Colin Tedards’ AI Chipmaker Stock (“The Next Nvidia”)

New senior technology analyst for Brownstone Research, Colin Tedards says the mass adoption of AI is just beginning.

However, the future of AI all hinges on one AI Chipmaker Stock being called “The Next Nvidia.”


The Teaser

The AI hype train is barreling down the tracks and it's going to run a lot of people over with stories of “hot stocks” and promises of overnight riches. This teaser is about cutting through all the noise and getting the truth about AI, or so we're told.


Colin Tedards is an entrepreneur, investor, and LA Lakers fan, uh. He began investing amidst the 2008-09 market crash and recently took over Jeff Brown's editing duties at Brownstone Research. We have previously reviewed Brownstone Research and its investment recommendations as well as former editor Jeff Brown's stock picks here at Green Bull.

In 2016, Nvidia was trading at a split-adjusted $6 per share.

Brownstone is claiming they recommended the stock (any longtime readers that can confirm this?) before it exploded to $493, creating a 7,910% windfall for early investors.

The Next Big Breakthrough

If you missed out on Nvidia like I did, Colin claims this is our chance to get in on the next big AI opportunity.

While everyone’s talking about NVIDIA right now, another tech company, much smaller than it, is set to leapfrog over the tech giant.

Our host says “This venture is just days away from launching a breakthrough new technology.”

What is this powerful new technology?

It's a technology 100,000 times smaller than a single grain of sand.


But make no mistake, these AI chips are 10,000 times more powerful than what’s inside our smartphones and laptops.

It’s set to be the most powerful AI chip on the market and they are the lifeblood of artificial intelligence.

There’s just one problem – there aren't enough of these powerful chips to go around.

If this issue isn’t addressed quickly, it could derail the entire future of AI.
To address the matter, Congress passed the CHIPS Act, pouring a whopping $280 billion into the semiconductor industry. This money is now flooding into chip companies, marking the beginning of the end for Nvidia's dominance
One company in particular is stepping up in a big way and it's behind the most powerful AI chip in history.

The Pitch

This stock could take off any day now and Colin has put all the details about it in a special report called The Next NVIDIA: How to Unlock the Next Wave of AI Profits.


It is ours with a subscription to The Near Future Report, which costs only $49 for a limited time ($150 off the regular price of $199). A subscription comes equipped with 12 monthly issues of the newsletter, each with a new stock recommendation, full access to the newsletter's archives, a model portfolio with current recommendations, buy-up-to prices, exact profit targets, and more.


New Tech Boom = Surge in Demand for Advanced Computer Chips

What is happening today with AI, has happened several times before.

For example, back when personal computers were first introduced to the public in the ‘80s and ‘90s, HP was the gold standard for computer hardware.

As a result, the company's stock rose nearly 1,000% in the 90s. Not too shabby.

But it’s nothing compared to a then-obscure company called EMC. The company launched a data storage technology called Symmetrix, which every business that stored lots of data needed.

Its stock soared 80,575% and it became the top-performing stock of the decade.

The same thing happened again when the internet was rolled out across America.

Without IBM’s hardware, the internet as we know it today wouldn’t exist. So it’s no surprise that throughout the internet boom of the ‘90s IBM shares rose as much as 526%.

Impressive, but the biggest internet-era profits didn’t come from IBM. Instead, they came from a hardware company called Cisco.

At the time, it was a tiny company. But as the internet started gaining traction, its network hardware eventually became the backbone of the internet.

This caused Cisco stock to explode by more than 75,000%!

As you can see, this pattern tends to repeat at the beginning of every tech boom. 

Colin believes he's found a similar opportunity today with AI chips.

The Backbone of AI

So far, NVIDIA looks like the big winner.

But like HP and IBM before it, a much smaller, as-yet-unknown company, has lots more room to grow.

Right now, this company is building the backbone of AI with a cutting-edge chip.

Its proprietary tech is fast enough to eliminate the need for half the chips AI companies so desperately need.

This emerging chipmaker is about to blast past NVIDIA and shower investors with profits, according to Colin. Let's find out what it is together.


Revealing Colin Tedards’ AI Chipmaker Stock

Clues are more scarce than water in the Sahara Desert, but here are the few we do get:

  • 19 billionaires, including David Tepper and David Einhorn, have been accumulating shares in this AI chipmaker.
  • Tech giants, such as Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon are already lining up for this company’s technology.
  • Right now, we can buy shares for less than $50.

All signs point to the pick being Marvell Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: MRVL). Here is what led to this conclusion:

  • Both Tepper and Einhorn own Marvell shares through their respective hedge funds.
  • The company is a long-time Apple supplier, supplying the Wi-Fi chip for the very first iPhone, and more recently, it has deployed internal, production-level servers for Microsoft Azure.
  • Marvell shares are currently trading a few bucks above $50, after a big run-up in May.


The Next Nvidia?

Nvidia owns an 80% market share in AI hardware, but is it defensible?

The premise of Colin's teaser is that Nvidia won't be able to keep up with the exploding demand for AI chips or with the breakneck pace of innovation.

Interestingly, it's a Marvell-linked startup, Silicon Box, and not Marvell itself that recently launched a “chiplet” foundry in Singapore. The company was created by Marvell founder, Sehat Sutardja, and his wife Weili Dai to make small chips, which can be the size of a grain of sand.

These chips are then brought together in a process called advanced packaging, which is a cost-efficient way to bind small semiconductors to form one processor that can power everything from data centers to household appliances.

This seems to be what Colin is hyping, although Silicon Box is a private startup and there is nothing in Marvell's 10-k or other financial reports mentioning a connection or stake in the company.

Of course, Marvell also has its own ultra-low latency, programmable 51.2 Tbps switch chip optimized for multi-tenant AI and cloud architectures.

What the presentation does get right is that demand for AI chips is indeed exploding and at just a quarter the size of Nvidia, Marvell has a much longer runway. However, the company's key metrics and profit margins are also much worse, so it's a double-edged sword here. 


Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • New senior technology analyst for Brownstone Research, Colin Tedards says the future of AI hinges on one AI Chipmaker Stock being called “The Next Nvidia.”
  • In the past, a new tech boom has usually meant a surge in demand for advanced computer chips. Colin believes this time will be no different and one company is building the most powerful AI chip in history.
  • This stock could take off at a moment's notice and Colin has put all the details on it in a special report called The Next NVIDIA: How to Unlock the Next Wave of AI Profits. It is ours with a subscription to The Near Future Report, which costs $49 for the first year.
  • Colin didn't give us a whole lot to work with, but what we got was enough to reveal his pick as Marvell Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: MRVL).
  • Marvell is 25x smaller than industry incumbent Nvidia, with a much longer growth runway. The only caveat is that its underlying economics are also much worse.

What company will be the ultimate winner of the AI chip race? Let us know what you think in the comments.

8 thoughts on “Colin Tedards’ AI Chipmaker Stock (“The Next Nvidia”)”

  1. I’m a subscriber to the Near Future Report and I think “The Next NVIDIA” that Colin describes is AMD. A quote from the PDF of his report “The Next NVIDIA”:
    “This is a company with a very well-diversified business model, and this is why I’m calling AMD the “next Nvidia.”

  2. Anders, you’ve been right on a lot of your picks, but you’re wrong about the “Next Nvidia” that Colin Tedards is touting. I would tell you what his actual pick is but I’m a Brownstone lifetime member & I’d feel like a turncoat if I were to share this information. Not to mention that I paid a substantial fee to become a lifetime member & I don’t think others should receive this info for free.
    You might want to publish a retraction since Marvel is not the stock pick he gave to his members.

    • Just going off the clues provided in the presentation. AMD was a possibility, but its stock price being above $100 didn’t fit with the “$50 per share” touted in the teaser. Thanks for letting readers know,)

  3. Thank you again for your service.
    Do you have any knowledge on Luke Lango’s $49 joining fee to identify how to invest pre IPO in ChatGPT?


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