If you've come across Nick Hodge's "Crypto 66" teaser and are looking for more information, then you're in the right place. This investment opportunity is NOT, I repeat, is NOT, what it appears to be.
In this review I'll be exposing what this opportunity really is and I'll even be exposing the company behind this "crypto 66", ticker symbol and all.
Let's begin by going over the teaser...
The teaser:
Who knows... there might be multiple variations of this teaser going around, but here is what I came across, titled "Bizarre Crypto Opportunity Gives You the Chance to Own Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies For Less Than $1.00"...

Nick Hodge is the guy behind it all. He's the founder of The Outsider Club where he provides subscribers with investment recommendations that most people don't know about, and besides this he has co-authored some books and has been featured on various media outlets for his investment expertise, such as on Business News Network and Yahoo!'s Daily Ticker.
In this "crypto 66" teaser he takes things too far. Investment teasers are usually at least a little misleading, but this one is more than a little. It's just as bad as the "Prime Profits" teaser I recently exposed.
Some of what we are told includes:
- It's not too late to get in on crypto because of this "so rare and unprecedented" opportunity
- Investors will be able to "grow much richer, much faster on cryptocurrencies than ever before"
- It is a completely new investment
- 99.99% of crypto investors have no idea it exists
And of course, the very misleading claim that you will be able to...
- Legally buy the big cryptos for less than $1

He mentions that this opportunity will give you the chance to buy cryptocurrencies for around what they had cost back in 2011... and that you will have the chance to turn every $1,000 you invest into $23,000.
Furthermore, it supposedly "could easily be the biggest payday of your lifetime".
And of course you can't wait! You have to get in right now! This chance "could disappear forever".
The sales pitch:
Well, of course this all ends in a sales pitch.
You can get his report on Crypto 66 with provides all the information on this "new" opportunity for "free", but in order to get this "free" report you first have to buy into his subscription advisory service... and it's not cheap!

Early Advantage is the newsletter advisory service being pushed. It's a follow-along advisory service where Nick alerts subscribers to new investment opportunities, and it costs $1,999/yr (and that's with a discount!).
*Of course you won't have to buy into it because I'm exposing the crypto 66 investment opportunity in a second... for free.
What the Heck is "Crypto 66"?
"Crypto 66" is just a name that Nick Hodge made-up to refer to the opportunity of investing in the company behind a massive cryptocurrency mining operation.
Cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, needs to be "mined", or as he calls it, "minted". This process takes a lot of computing power and a lot of money. It used to be something that anyone could do on their own computer, but now the business of crypto mining is dominated by large companies. Here's a video that explains it better if you are looking for more info...
The opportunity being teased here is to invest in the one company behind this massive crypto mining facility...

We are told that this facility is located in Swedish Lapland, which is close to the arctic circle, and it will have over 40k computers running and mining crypto.
Mining crypto consumes a lot of electricity, and the strategic location of this facility is one of the reasons Nick Hodge has so much faith in its success. Swedish Lapland has some of the cheapest electricity in the world, and there are almost no cooling costs because of the cold climate in the area.
But don't get too excited... there's a lot of misleading info being spewed
#1) The numbers given are wrong - In the presentation he talks about how many Bitcoins this operation will "mint" a day, but this presentation is outdated and things have changed. In May of 2020 there was a big Bitcoin event known as "halving", which is something that was pre-programmed into the Bitcoin code... and basically it cuts the amount of Bitcoins "minted" per block in half. Yes, in half.
So the numbers he shares with us are completely incorrect, although it could still be a very profitable operation.
#2) You won't own cryptocurrency - He mentions over and over again that you'll be able to "own" cryptocurrencies for under $1. This is nothing more than a lie. Investing in this company will not provide you with cryptocurrencies. Investing in the company will provide you with ownership in the company, that's it... no direct ownership of cryptocurrencies here.
The Crypto 66 Stock Exposed
So, what the heck is the company behind this? What do you have to invest in so that "you could become incredibly rich, incredibly fast"? What is the company that will supposedly 23x your money?
I'll get straight to the point...
It is Hydro66 (SIX.CX on the CSE, HYHDF OTC in the US).
Hydro66 runs a colocation data center in Sweden that specializes in high-performance computing, which they now use a large portion of to mine bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
All of the hints given match up.
- Hydro66 has operations in Sweden.
- They do use hydro and wind power to run their operations, and are very focused on being eco-friendly
- Hydro66's stock does trade for less than $1, which I guess is the reason for the misleading claim that you'll be able to own cryptocurrencies for less than $1.
- David Rowe and Robert Keith are big shareholders in the company (both were mentioned in the teaser).
- And the image that was shown in the presentation even matches up with their facility (I did a reverse Google images search for this).
Hydro66 it is... no doubt about it.
A Good Opportunity or Not?
It certainly could be! But this is not the sure-fire way to get rich like Nick Hodge leads us to believe. Relying so heavily on crypto mining, and it's uncertain future, doesn't exactly seem all that safe. Sure, if things go south they can still use all that computing power for other things, but still, it's hard to predict how this will all turn out.
Furthermore, the company hasn't been profitable and will likely need to expand its operations to become profitable, which they are looking to do but are still small-scale at the moment.
It's a small company, its stock is cheap and it stands a chance to make a lot... but who knows how it will turn out. As always, do your own due diligence before investing and don't fall for all the hype.
Quick Recap & Conclusion
- The Outsider Club's founder, Nick Hodge, is the guy behind the "Crypto 66" teaser.
- He claims there is a completely new crypto investment opportunity that "you could become incredibly rich, incredibly fast" with.
- The teaser is over-hyped and contains a lot of misleading information.
- It's not a direct cryptocurrency investment opportunity and you won't "own" any cryptocurrencies after investing in it, but rather it is an opportunity to invest in a company that mines cryptocurrencies.
- Nick Hodge believes one crypto-mining company will dominate, and all the information on this company is contained in a "free" report.
- In order to get this "free" report you have to whip out your credit card and pay over $1k for a subscription to his one advisory service.
- I just exposed the company he's teasing to be Hydro66... and now you don't have to buy in just to find out!
You're welcome!
I hope this review has helped and provided you with some value. As always, let us know what you think about this stock pick in the comment section below.
straight ahead…right to the point.. this is an excellent service. In a community full of liars, swindlers and plain old thieves you guys are a breath of fresh air.
I keep your website close at hand, not unlike a priest and his bible….
thanks so much for your honesty.
thank you. I managed to see through the presentation to realise that this was about shares in a crypto mining operation but was not inclined to spend $1,000 in order to get the "free report"!!
I get an increasing number of these teasers each day. They are usually well written and to the more naïve investor have a compelling appeal.
But it is wrong to hype such a publicly listed company as a "rare opportunity" – even though it might well become a fortune generator in time. The hype makes no PROMISES but also minimises potential risk…..
Thank you for saving people all that money. These type of pitches should be against the law. Thanks again for looking out for the many thousand's of families that cannot afford to be taken advantage of. Just an idea, but maybe you could expand your business to a mobile app also and that would expose those on the internet trying to sell false promises or products to the masses. Scam Alert App could be sent to the masses, and help people save there hard earned money. Free at first or $1.99 or more could save you hundreds or thousands of dollars from being scammed.