Gerardo Del Real’s “Greatest Gold Trade Ever” – Make 5x Your Money by Summer?

Some consider John Paulson’s bet against the subprime mortgage bubble in 2008 as “The Greatest Trade Ever.”

Now, Gerardo Del Real is tracking the billionaire's next big move into a tiny gold stock that he believes will go down as the “Greatest Gold Trade Ever.”


The Teaser

Unlike other fly-by-nights in the mining exploration space, this story has been unfolding over the last eight years.


Gerardo Del Real is the founder and editor of Junior Resource Monthly, one of the most well-known natural resource investment advisories in the world.

I have looked at some of Gerardo's previous pitches, including his $200 Uranium Picks, most recently, and his Blue Water” Copper Company. The man was right on his uranium call last year, so let's see if he's right again this time around.

Over the past eight years, Gerardo has done the groundwork, he's visited the mine site twice, talked to the execs, and his colleague, Nick Hodge, even chopped it up with John Paulson at an investing conference in Puerto Rico.

After all this scuttlebutt, he believes this gold mine is poised to eclipse every single one of his prior calls.

He's had some good ones too, like a 768% call on Magna Gold (OTC: MGLQF) and a 1,450% gain over five months on Nevada Sunrise Metals (OTC: NVSGF) in 2020.

But there's also another reason he's uber-bullish on it.

Because a crisis much bigger and more fundamental than 2008 is about to unfold. A macroeconomic shift in money and power that will be irreversible.

This is the reason John Paulson is betting more than he did during the collapse of subprime mortgages.

Paulson’s Bet on the Coming “Gold Panic”

In an interview from last year, which got little fanfare, Paulson mentioned three cracks forming in the American financial system:

  1. The End of the Dollar’s Hegemony. The BRICs seek to challenge American power by replacing the dollar with other currencies, including gold.
  2. A Central Bank Gold Buying Frenzy, as global central banks replace a record amount of dollars with gold.
  3. The end of the American Empire, as allies, like Israel, are besieged, Russia gains power in Europe, and our military withdraws from critical strategic locations like Afghanistan.

These catalysts are converging to create the perfect storm for gold.

At the end of the interview, Paulson said “You’d be better off keeping your investment reserves in gold at this point.”

But it’s not bullion, big miners like Barrick, or even futures that he's buying.

Instead, he's buying up one virtually unknown tiny gold stock.


The Pitch

This tiny gold stock's name and ticker symbol can be found in a dossier called The Greatest Gold Trade Ever: America’s Next 100-Bagger Gold Discovery.


The dossier is ours if we give Gerardo's Junior Resource Monthly investment advisory a try. Regular access to the newsletter costs $399 a year, but there's currently a discounted price of $199 per year being offered.

It includes 12 issues of the Junior Resource Monthly, full access to the archives, a model portfolio consisting of all open investment recommendations, and flash alerts whenever a change to the portfolio is made.


Why Is This John Paulson’s No. 1 Gold Stock?

In the deep wilderness of Idaho, about three hours from any airport lies a gold discovery that is unparalleled by anything in America.

Officially, the company reports it has six million ounces of gold in the ground.

However, Gerardo personally visited the mine site, and based on what he witnessed firsthand, he believes management is keeping the true scale of its gold reserves quiet.

What incentive could they possibly have to do this?

Well, it turns out, mines with 5 or 6 million ounces of gold are much easier to get approved. 

Fewer “official” reserves mean fewer loopholes, less waiting time, and less regulatory hassle.

So how much gold is really there?

Gerardo believes there are actually 20 million ounces of gold in total, which would make it one of the biggest, if not the biggest, gold mines in America.

However, the number of ounces is just half of the story.

The other half of the story is that the company has an imminent catalyst.

The Largest Gold Mine in America Is About to Come Online

Since 2015, the company has jumped through one regulatory hoop after another, and soon the final hurdle will be cleared.

By June 30, 2024, the US Forest Service will vote to permit the project. 

It’s the last hurdle to clear before the mine site becomes fully permitted and operational.

Fortunately, the Forest Service appears to have already tipped its hand. It recently highlighted the project’s benefits, such as the improvements in the water quality and river habitat. They have even called the company’s plan a “preferred alternative” to leaving the area as is.

Let's find out the name of the company Gerardo says is the best setup he's ever seen.


Revealing Gerardo Del Real's “Greatest Gold Trade Ever”

We have a few clues about the identity of this tiny gold stock:

  • The company being teased is the sole owner of the mine and its stock is trading around $4 per share.
  • Officially, the company reported that it has six million ounces of gold in the ground.
  • It's located near a pivotal stream for salmon, bull trout, and other fish populations in Idaho.
  • John Paulson owns a major stake.

Based on the clues, Perpetua Resources Corp. (Nasdaq: PPTA) appears to be Gerardo's pick.

  • Perpetua is the sole owner of the Stibnite Gold Project and the company's stock trades at just over $6 per share, after running up since March when this teaser was first released.
  • The estimated mineral resource at Stibnite is four to five million ounces of gold, making it one of the top 10 gold deposits in the U.S.
  • Stibnite is located 44 miles northeast of Cascade, Idaho, with the Salmon River flowing through it.
  • John Paulson's family office, Paulson & Co. owns nearly 39% of Perpetua Resources.


Multibagger in the Making or Speculative Miner?

Perpetua Resources is still a development-stage explorer, which means risk on.

However, it does have momentum on its side.

Extracting resources out of the ground is a capital-intensive business that requires a war chest, and Perpetua is getting it.

The explorer received $34.6 million under the Defense Production Act in February for restoring the only source of antimony in the United States, and it recently also received a letter of interest from the Export-Import Bank of the United States for potential debt financing of up to $1.8 billion.

This along with other funding gives Perpetua a long operational runway, which is what every junior explorer dreams of.

Until shovels are in the ground and construction is underway, it remains a speculation, but an intelligent one, with better-than-average odds of success.


Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • Gerardo Del Real is teasing a billionaire's big bet on a tiny gold stock that he believes will go down as the “Greatest Gold Trade Ever.”
  • The billionaire is John Paulson and it’s not bullion, big miners like Barrick, or even futures that he's buying. Instead, he's buying up one virtually unknown tiny gold stock.
  • This tiny gold stock's name and ticker symbol can be found in a dossier called The Greatest Gold Trade Ever: America’s Next 100-Bagger Gold Discovery. It's ours if we give Gerardo's Junior Resource Monthly investment advisory a try, for $199 for the first year.
  • The presentation gave us enough clues to reveal the tiny gold stock for free as Perpetua Resources Corp. (Nasdaq: PPTA).
  • Perpetua Resources is a well-capitalized junior explorer that is in the last stage of the permitting phase. It falls under the category of intelligent speculation.

Are junior gold miners something you're holding in your portfolio? Let us know in the comments below.

3 thoughts on “Gerardo Del Real’s “Greatest Gold Trade Ever” – Make 5x Your Money by Summer?”

    • It’s not a pump & dump. This mine has also some antimony and the US government will potentially help finance the mine up to 1.8B because of the antimony (critical resource). Am watching it.


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