Alexander Green’s “New King of LNG” Stock – Great Wealth for a Fair Price?

Europe is slowly sinking into what could be a deep recession due to its energy crisis and runaway inflation, putting the entire U.S. stock market in peril as well.

But Alexander Green believes one “New King of LNG” stock will benefit from this fallout and become immensely profitable.


The Teaser

Something Alex is calling “Putin’s folly” has created perhaps the most obvious, predictable, and potentially profitable opportunity he's seen in 40 years in the markets.


The Oxford Club bills itself as “the world's largest financial fellowship”, with more than 160,000 members. Alex Green is responsible for much of its research and we have looked into whether it is the real deal or not, while also reviewing some of his most recent picks, like the Next Great American Super Stock.”

So what exactly was Vladimir Putin's epic blunder?

Alex says it was completely cutting off Europe’s energy supplies after the start of the Ukraine situationship.

Yes, this completely screws over many of Europe's NATO countries, as Russia is the primary supplier of gas to all of Europe, accounting for almost half of the continent's entire gas supply.

Hence, in 2022, the price of natural gas surged 70-fold from 2020.


This has been a gut punch to Europe, as it was always intended to be.

So why was this a mistake by Putin?

Alex says there is a replacement for Russian gas. A way for Europe to get all the energy they need.

The answer is America and it’s also a way for investors to make a ton of money in a very short period of time.

How Europe Will Solve Its Energy Crisis

Put simply, the United States is the world leader in producing cheap natural gas.

It produces more than any other country, more than Russia, more than Saudi Arabia, and over four times more than China!

The good ol' US of A has nearly unlimited supplies and the technology to pull it out of the ground in massive amounts. There's just one problem…

There is no pipeline connecting America to Europe.

Instead, for natural gas to be transported from America to Europe, it must be transformed into liquefied natural gas, or LNG. 

LNG has to be stored at about minus 260 degrees in order to be held in a liquid form and a substantial amount of it “boils off” by the time you get to your destination. So the whole process is rather challenging to say the least.

But there's been a breakthrough and Alex believes this breakthrough is in the process of making one company and its shareholders a fortune.


The Pitch

This business is “immensely profitable” and Alex has put together a brand-new report on it titled The New King of LNG.”


The report is reserved for members of The Oxford Communiqué, a monthly publication for “wealth builders and freedom seekers.” A one-year subscription to the Communiqué costs only $49 per year for a limited time, with a generous 365-day money-back guarantee. 

Included in the offer are two additional special reports, including one named “The 900-Pound Gorilla Dominating Gene Sequencing”, access to all five of Alex's model portfolios, invitations to in-person members-only events, and more.


How One Company Is Solving Europe’s Energy Crisis

We already know liquefied natural gas was difficult to ship in the past and that there wasn’t much profitability in transporting LNG from America to Europe.

Cargo ships carrying LNG typically only turn a profit of about $15,000 per day, which is small by international shipping standards.

But a new set of ships are changing the game.

What we're looking at here is a mock-up of a ship specifically designed for transporting LNG.

At the port, giant compressors turn the gas into a supercooled liquid at minus 260 degrees, which is then pumped into gigantic dome tanks (the LNG tanks pictured above) specially designed to maintain the cold temperature.

These domes are apparently so efficient, they don’t even need refrigeration units to cool the LNG during the trip.

But wait it gets better…

$200,000 in Daily Profits

Not only can these ships transport 3.6 billion cubic feet of natural gas in a single trip, but they have been built to actually capture and run on the natural gas that would boil off during the voyage.

Needless to say, this dramatically reduces the cost of the entire journey, and given their transport capacity, they can bring in upwards of $200,000 in profits per day.

This is to say nothing about buying a full load of 3.6 billion cubic feet of liquefied natural gas in America for around $40 million and selling it in Europe for nearly $200 million, given currently prevailing market prices. You can do the math on this one. 

Alex says there are a few companies doing this. But not many and one company in particular has prepared for this opportunity perfectly.


Revealing Alexander Green's “New King of LNG” Stock

Here is what we know about the “New King of LNG”

  • The company started building out an armada of 13 state-of-the-art LNG ships between 2018 and 2021.
  • They are one of the only companies ready to supply the natural gas Europe desperately needs.
  • Based on its latest earnings release, profits have already grown by an astounding 25x since 2020.
  • The company is paying a monstrous annual dividend of over 10%, which is likely to increase even more.

Alex is talking about Flex LNG Ltd. (NYSE: FLNG). The clues align like an LNG ship docking in port.

  • Flex LNG is a global transporter of LNG with a fleet of 13 fuel-efficient, fifth-generation LNG carriers.
  • The company's earnings in 2020 were $0.15 per share, through the first half of 2023, they stand at $2.68 per share. About an 18x increase.
  • Flex LNG's annual dividend is 9.56% as I write this.


One of the Best, Most Unique Investment Opportunities Ever?

Flex LNG has good underlying economics and some positive headwinds going in its direction.

A few things immediately stand out to me.

First, the company has 13 ships delivering LNG around the world and 12 of them are under fixed contracts, with LNG prices locked in for between three and 10 years. This means predictable cash flow and in turn dividends for us as investors for years to come.

Second, as previously mentioned, Flex LNG built its fleet of state-of-the-art LNG ships between 2018 and 2021. Well, the cost of building similar LNG tanker ships, just like the costs of everything else has skyrocketed!

Some estimates put the cost of building a new ship at almost $70 million more than what Flex paid when it built its fleet. It's not like new ships can instantly be built either, so this is a competitive advantage that the company will continue to enjoy for at least a few more years.

Combine predictable cash flow, dividends, and a clear competitive advantage with a low absolute valuation of only 11.5x current earnings, and we have that rarity – a quality stock.


Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • Europe is slowly sinking into what could be a deep recession, but Alexander Green believes a“New King of LNG” stock will be the antidote.
  • This “New King of LNG” is changing the game with a fleet of new tanker ships specifically designed for transporting LNG across the Atlantic to Europe.
  • Alex has put together a brand-new report on this “immensely profitable” business titled The New King of LNG.”  The report is reserved for members of The Oxford Communiqué who pay $49 for a one-year subscription.
  • Loyal readers of Green Bull can skip this step, as we were able to reveal the “New King of LNG's” identity as Flex LNG Ltd. (NYSE: FLNG).
  • FLNG stock is legit. Predictable cash flow, dividends, high insider ownership, and a low absolute valuation. Teaser picks rarely get better than this.

Will the U.S. fill the void left by Russia and supply the European continent with LNG going forward? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

3 thoughts on “Alexander Green’s “New King of LNG” Stock – Great Wealth for a Fair Price?”

  1. Brilliant, Theodor. Although I’m primarily a dividend investor I don’t often invest in fossil fuel technology but I will have to give this one some thought.


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