Chris Wood’s Microcap Microchip Company – 109x Gains?

How would you like to turn as little as $3,000 into $18,750 profit overnight? What would you say if you were on the verge of investing in what can potentially be one of the greatest tech revolutions this century? These are the claims teased in Chris Wood’s Micro-cap Microchip Company newsletter that was recently released. 

Wood teases “instant profits of 200%+” and “profits of 750%, 1,000%, 2,000% could flow into your account within months”. By subscribing to Chris Wood’s latest newsletter, you’ll get plenty of bonuses, briefings, and reports, including the author’s latest briefing, Buy This Tiny Micro-cap Before Its Breakthrough 109x Announcement.”

According to Wood, his Project 5X program would cost you $4,000 but, as you would have guessed it already, he’s willing to throw in a huge discount if you act on it now. The urgency of subscribing to his newsletter is depicted throughout the teaser, asking you to “take action as soon as possible”, so you can benefit from his stock investing prowess and get the most out of your money soon. 

The advertised Chris Wood’s Micro-cap Microchip Company brief would cost you $2,497 per year if you were to subscribe to the newsletter and an additional $1,000 for the two-year subscription, which is described as a game-changer. To make the deal more appealing, Wood is throwing in a lot of bonuses, including 12 issues of the Project 5X Research, 24/7 access on a members-only website, and special reports such as “3 Disruptors That Could Be the Next Apple, Amazon, or Netflix” and “5G Royalties: How We’ll Cash In on 2020’s Biggest Boom.

If you can’t afford to pay $2,497 per year for some potentially beneficial stock tips, we got you covered as we are going to be exposing the company Chris Wood’s teases for free later in this article. But first, let’s start with the basics… 


Who Is Chris Wood and are his financial predictions any good?

A former money manager and the current CIO of RiskHedge, Chris Wood has had a fruitful career on Wall Street before striking out on his own. With years of experience in the financial field, Wood claims to have developed “a proprietary formula” that allows you to invest in micro-caps before they spike, teasing a “4-word secret” he then reveals as “Tiny stock. Big Breakthrough”.

According to Chris, there are over 2,000 micro-caps in the U.S. alone, but only some 1.2% of them are likely to see an overnight spike and lead you to the advertised potential 109x gains. Of course, by following his lead and investing in one company he teases, he claims you can get impressive returns and secure a decent retirement fund to last you for years.


All about the Opportunity

Firstly, micro-cap investing is not for the faint of heart. Secondly, many micro-caps (depending on the exchange on which they are listed) are not required to regularly file financial statements leading to plenty of ambiguity if you're not intimately familiar with the business in question. However, many things have changed since the wild west days of the 1980's when tech companies like Intel, Microsoft, and Apple first started getting into the business and going public, the over the counter market today is much more regulated at its highest tiers.

So, is it a good opportunity to invest in this teased company that will potentially give you 109x gains? With hundreds of new patent applications in the industry every day, most likely we will witness a new tech revolution in the next 5-10 years, especially in the fields of 5G technologies, robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and alternative money or cryptocurrencies

The “four largest chip makers” TSMC, Samsung, NVIDIA, and Intel have a combined market share of almost 90% of all microchips sold worldwide, which means there is little room for other competitors to take a big slice of the pie unless they come up with something that will completely revolutionize the world, similar to what Apple and Netflix did in their respective fields.

This begs the question – is the microchip industry still worth investing in? The good news is that companies are already looking into alternative methods to build more powerful chips as Moore’s Law has reached its limits and is no longer viable in the 2020's. Therefore, investing in micro-cap and microchip companies could still yield impressive “instant profits of 200%+”, sometimes reaching up to 2,000% in a matter of days or weeks according to Chris Wood.

However, knowing the exact company on which to place your bets is always a gamble, even if some of Wood’s predictions came true throughout the years. He did tell people to invest their money in NVIDIA stock when the company’s shares were sold for $12.41 each, which would have led some people to substantial gains since now the company is selling for over $400 per share. 

The same happened to a relatively unknown company named Kopin which, after declining 80% in a bad year and having sold its shares for $.50 each, saw its stock soar 921% “in just 4 months” after releasing its “Augmented Reality micro-display patent”.


The Company Being Teased

Throughout his newsletter, Chris Wood gives multiple clues to what the company is, which means you don’t have to pay for the expensive yearly subscription to get most of his insights on this firm. A closer look at some of these will reveal the company Wood is talking about. 

  • The first clue is about a company that currently trades for just $8 and is expected to increase by 625%, providing an “$18,750 profit for just $3,000 invested”. 
  • Also, the company teased is said to have “invented a new super fast microchip material that will power the next generation of tech”, while Wood claims that this discovery will lead to “annual revenues that will jump up to 109x in an instant”
  • He continues his pledge by saying that the company was founded by “an English physicist from Oxford who helped invent the fiber-optic network the modern Internet runs on”, who has behind him a team of Ivy-League scientists. 
  • Chris Wood describes the patent as “an entirely new way to make microchips” by fusing “silicon with another element to create a new material that does not exist in nature”.  According to various magazines, tests confirm that chips made from this material “are up to 100% more powerful”. 
  • Finally, Wood says that the teased company is “in negotiations with the world’s 4 largest chip makers” and that it has already signed a deal with Qualcomm (NASDAQ: QCOM).

Taking into account all the details Wood is referring to, we could easily identify the company being teased in his latest marketing newsletter as ATOMERA Inc. (NASDAQ: ATOM).

  • The first and most important clue Chris Wood mentioned even early in his letter is Atomera’s Patent no. US 10,636,879 B2 and the date listed as April 28, 2020, which was easy to trace back to the company with a quick search. 
  • Secondly, the company was founded by Robert Mears, an “English physicist and engineer”, Emeritus Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge. 
  • He founded Atomera back in 2001 and is the co-inventor of 46 US patents, among which is the Mears Silicon Technology (MST), a method for improving the mobility of semiconductor devices. Combining MST with silicon, the Atomera company, indeed, created a new way of making microchips more powerful. 
  • Finally, Atomera did strike a licensing deal with Qualcomm. In other words, patent royalties allow you to invent something (and get recognition for it), and then collect checks without doing anything else, every time someone uses your invention. This is exactly what Atomera is looking to become, by trying to cash in on royalties based on its MST discovery, hoping it will one day become big enough to be incorporated into microchips manufactured by Intel, NVIDIA, Samsung, and the like.


Is Atomera about to Skyrocket? 

The company has generated increased interest from the microchip industry trying out its MST technology. However, it remains risky as there are many other variables involved before you receive your promised 109X gains. The company may or may not strike the deal Wood teases and hints at, which means that you could get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity or once-in-a-lifetime disappointment. 

Atomera may ramp up to potentially $100 million in revenue in the next couple of years, which means you will be close to receiving substantial returns on your first investment. However, there are dozens of other patents being received for microchips daily, and who can say which one of them will really hit the market and become the next best thing? 

As with many other similar investments in the microchip industry, Atomera could become a great investment in a few years time. And, at around $8 per share if said shares ever reach $25 by the time you want to sell, you would see a tidy profit.

If you’re willing to wait a few years and invest a considerable amount of money in Atomera shares, you might end up with decent returns but not enough to set you up for life as is being advertised.


Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • Chris Wood is pitching his latest Project 5X Portfolio yearly subscription for $2,497 offering a full 30-day refund. The ad is full of urgency and, to justify these costs, he claims he has the inside track on a microchip company that will offer 109x gains in an instant. However, instead of letting you pay for his reports, we revealed the teased company, Atomera, for free, in our article. 
  • As previously mentioned, the company teased is Atomera, with Wood trying to convince you that “you will retire rich if you only buy tiny stocks making big breakthroughs.”
  • Atomera patented “an entirely new way to make microchips” by fusing silicon with another element created by the company, called MST, and threw in several news publications on the table to confirm that their technology works. 

Do you plan on investing in Atomera? Do you think that Moore’s Law isn’t relevant anymore? Is MST the next best thing in microchip technology? Let us know in the comment section below.

4 thoughts on “Chris Wood’s Microcap Microchip Company – 109x Gains?”

  1. I've read a few articles on Moore's law. The discussion discussed the limits of silicon etching or photographic process of developing Integrated Circuits containing the transistors that constitute the various chips, conductors, semi-conductors and micro processors, etc. used in the miniaturization of electronics today, right down to smart watches and smart phones. The offundefinedon control at the smallest point, the transistor, involves the gate. Further the space between the transistors is now so small that voltage or current or electron leakage can occur. Also, the oxidation process has a limit to its insulating qualities, which are a final step in completing the construction process to contain the electrons where the maker and vendor wants itundefinedthem to be. New materials combined with the silicon, most likely, will allow one more round of Moore's law to take place, perfect for A.I., deep thinkingundefinedprocessing and other computer processing and hybrid chip making. It won't be long before one of the technologies and substances combined together provide that last available step at miniaturization. Which company can produce the material replacing pure silicon with the siliconundefinedother material that can result in reliable further miniaturization that solves the electron leakage dilemma, so prominent a problem with this last step in miniaturization (unless a further breakthrough technology is developed). Perhaps ATOM is that company. I don't know for sure. AF

  2. I am so happy to receive these emails. I am a new investor who investigates lots of different stocks. I am always curious when someone teases a stock but I doubt very much that I would pay the amount of money the teaser desires. Thanks for doing the research. I will follow Atomera. I have been following other teasers you have revealed. I will need to learn more about the science of these possible investments. I am educating myself with some classes to learn as much as possible about investing. Thanks! Good job!


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