At first glance, Jason Williams' “Plug-in Payouts” sound like something a shady figure standing on a street corner would try and persuade you to try.
But several of the savviest, most credible billionaires on the planet have already piled into this opportunity now and we can get in too.
The Teaser
Electric charging stations are sprouting up all over the country and as many as 8x are needed by 2030 to meet the expected demand. This is where the opportunity starts.

Not to be confused with a certain former basketball player that was a wizard with the ball, this Jason Williams is a market wizard. A former investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, he says he now teaches the same strategies he used to help the ultra-wealthy get even richer. We have previously reviewed several of Jason's teasers here at Green Bull, including “Robot Royalties” and “Newton Battery” Company, among others.
Jason says this proliferation of charging stations has opened up a brand-new income stream. One that lets anyone pocket a few fractions of a dollar any time an electric vehicle gets plugged in to charge.
How is this possible?
It's all because of an official U.S. government directive hidden in the late-2022 Inflation Reduction Act.
This provision earmarks $7.5 billion for building out EV charging infrastructure across the country and it's what makes Jason's “Plug-in Payouts” possible.
100% Passive Income
Since public tax dollars are funding this infrastructure build-out, this may be about some sort of a tax rebate.
Jason stating that all it takes is just five minutes to set up using our computer or mobile phone and we'll start receiving quarterly payouts makes me think this is what he's hinting at. But let's hear it straight from the horse's mouth.
In a nutshell, this provision is “sending billions of dollars gushing toward a special group of EV-related firms – firms that are obligated to split their profits with everyday Americans.”
So, the names of these “EV-related firms” are what we are really after.
The Pitch
Jason has put together a special report outlining everything we need to know to start profiting from these “Plug-In Payouts”. It's called “Plug-in Payouts: Get Paid Every Time an Electric Car Plugs In.”

On the “Street,” this kind of information would typically set us back at least $1,000 according to Jason. But if we take his flagship service, The Wealth Advisory, for a no-strings-attached trial, we can get it for just $99.
Included in the offer is a six-month money-back guarantee, a total of three special reports, 12 monthly issues of The Wealth Advisory, and weekly market updates on big issues affecting our money and retirement.
What is An Alternative-Fuel Vehicle Refueling Infrastructure Tax Credit?
This is quite a mouthful to say…leave it to the government to complicate a simple thing.
But it also vindicates my initial assumption about some sort of tax credit being involved.
Indeed, buried deep in the endless fine print of U.S. Code 30c in the Inflation Reduction Act, it reads:
“A tax credit provides a headline credit for up to 30 percent of the cost of a “qualified alternative fuel vehicle refueling” station, subject to a $100,000 per station limit.”
As it was intended to do, this credit has slashed the cost of installing new EV charging stations for eligible companies as of the start of this year.
A Clique of “Special Companies”
We're now seeing EV charging stations pop up nearly everywhere right now across all 50 states.
The hope of the current administration is to construct some 500,000 charging stations by 2030. That's about four every 50 miles, all earning somewhere in the range of $10-$30 per charge.
So even if we're talking pennies skimmed off the top as profit by operators, it quickly adds up. These pennies would then be distributed to us as quarterly “Plug-in Payouts.”
Jason says we could be banking up $34,200 this year alone, which sounds like a typo.
A quick back-of-the-envelope calculation shows that even if we had a nice round figure of say $100,000 invested, that would imply a 30%+ annual yield, which I'm not aware of any EV charging stock paying at the moment.
The payouts appear inflated, but then Jason rattles off some names of everyday people that are already collecting “Plug-in Payouts” (dividends). People like “Todd H.”, a graduate from Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, who has racked up $7,553 in payouts already this year. Perhaps he's an investor in the clique of “special companies.”
Let's find out the names of these “special companies” so that we can get our payouts too.
Revealing Jason Williams' “Plug-In Payouts” Companies
Following in the footsteps of his previous teasers, Jason is similarly cryptic and purposely leaves a lot to the imagination in this one as well.
Here is what we have to work with description:
- A special group of EV-related firms
- Firms that are obligated to split their profits with everyday Americans
After some digging, I found that the only thing he could be teasing here that fits this description is Office and Commercial REITs.
- Commercial REITs are increasingly installing EV charging stations in their properties' parking areas and making them available to both tenants and visitors of their buildings.
- REITs are obligated by law to pay out at least 90% of their profits as dividends to shareholders.
I cannot say with any certainty which specific REITs are being teased, as no clues were provided whatsoever in this regard. But here are some names that have already installed EV charging stations on all or some of their properties:
- First Capital Real Estate Investment Trust (FCR-UN.TO). It has committed to installing EV charging stations at every single one of its properties by the end of 2024.
- UDR Inc. (NYSE: UDR). The REIT was the first to add EV charging stations to an apartment complex in the U.S.
- Simon Property Group, Inc. (NYSE: SPG). The nation’s largest retail REIT has been installing EV charge stations on some of its properties since 2018.
- Ally Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (ALLY.BK). An international REIT from Thailand, as Jason says in his teaser that he's found “a few international cash cows who are obliged to share their EV charging profits with people like you and me.”
Life-Changing New Income Stream?
While not new, as REIT dividends have been around for more than half a century, a better term to use would be a growing income stream.
According to the Department of Energy, there are about 51,000 public charging stations across the country right now. A far cry from the 500,000 figure aimed at by 2030.
Given the lack of viable space available for completely new stations, EV chargers are being installed on existing infrastructure like retail and other properties. The vast majority of these new installs will come by way of property owners (like REITs) making incentive deals with charging station network operators that pays them a small cut on each charge. Add government subsidies to this and the incentive is even sweeter.
In theory, this will raise the dividend yields of these REITs. In practice, we will have to wait and see, as there is no guarantee that EVs and by extension EV charging stations will take off like many are predicting.
Yes, REITs are great for income. But any investment in one today should be scrutinized based on many other factors first like its gearing ratio, occupancy rates, and ability to generate AFFO, before ever considering whether or not it derives income from EV charging stations. Life-changing income is definitely more hype than reality at this point.
Quick Recap & Conclusion
- Jason Williams is teasing something called “Plug-in Payouts” as a brand new income stream.
- We learn that a legal provision hidden in the late-2022 Inflation Reduction Act is “sending billions of dollars gushing toward a special group of EV-related firms – firms that are obligated to split their profits with everyday Americans.”
- The names of these “EV-related firms” are only revealed in a special report called “Plug-in Payouts: Get Paid Every Time an Electric Car Plugs In.” The report is ‘free' for subscribers of Jason's flagship service, The Wealth Advisory, which costs $99 for the first year.
- EV-related firms are actually REITs (who would've thunk it), as they have been installing EV charging stations on their properties going back as far as a decade.
- In typical Jason Williams fashion, absolutely no clues are given about any of the REITs being teased. But we did provide the names of some that have already installed EV charging stations on their properties as examples.
Do you believe EV charging station profits will make a difference to REIT dividend yields? Let us know in the comments.
Yes it has to be that plus hydrogen if it can be made ata real usable price
There are (2) new sources of vehicle-energy on the horizon, vastly improved nuclear reactors, some the size of a semi-truck trailer, that will require (connected) chargers, but, hydrogen systems replacing gas/diesel engines already proven in factory forklifts, et. al, used for fuel-cell powered (non-connected) systems. If hydrogen solutions win out, then EV chargers will be erased entirely.
Not necessarily. The Hydrogen solutions may be more practical to supply the energy to electric charging stations. Quite possibly the same for Nuclear reactors. Those could be used to provide power to roads for wireless charging, or charging stations if they can be made small enough to be practical. I think everyone would be happy with a Mr. Fusion on their car!