Mark Skousen’s “New Oil” Energy Company – Real Chance to Strike it Rich?

Mark Skousen's “New Oil” Energy Company

Eagle Financial’s top analyst Mark Skousen is back and breaking a massive story in the global energy market. It’s an alternative energy source Mark calls “The New Oil” and one energy company is at the heart of it.   The Teaser While politicians are stuck debating endless wars, climate change, and whether fossil fuels or … Read more

Mark Skousen’s “Profit Code” (“cash collect” strategy) – Make $8,500 Every Month?

Mark Skousen’s “Profit Code” (“cash collect” strategy)

Due to high interest rates and inflation that will last the next decade, every American household will indirectly pay the Fed a whopping $63,000 in interest over the next few years. Economist Mark Skousen has a “Profit Code” to counter this bleak reality, using something he calls a “cash collect” strategy, which is a “catch up” … Read more

Roger Michalski’s “Operation Hoodwink” Semiconductor Stocks

Roger Michalski’s “Operation Hoodwink” Semiconductor Stocks

Roger Michalski says something called “Operation Hoodwink” is the Biden administration’s last-ditch attempt to win the 2024 election. It involves an artificial revival of America’s economy and we can use his desperation to cash out BIG over the next year.   The Teaser The same phenomenon that Biden just triggered was also the driving force … Read more