horse

Much of this is about the forthcoming FedNow instant payment system.

On its face, FedNow is an innocent instant money transfer service like Cash App and Revolut. But something far more sinister could be hiding beneath the surface.

It could be a precursor or a trojan horse if you will, for a digital dollar. Here's how:

By launching an instant payment service with “early adopter organizations” like JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo (the usual suspects). The ease and convenience will incentivize average Americans to move their accounts over to one of the “early adopter” partner banks, thereby in-directly enrolling more and more people in FedNow.

Once this has been accomplished and the government has direct access to your bank account, in one fell swoop, the doors of the trojan horse will swing open, and the launch of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) would be announced.

Under such a scenario, most Americans not reading this today would be caught completely off guard and if a dollar recall happens in conjunction with a CBDC rollout, they could end up holding a bunch of worthless U.S. paper dollars.

This is also where the opportunity comes in.

If we know which companies are working on these CBDC projects and which assets will directly benefit from a digital dollar, we could come out of the U.S. dollar recall wealthier than ever before.


The Pitch

Teeka believes that once they officially announce the U.S. dollar recall, shares of one company will skyrocket. He's put all the details inside a special report called My #1 Stock for the Coming Digital Dollar.

Source: palmbeachgroup.com

The report and plenty of other extras are ours when we sign up to The Palm Beach Letter for only $49 for a limited time. What are the extras?

They include a model portfolio that has averaged an incredible 131% a year, a trio of bonus reports, weekly updates, and urgent alerts among other things.


De-Dollarization & A Digital Dollar

As of today, most countries use U.S. dollars to transact in global trade.

It has been this way ever since the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944 made the dollar the world's de-facto reserve currency.

But this privilege may now be coming to a slow, painful end.

Just this past year, the volume of international trades using currencies other than the U.S. dollar has increased eighty-fold. Why is this happening? A few reasons come to mind.

Trillions in Debt

Since Nixon took the U.S. dollar off the gold standard, America has racked up a hefty credit card bill.

$31 trillion dollars worth and counting…

As fiscally irresponsible as this is, it's not what may ultimately break the greenback.

Freezing Russian Dollar Reserves

In February 2022, the Biden administration took the unprecedented step of freezing all the dollar reserves of Russia's central bank.

Geopolitics aside, the rest of the world watched this play out before their very eyes and collectively thought “If the U.S. can do that to Russia, a nuclear superpower, they can do it to anyone.”

This is why an increasing number of nations from Asia, Europe, and Latin America have recently announced plans to de-dollarize.

The U.S. dollar share of world reserve currencies has collapsed from 73% in 2001 to the lowest level ever at 47% this year.

Many Americans don’t realize this is a HUGE deal.

As has historically been the case, the government never lets a crisis go to waste and they’re going to use this dollar crisis to implement what they’ve been planning for a long time now – a U.S. CBDC that could potentially also help maintain the dollar’s international standing.

Unfortunately for all of us, you and me included, this would give the federal government complete control over our money.

But there's hope yet, as Teeka says there's a way to opt out and he's also found a company that’s working directly with the Fed to develop the digital dollar so we can profit from what's being implemented. Let's find out what it is.


Revealing Teeka Tiwari's #1 Stock for the Coming Digital Dollar

These are the clues we have to work with:

  • This company has already helped the Fed develop its real-time payments network called FedNow.
  • They already signed a deal to do the same for five central banks from other countries.
  • BlackRock and Vanguard have collectively invested more than $6 billion in this stock.

Teeka's #1 digital dollar stock pick is Fidelity National Information Services (NYSE: FIS). How can I be so sure?

Besides being an early FedNow adopter and working with foreign central banks to help them deploy digital payment solutions, users of another credible forum have also confirmed the pick as FIS.

The question is, does it give us a chance to earn a huge six-figure payout like Teeka says?


A Truly Historic Opportunity?

Like most newsletter hypemen today, Teeka contradicts himself in his pitch.

First, he says “Central banks will likely end up hosting at least part of their new currency systems with major cloud providers like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon.” But it's unlikely we’ll make huge gains with these stocks because they are already too big. I agree with this premise.

However, the stock pick he gives us – FIS, already has a market cap of $35 billion dollars itself. 

FIS provides payment processing and other back-office solutions for financial institutions. Presumably, under a centralized digital dollar system, the banking sector would contract and only a few primary dealer mega-banks (if any) would be left.

This would leave businesses like FIS with only a few customers (central banks), with whom they are already working. Sure, the scope and nature of these contracts would expand, but I don't see the stock growing much or doubling solely on the back of this.

I think it safe to say, there are better ways to make money off the digital dollar rollout.


Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • Ex-investment banker Teeka Tiwari is teasing the end of the U.S. Dollar as we know it and he has a “#1 Stock for the Coming Digital Dollar.”
  • Teeka believes a physical dollar recall will happen in conjunction with a CBDC rollout. If and when this happens, he reasons that the companies working on these CBDC projects stand to benefit the most.
  • The shares of one company in particular could skyrocket and he's put all the details on it inside a special report called My #1 Stock for the Coming Digital Dollar. The report is ours when we sign up to The Palm Beach Letter for only $49 for a limited time.
  • Fortunately, you can skip this step as we were able to reveal Teeka's #1 digital dollar stock pick for free as Fidelity National Information Services (NYSE: FIS).
  • I'm not big a big fan of Teeka's investment thesis here, as FIS' business would actually shrink if there are fewer financial institutions to serve. Sure it would survive the fallout, as it is already working with central banks, but its future growth would be kneecapped.

What do you plan to do when the digital dollar becomes a reality? Let us know in the comment section.

15 thoughts on “Teeka Tiwari’s “#1 Stock for the Coming Digital Dollar” Exposed”

  1. After following the scare tactic by so many shysters I’ve come to believe that our paper money is not going to be taken away. There are billions US dollars all over the world. Think of the task required of the USA to switch it all out to crypto! All the machines that work on currencies would become useless and a massive change in machines would be required. The cost would be staggering. Don’t even consider it.

    • I don’t think that will make any difference. You’re talking about a Great Reset agenda which is already being implemented all around us. Our politicians are in on it and the most wealthy in all the world, including their big banks, which they own thru being the largest shareholders. Nothing will stop them except a united people rising up against them and refusing to comply. Period. RISE UP! Million man March against CBDC, The Great Reset, the WHO Pandemic Treaty, UN Agenda 2030, Big banks, big corps, corrupt politicians, forced medications or medical treatments, etc all of it!

      • IMHO I don’t think Biden has the brass to pull it off. I believe he has enough cronies surrounding him that would try, but only if they think they have someone to protect them when it hits the fan. They don’t. FIS will stay level, but several Cryptos will be adopted on ETH platform with an uderlying ability (and plan) to handle (or offset) the CBDC.
        My idea is that Biden will delay the inevitable dollar collapse til his successor is elected. Then it will be too late for it to succeed. I am not a Trump lover, but, I am also not an idiot. Four years of Trump didn’t hurt many. Sometimes a bully is a quicker solution to problems we’ve all caused.
        If we can hold off til Nov 2024, get oil pumping, crypto adopted, control our borders, and re-capture our farmlands from the “wannabe bullies”, I would wager that he would be intimidating enough to the big boys (that “think” they’re tough), to confirm their dependance on the dollar, settle up on a few trillion, and stop the compound interest on the US debt to make it livable. Then “Energy” and “Tech” (AI) could take the handoff and run with it. (And no, I’m not a politician, I work for a living).

  2. Everything Biden touches turns to explosive diarrhea including all the people and their actions he puts into important positions. There is no telling what doing away with the dollar will do. I’d be surprised if it wasn’t the step to cause our present government to implode. As a lover of history I believe gold/silver and land ownership in small useable and tradeable sizes has always helped the populations of many dynasties survive the downfalls. I believe we are about to see that again. In addition to my gold/silver/land investments, I’m also investing in a lot of canned goods and filling up my two freezers. We bought a lot of seeds just in case history again repeats itself.

  3. Ultimately I believe no one can escape the financial slaughter that is coming. So we must plan for a secondary economy and that will be gold and silver. The barter system will rebound to some extent but that can only go so far without an underlying base that everyone agrees with, that is gold and silver.

  4. Fear tactics similar to 2012 when everyone was urged to prep..this time under the guise of a US dollar crises. You have to consider that the debt must be financed for the next 100 years plus and the US must continue to be at the forefront of innovation in order to be worth a damn on the world stage.

    • Gimme a break! I mean I don’t really trust what these promo videos claiming to have inside knowledge claim, who do fear monger, and act like “this moment is just months away”. When In reality we cannot say for sure. I don’t believe they’re claims that they’re here to offer you the best way to make money thru investing. But come on now.. Are you burying your head in the sand and not paying attention? BRICS is coming out with their own basket currency, backed by GOLD. While the corrupt US govt removed the US dollar being backed by gold. They are just printing money, spending it like crazy ON PURPOSE! Just like Trudeau and others. It’s all part of the Great Reset Agenda. Biden signed an executive order earlier this year creating a commission of sorts to look into how the US can smoothly transition to a digital dollar. UK PM is doing the same thing. This isn’t just fear mongering it’s legit. Saudi Arabia is now accepting Chinese yen for payment of gas and oil. They are no longer only accepting payment thru the US dollar. It’s losing its status as top global currency, and these are basic facts you can read ahout in the mainstream news, although msm downplays how this could affect the US dollar status as a result. China is about to exceed the US GDP within the next 15 years. Things are changing massively and very quickly. It’s been designed that way. The only chance we have to turn things around is to RISE UP and demand that we all abandon China and rebel against the Great Reset elite and their puppets who have now shockingly infiltrated every area of power and Influence within most of our govts. We need to remove the corrupt and turn our entire system upside down so it’s a system that truly speaks on behalf of all good people, rather than sit back whilw the Great Reset elite takeover and turn us into slaves or push us to create a parallel society backed on love, truth, nature, alternative medicine, organic food, and gold. That’s the only way to defeat them and stop them is to take to the streets in mass mass protest and refusal to obey their unlawful, covert tactics, policies, fines, etc If our super corrupt govts and the elite run central banks are able to successfully implement a CBDC without anyone’s approval, just forcing it upon everybody, all of a sudden, then they have power over your money and if you are awake and not in compliance in obeying everything they tell you to do, and dissent, protest, refuse to comply, then they can cut off access to your money and make sone absurd claim that you somehow deserved it, be it for protesting, waking people up via websites, tweets, podcasts, they’ll come up with sone reason they must cut off your money or at the very least limit how much you spend in a day or something ridiculous like that, or WHERE you can spend your money. They are coming for our rights and freedoms, financial independence and freedom, and next they’ll be coming for your money. Facts. An intro into the Great Reset can be found by watching this doc, http://www.plandemicseries.com. The rest you can find out from your own in depth research from trusted sources.

  5. Is the answer, Return To The Gold Standard to save the Greenback. But, who will have the nerve to implement the venture, “?”

    • President Trump in 2020 brought in Judy Shelton to the Federal Reserve to restore the US Dollar to the gold standard. Judy was to bring the Federal Reserve under Treasury and eventually let it wither to extinction. And look what the government gangsters did to him in the 2020 election and the Jan 6th false flag unarmed Insurrection stemming from a legal protest. Why wasn’t Trump offed like JFK? Because from the beginning Trump had private security that kept a layer between him and the Secret Service. So in lieu of murdering him, the plan is to sentence him to prison for 400 years. The takeaway is don’t mess with those that have the ability to create money out of thin air. It goes like this: I sit at my Fed liquidity computer and create trillions of fiat dollars to buy US Treasuries paying me 3.75%. You the taxpayer owe me a trillion in interest. Pay up and don’t even think about sending people like Trump to mess up my extortion racket. Actually, I’m clever. I don’t let you see my scam so easily. I cover it up using the Repo Market and you the American people are too stupid to catch on. Sorry for the reality bite. Truth hurts

  6. Teeka can be so persuasive however I agree in this case it is hype. I do believe the credibility of the value of our dollar is collapsing and do understand the gold recommendation however gold has been confiscated before.
    If our country survives I believe usable commodities like food and fertile land might be the best commodities to stock up on.

  7. Still waiting for the “ Opt-Out” of Digital Dollar instructions ….or was that just to bait us into reading the entire endless teaser too? OY!


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