Roger Michalski’s “Operation Hoodwink” Semiconductor Stocks

Roger Michalski says something called “Operation Hoodwink” is the Biden administration’s last-ditch attempt to win the 2024 election.

It involves an artificial revival of America’s economy and we can use his desperation to cash out BIG over the next year.


The Teaser

The same phenomenon that Biden just triggered was also the driving force of the tech boom we experienced in the 2010s…


Roger Michalski is the group publisher of Eagle Financial, which publishes investment newsletters and other products by Mark Skousen, George Gilder, and others. We have previously reviewed such Eagle Financial teasers as George Gilder's “Miracle Material” and Mark Skousen's $6 “Dark Lithium” Micro-Cap Company here at Green Bull.

But the phenomenon goes back even further than that.

It's the same one that turned folks like Cornelius Vanderbilt and Thomas Edison into global titans and Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk into billionaires.

Another clue we get is that independent market research firm PwC, says “Operation Hoodwink” has the potential to pump a staggering $15.7 Trillion into the U.S. economy through a key industry.

I think I know what Roger is talking about here.

That $15.7 trillion figure has been thrown out a lot in teasers lately and it tells me Roger is alluding to the rise of artificial intelligence (AI).

The Next Boom

As part of “Operation Hoodwink,” the Biden admin has already signed a new act into law that is set to pour $39 billion into one pivotal industry.

One Fortune article called this sector “the engine of the global economy and America isn’t making enough of them.”

I tracked down that article and the pivotal industry is…semiconductors.

No real surprise here since semiconductor chips are vital to everything from smartphones to laptops and refrigerators to TVs.

Because the domestic U.S. semiconductor industry has been lagging, importing significantly more semiconductors than it has exported since the year 2009, the Biden Administration has introduced something called the CHIPS and Science Act.

It’s an act that was specifically signed into law to incentivize domestic semiconductor manufacturing. 

However, this is just the first ingredient driving $15.7 trillion in new wealth by 2030. What are the others and how do we profit from this semiconductor renaissance?


The Pitch

All of the specifics are in an exclusive special report Silicon Gold: Profiting From the Semiconductor Renaissance.


Inside this report, we’ll find the name, ticker symbol, and full analysis of the company at the forefront of America's semiconductor resurgence. All we need to do is take a no-risk trial subscription to Mark Skousen’s flagship trading service, TNT Trader, for $995 for the first year.

If we join, we will receive one or two trade recommendations every other week, two bonus reports, and text messages and emails with specific instructions on when to get into trades, when to get out, and when to “hang tight.”


Mark Skousen's 3 Convergence Forces

Roger calls Mark Skousen one of the 20 most influential living economists in the world.

I wonder who number 19 is, but I digress. Mark thinks the Biden admin has triggered something called a convergence with its CHIPS Act, which is when three forces come together to create massive change and opportunity.

The three converging forces are – government action, as we've already highlighted above. The second force is…

Groundbreaking Technology

There’s been a major technological advancement in the world of semiconductors.

It has to do with a groundbreaking concept known as extreme ultraviolet lithography, or EUV for short. EUV is a production process that enables the creation of much smaller, yet more powerful, semiconductor designs than ever before.

This means EUV could usher in a new era of semiconductors that are not only more powerful but also cheaper to produce in the long run.

The timing couldn't have been any better either, with the CHIPS and Science Act making sure the technology is made in the USA.

But government funding and technology aren't enough to spur a boom, so what's the third factor?


Nothing happens without tangible demand from industry and this factor is already in play.

Much of this demand is coming from…you guessed it, the rise of artificial intelligence.

Every time a generative AI system crafts a paragraph designs an image, or even simulates human-like interactions, semiconductors are working hard behind the scenes.

I could see this being self-fulfilling, as the more advanced AI becomes, the more semiconductors we need and the more semiconductors we produce, the more powerful our AI tools become.

This is the final piece of the convergence puzzle that when pieced together sparks innovation, creates jobs, and makes stocks soar.

But which companies are set to design, develop, and distribute these semiconductor chips across the United States?


Revealing the “Operation Hoodwink” Semiconductor Stocks

Roger says the most lucrative strategy to benefit from the semiconductor boom is to invest in companies at the heart of the industry.

A few generic clues are provided about what these companies could be:

  • No shaky semiconductor startups, just major semiconductor firms with proven track records.
  • These companies have a strategic edge in chip design, production, and distribution, outperforming competitors now and in the foreseeable future.
  • Mark's top pick could very well lead America’s EUV semiconductor boom.

What I gather from this, is that the top pick is likely ASML Holding N.V. (Nasdaq: ASML). Here is what led me to this conclusion:

No hints were dropped about any other potential picks.


10x Your Money With Semiconductors?

A ten-bagger may be ambitious, given it would mean ASML reaching a $2.8 trillion market cap.

Keep in mind only four companies have ever reached a $2 trillion valuation and only seven have attained trillion-dollar status, which I think ASML is fully capable of over the long term. So more like a five-bagger, which is nothing to thumb our noses at.

Roger and Mark are right in saying that AI along with the ecosystem that is quickly growing around it will spur growth in the semiconductor industry for years and even decades to come. ASML's own outlook calls for net sales growth of 30% in fiscal year 2023, with improving margins.

One could do a whole lot worse than ASML at 33x trailing earnings with a shareholder-friendly management that pays dividends and regularly returns significant capital through buybacks.


Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • Roger Michalski says something called “Operation Hoodwink” is the Biden administration’s last-ditch attempt to win the 2024 election.
  • “Operation Hoodwink,” as Roger calls it, is the $39 billion CHIPS and Science Act, which is incentivizing domestic U.S. semiconductor manufacturing in a BIG way.
  • An exclusive special report called Silicon Gold: Profiting From the Semiconductor Renaissance shows us how to profit from the semiconductor renaissance. It's ours with a no-risk trial subscription to Mark Skousen’s flagship trading service, TNT Trader, which costs $995 for the first year.
  • Fortunately, we were able to reveal Mark Skousen's top semiconductor pick for free as ASML Holding N.V. (Nasdaq: ASML).
  • ASML has been growing by more than 25% annually over the past four years and there are already indications that this could increase going forward.

Are you already invested in the semiconductor industry? Tell us in the comments.

1 thought on “Roger Michalski’s “Operation Hoodwink” Semiconductor Stocks”

  1. ASML is an incredible company:
    As you note, the only company in the world who produces EUV equipment. A true monopoly. Yet they don;t exploit their customers preferring to work hand with them to create newer, better versions of the products for 3-7 years in the future. They are will to accept a 24-28% AGR in revenues, earnings, ROTA, etc.for years or decades rather than 35-50% for a few years. All this from a company that was divested from Philips electronics as the ugly step child 20 years ago. That auspicious beginning has created a culture that is obsessed with being the simply the best.

    I agree that a 10x is a stretch. Their ten year PAGR (Price) is an astounding 39.7% which means they are doubling every 2 years. But taking a more conservative, yet lofty 25% PAGR means they will take roughly about 10 years to be 10x.

    If I only owned one company, ASML would be on the short list. LRCX is also excellent. But I like ASML’s moat. What threats? One is new technology like DNA or quantum computing making silicon based chips obsolete. Possibly ?Probably? But not in the near future.

    The other threat is China develops EUV equipment. They are working hard on it, but are far behind while ASML is not standing still. I believe the Chinese will eventually succeed because they need this tech and it is banned from China. But I do not see non-Chinese companies wanting to bet the farm on Chinese supply equipment imbedded with technology stealing intelligence. 20 years ago companies worked with China knowing they were stealing technology, but were reliable suppliers who reduced costs. Covid and President Xi has taught the rest of the world that is a tenuous path to ruin.

    Anyway, regardless of who is promoting it ASML really is an excellent company.


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