Michael Robinson’s “#1 IRC Stock” (Invisible Railroad)

Tech investor Michael Robinson says six inches under the street, beneath the hard cement blacktop, lies a vast and virtually endless economic fortune, one that could easily be worth $8 trillion by next week.

It's an “Invisible Railroad” and there's a #1 IRC Stock we should buy to profit from it.


The Teaser

This sounds like nothing short of an engineering marvel and it's being advertised as an invention on which America's entire future rests.

Source: trendtraderdaily.com

Michael Robinson talks a big game, even saying he was with Dave DeWalt, the CEO of McAfee, right before Intel acquired the company for $7.8 billion. His stylings are well known to Green Bull as well, we have previously reviewed his “Super Vaccine” Company and “iPhone Killer” teasers.

So why is this invention so intrical to our prosperity?

Sure railroads have been a big part of America's past and they have made plenty of investors rich. But that was 100 or 200 years ago when photos were black and white and nobody smiled in them.

Cornelius Vanderbilt, James Hill, Edward Harriman, and Jay Gould…all railroad billionaires.

None of them smiled in pictures.

Apparently, railroad history could soon repeat itself, thereby offering us a second chance at riches.

Operation Nightfall

Enter the codenamed “Operation Nightfall”, which according to Michael's latest forecast could top the value of every existing railroad, while generating 76x more wealth.

Source: trendtraderdaily.com

He is talking about something called In-Road Charging.

Just like it sounds, this means a wireless in-road charging (IRC) system which creates and supplies wireless electric power to vehicles driving on it.

Unlike steel rails designed for above-ground usage to propel traditional locomotives forward, IRC relies on copper coils placed in a rail-like fashion beneath the asphalt to provide an unlimited fuel supply to cars and trucks.

The benefits of such an “invisible railroad” are far-ranging. From hastening the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) to saving drivers billions on electric charging bills.

One little publicly traded company we're told owns the entire network.


The Pitch

The name of this play and two other related ones are revealed in Michael's IRC Profit Series of special reports.

Source: trendtraderdaily.com

All three volumes are ours when we sign up for Trend Trader's flagship publication – Digital Fortunes, for $99 for the first year. Besides all three special reports, we would get access to a brand-new stock recommendation each and every month, a model portfolio, breaking news email alerts, and more.


What in the World is Operation Nightfall?

So codenamed because, quite literally, all the action happens in the middle of the night.

That didn't come out exactly the way I intended. Let me try it again… the little company behind Operation Nightfall literally installs one mile of IRC per night.

Source: trendtraderdaily.com

Since only a fractional cut is made into an existing roadway so the power-creating coils can be carefully embedded beneath the street’s surface, you can call IRC silently disruptive technology.

Given the current pace of construction, this company expects to outfit every single street and highway in every major American city with its IRC technology within 10 years.

Mile #1

After a decade of installing multiple test roads all over the world.

Including in places like Sweden, Germany, and Italy. The first large-scale, fully-commercial, public-ready IRC in history is coming to the good ol' USA.

Appropriately, it will be on a one-mile stretch of road in the Motor City – Detroit, Michigan. 

“Mile #1” is set to be installed in downtown Detroit near Michigan Central terminal on a stretch of road now officially known as the “EV Mile” by July 31. It’s the first-ever, mass-market, electric-generating road in history. But this is just the beginning…

Other states want their own “EV Miles” and they're chomping at the bit.

Florida has jumped on board. With the help of its Central Florida Expressway Authority, the state is planning to build a one-mile stretch of IRC at a cost of $10 million on the Lake Orange Expressway near Orlando.

The same goes for Utah. At a cost of $15 million, the Utah Inland Port Authority is working to bring an in-road charging system to the state.

All told this company has 12 IRC projects in the queue right now, so things appear to be ramping up quickly.

To me, it sounds like it is in the right place, at the right time, given the push for EVs and clean energy. So what stock is Michael teasing here?


Revealing Michael Robinson's #1 IRC Stock

We get quite a few clues in addition to the info that we already have to work with.

  • The company in question owns the proprietary rights to IRC.
  • It already has over 60 corporate partners helping advance its projects.
  • The company isn't domiciled in the United States and its shares trade on a small foreign exchange.

Warning: Michael is advising “main street” investors to steer clear of it because the stock is off-market (not traded on a major exchange). But I think you can decide for yourself if you want to invest or not, so the company is Israel-based Electreon Wireless Ltd. (OTC: ELWSF). Here is how the clues align:

But wait there's more…

The Backdoor and Pro Play

Michael says he also has a backdoor play – a company that makes the equipment needed for IRC to function.

However, the only clue we get is that “it's inside IRC cloud technology and inside every EV in the world.” 

Not much to go on at all, but the second part of the clue about “being in every EV in the world” suggests that Michael is talking about a chipmaker here. What's my best guess? 

I'm leaning towards Dutch technology company STMicroelectronics N.V. (NYSE Euronext: STMfor one simple reason.

Michael seems to imply it is another off-market play when he says “In some cases, the off-market play might be your best bet when it has ample liquidity to buy and sell.” STM shares meet these criteria.

As for Michael's third and final play in his IRC Profit Series…he says “It’s a natural resource firm rich in copper-producing mining claims, which I expect to play a major role in IRC’s transformation of American roadways.”

This is much too broad to venture a good guess, so I'll assess what we've been given so far instead.


Turn $1,000 into $15,670 in a Matter of Weeks?

Investing in Electreon shares ahead of “Mile #1’s” launch date on July 31 will yield us this gain according to Michael.

I'm not so sure.

Given the fact that the wireless charging industry could be worth more than $200 billion by 2030, there are lots of businesses jumping in to get a piece of the pie.

From WiTricity, which has developed magnetic resonance wireless charging tech to Wave, whose charging technology pushes power through the air to the vehicle getting charged.

I would bet on Electreon's shares getting a bump when Mile #1 launches, but since we're focused on the long term and it's much too early to tell who the eventual winner(s) will be in this space, buying a small basket of wireless charging plays is the best approach to maximize returns and limit your downside.


Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • Tech investor Michael Robinson is teasing an “Invisible Railroad” and a #1 IRC Stock is the best way to profit from it.
  • It turns out, Michael's “Invisible Railroad” is actually a wireless in-road charging (IRC) system that is now being rolled out in the U.S. for the first time ever.
  • The name of the company behind this rollout and two other related plays are revealed in Michael's IRC Profit Series of special reports. The entire series is ours when we sign up for Trend Trader's flagship publication – Digital Fortunes at a cost of $99 for the first year.
  • Fortunately, Green Bull readers can skip this step, as we were able to reveal Michael's #1 IRC Stock for free as Electreon Wireless Ltd. (OTC: ELWSF).
  • IRC is set to go live in the U.S. on July 31 and competition is heating up in the space. A small basket of wireless charging companies is a good way to limit the downside while still participating in the upside.

Is wireless in-road charging (IRC) the future? Tell us what you think in the comments.

4 thoughts on “Michael Robinson’s “#1 IRC Stock” (Invisible Railroad)”

  1. All these alternatives to will never match the versatility of petrol/diesel powered vehicles…just think of the many miles/kms of unsurfaced roads and tracks to not only favourite camping grounds, but also off-road exploration sites, forest tracks and the like….far from from any recharge station or below surface charge line.


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