Rogue Economics Review – Legit Investment Research?

Can you trust Rogue Economics and the investment research they provide? Is this place legit? 

There is a good chance you came across some promotional material luring you into one of their services. Maybe it sounded a bit too good to be true or maybe you're just skeptical of all investment newsletter services... and so now you're looking for more information.

If this is you then you're in the right place. In this review I'll be going over what exactly Rogue Economics is and what they provide, the experts that run their services and more.


Rogue Economics
  • Name: Rogue Economics
  • Products/Services: Investment newsletter services

Rogue Economics is a investment research publishing company that provides investment newsletter services ranging from being free to costing thousands of dollars a year. With these services small investors like you and I can follow along and, if it's one of the paid services, make specific investments recommended by the experts that are part of the team.

As with most independent investment research companies, here subscribers can expect to be provided with insight, ideas and recommendations that are contrarian and that you often will not hear about or find mentioned in the mainstream media.

There really isn't much information at all on the company. In fact, they don't even have an "About Us" page or anything of this sort on the website. However, it seems to be very new and according to a WHOIS search of the domain name, it was just created in March, 2020.

The company is registered at...

55 NE 5th Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33483

... and this makes sense because Bill Bonner is one of the guys behind it, likely the founder. This address is also the address of many other investment research companies, all under the umbrella of "The Agora", which also includes companies like Brownstone Research, Agora Financial, Bonner & Partners, etc. 

Experts on the Team

There only three experts listed on the website, but likely many other analysts helping vet recommendations behind the scenes. What we do know is that Bill Bonner, Dan Denning, and Tom Dyson are all on the team.

Bill Bonner 

Bill Bonner is a well-known author of books about economics and financials, and is actually the founder of the company I mentioned above called "the Agora", which seems to run about 90+% of all the independent investment research newsletters out there. He comes from a background in law, having attended the University of New Mexico and Georgetown University Law School before starting out working for the National Taxpayers Union.

Some of his best-selling books include Financial Reckoning Day: Surviving the Soft Depression of the 21st Century, Empire of Debt: The Rise of an Epic Financial Crisis, and Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets: Surviving the Public Spectacle in Finance and Politics, with his latest book titled A Modest Theory of Civilization: Win-Win or Lose.

As you can probably tell by the titles, he comes from the point of view that America is in a state of peril due to economic and demographic trends.

And by the way... when I say he's well-known, I mean it. He even has his own wikipedia page.

For the company Bill runs a free newsletter service called Bill Bonner's Diary as well as a paid service called the Bonner-Denning Letter. Additionally, he runs a potcast that is meant to be a companion to Bill Bonner's Diary, which is also free.

Dan Denning

Before joining Rogue Economics Dan was already working a similar job in the UK. He's actually the founder of Southbank Investment Research, which is said to be "the leading independent financial publisher in the UK".

Besides that, he is also an author. His book The Bull Hunter, isn't too popular but does have fairly good reviews from what I could find online.

At Rogue Economics Denning co-authors The Bonner-Denning Letter along with Bill Bonner.

Tom Dyson

Tom Dyson is the editor of the Rogue Economics newsletter services called Postcards from the Fringe and Tom's Portfolio.

He comes from a professional background working as a London banker and money manager, but had left his suit & tie behind and sold all of his possessions to travel the world for two years with his family.

I believe he has settled down in one place now, but his focus at Rogue Economics is still on global economics as it was when he was traving the globe... although there is a lot of focus on the US in general.

Investment Services

They have free and paid services. Let's start with those that won't cost you a penny.


These newsletter services are completely free, but be warned that there are promotions for their other services throughout the content, as you'd expect.

Also, since these are free you can actually just go to the to read them. You have this option or you can subscribe and have the newly published articles sent right to your inbox, which would be more convenient.

Bill Bonner's Diary

It's not a stock-picking service and this newsletter is not for those looking to follow advice to build their portfolio, but instead is something readers can follow to gain insight into how the business, political, and financial worlds really work... or at least how they work from Bill's perspective. That said, at times Bill does go over opportunities of personal interest to him.

This service is mainly for people looking for more of a wide range of general information.

Some recent posts that show how much of a variety you'll get joining this service include:

  • America's Capital Is Disappearing
  • U.S. Sees Record Decline in GDP Post-Coronavirus Lockdown
  • Cattle Transport in an Argentine Snow Storm
  • The Real Cost of America’s Wars
Postcards From the Fringe

This is yet another free newsletter service, so don't expect to be given too much here either.

This service is run by Tom Dyson and originally started as a chronicle of his life when he was traveling the world with his ex-wife and three kids, with a large focus on global economics. Now that it appears his world travel is over, the focus has changed a bit but seems to be basically the same. It's a very similar service to Bill Bonner's Diary, but to give you a better idea of the content you can expext, some recent headlines of articles written in this service include:

  • Gold is About to Hit New U.S. Dollar High
  • Exploring Wyoming's Railroad Landmarks
  • A Sprawing Colorado Horse Sanctuary
  • The US Government Is Broke

So as you can see, the focus here is very wide. Readers can expect economic, political and financial related content as well as travel and lifestyle related content.

Bill Bonner's Podcast

This podcast is meant to be an audio campanion to Bill Bonner's Diary. The same types of topics are covered here, but additional insights can be provided on how the financial markets work, how to prosper more, etc.


The Bonner-Denning Letter ($199/yr)

Here you have two experts coming together to run the service. As we already know, Bill Bonner is a very well-known author of economic works and Dan Denning is an author as well as the founder of another investment research company.

This is a paid service, but you still won't find stock recommendations here. The focus is on the big picture, covering macro and microeconomic topics. There is a large focus on how the monetary system works and the relationship between currencies and securities. While specific stocks aren't recommended, this service does provide guidance on good areas of investment and insight on where most investors make mistakes.

Bill and Dan both believe doom is impending for our fragile financial markets and this service will help guide readers through it all. 

As you can imagine since it's a paid service, the content provided is more detailed and not quite as basic as what's provided with the free subscriptions.

Tom's Portfolio ($3,500 + $299/quarter renewal fee)

This is the most expensive service offered and basically allows subscribers to follow along with what Tom Dyson does with his own money. He has developed some sort of Dow-to-Gold ratio strategy that has been very profitable over the years. In fact, after selling his posessions before he started traveling the world, he dumped all his money into this strategy, and that's what you can get in on here.

Tom is extremely bullish on gold and typical investments that he's a fan of include tiny gold mining stocks that have the potential for 10x+ gains and gold royalty companies, which you can probably expect to be recommended if you join.

Cost & Refunds

As you can see the cost varies quite a bit. You have free services and then paid services including the Bonner-Denning Letter for $199/yr and Tom's Portfolio for $3,500 plus a quarterly renewal payment of $299.

However, there are often big discounts available and I've seen Tom's Portfolio discounted down to as low as $1,500. So if you are interested in purchasing anything here then you should search around for discounts.


As far as refunds go, there is a 60-day money-back guarantee for the $199/yr cost of the Bonner/Denning Letter, but for Tom's Portfolio there are no money-back refunds. They only offer credit for this, which doesn't make any sense since if you did ask for your subscription to be canceled and account credited there would be no other services even close to the $3,500 price point that you could use your credit on.

That said, I would recommend trying for a money-back refund in any situation. To contact support on this matter you have the following options:

  • By phone at 1-800-681-1765
  • By email at
  • Or by submitting a contact form on their website.

If you call them you'll have to do so between 9am - 7pm Monday through Friday.

Who Their Services Are Best For

Since they offer a wide range of services then it makes sense that they'd be good fits for a wide range of people. If you are just looking for contrarian viewpoints and to stay updated with what's going on in the financial markets, with politics, and in the world in general then Bill Bonner's Diary could be a good choice. If you are looking for more guidance and specific stock recommendations, and are bullish on gold, then Tom's Portfolio might be a good choice. And if you are looking for something that fits somewhere in the middle then the Bonner-Denning Letter could be worth a look.

It all depends on what you are looking for.

Conclusion - Worth Joining?

So we know that Rogue Economics is an investment research company that provides newsletter services... but should you actually join? Is it worth it? Well, it's a bit of a tough decision. Most of the services don't provide specific recommendations so there is no track-record, and with Tom's Portfolio I haven't been able to find any either, so it all depends on what you are looking for and whether or not you think it's worth it.

It would be nice if I could provide a more conclusive answer to this, but hopefully this review has helped out to some extent. One thing that I can say is that here at Green Bull we won't tell you not to join Rogue Economics.

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