Bryan Perry Investing Review – Is It Reliable?

Our Bryan Perry Investing review looks at the editor's advisory services that promise continuous income for subscribers. People are interested mainly because of the generous claims.

Many dream about getting high-yield investments that would give them regular checks in the mail. Perry makes it sound so accessible and easy that people are intrigued by his strategies.

If he is indeed effective, then he is a savior for many who need that extra cash. 

However, his claims also invite plenty of skeptics. For some, Perry oversimplifies matters and minimizes the risks of the kind of investments he employs.

We will tackle these below since we value honesty, objectivity, and fairness on this space. This way, you will have a fuller picture of Perry and his advisory services.


  • Name: Bryan Perry Investing
  • Editor: Byran Perry
  • Publisher: Eagle Financial Publications
  • Website: and
  • Service: Investment research newsletter

If you want regular income from your investments, Perry offers his services. According to the editor, his newsletters use a variety of methods. However, the goal is the same.

With his advisory, you will receive "a juicy check in the mail each month, quarter, or year." 

The editor says that his decades of experience taught him key investment fundamentals. Thus, he knows how to pick stocks with "high-dividend yields and potential capital appreciation."

Under Eagle Financial, he has a variety of newsletters.

One is a free newsletter called Dividend Investing Weekly. The others are Cash Machine, Premium Income, Quick Income Trader, Breakout Options Alert, and Hi-Tech Trader.

Income Alliance is his package offer for his publications. We will discuss these in detail below.

What is Eagle Financial?

According to its website, the publication's goal is to help people gain "generational wealth." If you are interested in this, it says you will appreciate all of its guidance and recommendations.

For this reason, Eagle Financial has assembled what it calls the best of the best. The firm even goes further and says that the five editors are the leading investing minds in the country.

So who are these experts? With a combined stock market experience of 135 years, they are Dr. Mark Skousen, Bob Carlson, Bryan Perry, Jim Woods, and Jon Johnson.

Are you familiar with these names? Do you believe they are among the most credible financial geniuses in America?

According to the company, they have helped countless investors over the years. In fact, Eagle Financial says that its investment guidance has helped regular people become financially successful and independent.

The company also claims to be flexible enough for any kind of investor. Its experts can instruct both short-term traders and long-term investors in valuable strategies.

With the newsletters, they can earn a more stable income over time. Regular people also learn how to protect and grow their financial assets. As a result, they achieve a variety of financial and retirement goals.

It claims that the subscribers are one solid proof that the editors are effective as financial gurus. More than 170,000 people have placed their faith in them due to their expertise.

They have a large following because people get the trustworthy guidance they expect. To top it all off, the feedback from Eagle Financial's clients shows that their recommendations make sense to everyday investors.

In introducing its roster of experts, the publisher makes sweeping claims about the editors. Reading the description will make you think these are indeed God's gifts to regular investors.

But we encourage readers to take extra caution and not trust publishers quickly. If you are indeed interested in subscribing, it would be best to read as many objective reviews as possible.

Please do not take their word at face value. Naturally, publishers will enhance their editors' profiles, achievements, and track records. So do stick with us until the end of this article. 

If you want to know about the other services of Eagle Financial, check our archives. We have reviews of Bob Carlson’s Retirement Watch and Jim Woods’ Eagle Eye Opener. Check them out for more details.

What is Bryan Perry Investing?

Bryan Perry Investing is the Eagle Financial website devoted to one of its editors. It includes blog posts from Perry, as well as information on his range of services. 

Compared with other investment research providers, the publisher went on a different route. Instead of housing all services on its main website, clicking on an editor will lead you to a different one.

With this, it looks like the editor now has his own website devoted solely to him.

We think this is a smart move as it increases the perceptive credibility of the editor. The focus is not on the publisher's website but the expert's pages and services.

Perry has a total of seven offers. To give you an idea of who he is as an editor, we will briefly describe them.

Dividend Investing Weekly is his free newsletter where he offers market and economy commentary. All you need to do is sign up, and you will receive his analysis and insights.

As his flagship newsletter, Cash Machine promises regular income for subscribers. Usually, such gains come from bond yields, dividends, and interest payments. You may avail of it for either $49.95, $77, or $149.

To get a deep dive on this specific newsletter, read our Cash Machine review. We talk about the nitty-gritty of the service so you can have a clearer understanding of the advisory.

Meanwhile, Perry says Premium Income uses a "covered calls income strategy." Supposedly, it will "supercharge" your investments.

Quick Income Trader promises to make you a millionaire quickly. The editor says that subscribers will get quick wins and profits through his advice. 

In Breakout Options Alert, Perry claims to give you "two 66.1% wins a month on average." He says it is among the most accurate options advisory out there today.

His pitch for Hi-Tech Trader is that it uses a "computer-based trading system." Apparently, you can make $2.6 million in two years with his techniques in the newsletter. 

You may subscribe to each of the last four newsletters for $275 quarterly, $995 annually, or $1,695 biannually.

He also has a newsletter package called Income Alliance to boost your monthly dividend payouts.

When you avail of it, you will have access to Cash Machine, Premium Income, Quick Income Trader, Breakout Options Alert, and Hi-Tech Trader. To know how much it costs, you would have to call them.

What can you observe about the general tone of Perry's services? 

From our end, it seems like Perry has a tendency to spew grandiose promises. When you read most of his pitches, it would seem like all gains are guaranteed. In fact, he mentions the term "risk-free" a lot.

We get that he has a track record on Wall Street. It could even be true that his services all perform well. But to say these things without adequate disclaimers is dangerous. 

There are vulnerable readers who might invest all they have, only to lose everything in the end. For us, it would be better to put in place the necessary qualifiers for his supposed claims. After all, investing has inherent risks.

You wouldn't realize it, though, if you fully immerse yourself with his words. 

In the video below, you will see him discuss some elements of risk in income investing.

We wish he would be this circumspect in his marketing materials as it would definitely help his subscribers.

So before you trust him and his services, continue reading. We will talk more about what subscribers think of Perry in the coming sections.

Who is Bryan Perry?

Previously, Bryan Perry referred to his newsletter service as the "25% Cash Machine." His big promise at the time was that you could earn a 10% dividend yield and 15% capital gains without breaking a sweat.

In fact, the editor even released a book in 2007: The 25% Cash Machine: Double-Digit Investing. As of this writing, it has a 3.8 out of 5 rating from Amazon. It's a pretty decent mark. 49% even gave it five stars.

It is also notable that several well-known people gushed about the book and recommended it highly.

These details are significant because it implies that Perry's "25%" system works. However, it appears like the editor is separating himself from the former percentage yield concept and name. 

It would have been more logical for him to use it for traction continuously. After all, most editors use even the most minor wins to boost their credibility.

It's curious why Perry makes almost no mention of this on his website, newsletters, and marketing materials. You won't even see him refer to himself as an author.

Does it have something to do with the promise of 25% itself? After all, it is quite a promise. It would be easier to complain to the FTC and SEC when it comes to these.

In any case, Perry continues to sell his services. He maintains that he is the ordinary person's stockbroker. His technique is to understand complex strategies and concepts and simplify them. 

This is the reason why many continue to trust him, he claims. To help entry-level investors, he curates the topics he discusses. The preference is to communicate what's practical, relevant, and understandable.

If you go deeper into his background, you will see that he has a similar background to most editors. For the better part of his career, he has advised firms like Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, and Paine Webber.

According to him, it was only in the last decade when he shifted his focus. Since he is effective, he claims to have helped many earn their first million. That is how good his services are.

He claims to be an expert in high-yield investments and trading as a professional investor. As a result, from 1997 to 1999, he served as a co-host on a Bloomberg affiliate radio network.

According to Perry, Forbes, Business Week, and CBS' MarketWatch regularly tap his expertise. On the MoneyShow, he is an ongoing contributor and frequent guest blogger.

Should you believe his claims and take him at his word?

That would never be advisable with any service provider. It always helps to know more by doing intensive research. After all, this is your money we are talking about.

Track Record and Reviews


As mentioned earlier, Perry released a book in 2007. It has a specific premise and promise: 

Step by step, you'll learn how to manage this portfolio so that it pays out an annual return of 25% for cash accounts.

The author says that his book contains various strategies to increase your liquidity. Perry also says that his path to riches has very minimal risks.

The majority of the Amazon reviews have been positive.

Commenters appreciated the amount of information in the book. For them, Perry was able to show them exciting investment ideas. One commenter acknowledged how direct the title is but added this:

"The 25% Cash Machine," while it may sound like an aggressive title, actually is able to talk about the opportunities for high-income investing with clarity, and personally, I've found success.

Aside from the concepts in the book, others also commended the author's style. Readers liked how simple the presentation and discussion were. As a result, they quickly understood the author's concepts.

Of course, there are those who complained about the book's quality. Some said that Perry overly minimized the risks involved in the kinds of investments he pushed for. 

William J. Comcowich minces no words in his review:

The style of the book is unrelentingly promotional. The book reads more like an e-mail promotion...
Finally, the book contains more typographical errors than any book I've read in the past five years. Shame on the publisher John Wiley & Sons.
Bottom line: It's a thin book, thin on ideas, with substantial hype and little regard for risk, written more to promote Changewave advisory services than educate the reader.

As of this writing, the book only has 36 reviewers.

We are not sure if it is because the book had poor sales, limited release, or few bothered to rate it. It is a small sample size, but it still gives you an idea about Perry and his investment concepts.


If you are somebody who pays attention to TipRanks, Bryan Perry's rank among 10,587 bloggers on the site is #1,191. If you count all the "18,448 overall experts," he will be #3,020.

According to the website, he has a 63% success rate (58 out of 92 ratings were successful). The editor's average return per rating is +6.6%.

We mention this because our past reviews on Luke Lango and Jim Woods emphasize their ranks. In our Innovation Investor review, the editor boasts that he was the #1 stock picker in 2020. 

The same rating agency said his success rate was 82% at the time, with an average return of 59.6%.

This is the same with Eagle Eye Opener. Our article said that the editor claims to be either #1 or #3 on TipRanks.

TipRanks “calculates that, since 2012, he’s made 361 successful recommendations out of 499 total.” With this number, his success rate is 72%, with “a +15.3% average return per recommendation”.

In fairness to Perry, we are looking at his stats for 2021-22, while the other editors cherrypicked the years. 

However, we would also note that if Perry ranked well in any year, it would be logical to assume that he would have trumpeted that as well.

Stock Gumshoe

The editor's Quick Income Trader has a 3.7/5 rating from less than 15 Stock Gumshoe users.

By the time we publish this, Perry's Cash Machine has a 3.1 out of 5 stars overall rating. This was from 36 reviewers on Stock Gumshoe.

The positive comments said the subscribers were satisfied with how Perry handled his investments:

The user highlights how Perry regularly gets in touch with his subscribers in the comment above. Many appreciate this because readers want to know what's happening and how they can move forward.

"Sue" agrees with this. For her, Perry has been patient in explaining various situations. She also appreciates that the editor notifies subscribers on what to sell also and not just what to buy.

For the reader, such a practice saves her a lot of worrying.

In addition, "D Miller" likes that the newsletter is an easy read. It doesn't bore its readers with too much detail, but discusses only relevant issues.

I like his writing style and depth – not too deep but enough to get your thinking. 
No service is perfect, and I do not give five stars to anyone, but this service has met my needs. I do enjoy the reading and results that it has provided over time.

Meanwhile, for "conservative investor," they lost money because Perry was not clear on the risks involved. Read their review below:

We have mentioned this already. This is the danger of setting too high an expectation for the subscribers. Since Perry has not been too upfront about risks in his pitches, people will get the wrong idea.

There will be people who will take him at his word and not read the fine print. It would be fine if the person had enough money and could afford a few losses. 

But what about those who risked all of their savings and assets because of the claims? 

We hope Perry and Eagle Financial would prominently display disclaimers on their marketing materials. They may assume that people already know risks are inherent in any investment.

But it's always better to be repetitive on this point to prevent any misunderstanding. If it's in the publisher's power to help educate more readers, it should go the extra mile. 

User "Obie" says they learned a painful lesson through the advisory:

I subscribed to Bryan Perry’s newsletter for about two years, and it was a complete disaster! I have only myself to blame. After all, if it looks or sounds too good to be true, it is, right?

They did not have a pleasant experience with the editor at all "as at least half of his picks plunged over 50%, some much more." The commenter said they lost half of their assets because of Cash Machine.

For "Obie," they would categorize the advisory as "very aggressive, extremely risky."

Perry likes to say his investments are low-risk. His track record reveals just the opposite. He has had some big winners but many HUGE losers.

Based on the feedback, you would know that Perry and his income investing strategy is controversial. It seems like people either totally abhor it or love it to death.

This is why we encourage you to weigh all the comments, your options, and your next steps. Commenters have varied goals, so they have different expectations and experiences. But use their comments as your guide.

User "Sue" adds an important reminder.

I have learned that it’s important for me to do my “due diligence” as they say, and not blindly follow another person’s advice. 
Therefore, I do not invest in all of Bryan’s picks; but use his picks as a list from which to cull the picks that seem best to me. 

For her, do not bet all-in on one advisory editor. You may check their recommendations, but ultimately, you must research to make an informed decision.

We share this belief, and you may apply this on newsletters as well as reviews on them. As you read comments, weigh them to see which ones resonate with you the most. Then, decide to subscribe or pass.

Conclusion - Should You Avail Perry's Services?

You're probably here because you're interested in income investing. After all, the editor claims to have adequate knowledge of stocks with "high-dividend yields and potential capital appreciation."

Who wouldn't be excited about that, right?

Eagle Financial touts Perry as the go-to guy for those looking to receive regular checks in the mail from their investments. With his years of experience on Wall Street, the editor claims to hold the keys to this.

He had a long career that included stints in Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, and Paine Webber. According to the editor, his deep knowledge of the system allows him to analyze the markets better than anyone else.

In fact, Perry says that major financial news organizations constantly ask for his hot take on investing. To be fair, he does seem generous with his insights as the website contains free articles for visitors.

But for those who are serious about investing, he offers seven services. One of them is free, and another is a package of his major newsletters. 

The primary services on his website are Cash Machine, Premium Income, Quick Income Trader, Breakout Options Alert, and Hi-Tech Trader.

Of the five, Cash Machine is the cheapest ($49.95, $77, or $149). Meanwhile, you may get each of the other four for $275 quarterly, $995 annually, or $1,695 biannually.

Our main observation of his pitches for the advisory is that he has the tendency to overpromise. Further, he does not emphasize the risks in the kinds of investments he recommends.

As a result, some subscribers end up losing money. Apparently, the downsides were not made clear to them. 

Of course, there were those who absolutely loved his newsletters. They commend his writing style and his constant and regular updates.

The bottom line, though, is if he delivers on his promises. As you can observe, some said he does; others warned people to stay away. From our end, we agree with the observation that this has potential.

This is true, especially if you will make his recommendations the jumping board for your own research. But it would be best if you did not solely rely on his word as these investments can be pretty risky.

So that is what you can control as a subscriber. But, for Eagle Financial and Perry, they should discuss the risks more openly for the sake of their paying subscribers.

Did you find our Bryan Perry Investing review fair, helpful, and objective? Please tell us what you think.

2 thoughts on “Bryan Perry Investing Review – Is It Reliable?”

  1. Thanks Phil, for your outstanding information in your:
    “Bryan Perry Investing Review – Is It Reliable?” review!
    Although your review was written May 2022, all the information you provided is still pertinent and solid 7 months later. I just received a teaser from Bryan Perry. It leads one reading the material that his stratetegy is a new one and that their track record “RECENTLY” netted his investors / clients in the past 9 months (2022) of just over $1 million dollars on a small investment of $5,000. NO mention of the high risks involved. Their ads deceptively make it sound like it’s something Bryan Perry just started, however, your review points out it’s been around for some time. We all know we are in a bear market currently, and it definitely looked too good to be true. After doing my own research and reading your review on what Bryan Perry Investing has to offer, I am staying clear. In my humble opinion their current source of income is mainly from newsletters and publishing. It does not appear their team has mine or any investors best interest in mind, other than lining their own pockets quickly. I understand you cannot say that in your reviews, but reading between the lines, you did so very fairly and diplomatically allude to this fact; not appearing too critical to the publisher of Bryan Perry material for certain (other than excessive typos in one book they offer). Thank you again for your help!
    God Bless You, and Merry Christmas Sir!
    Freddie Bustria, REALTOR® †
    Bustria & Associates Real Estate
    (619) 733-4485 Cell
    CA Bureau of Real Estate License 01345893
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  2. Buyer beware! I tried the Income Trader and after nine months with 40k invested, I was breaking even, not even getting close to 1 million dollars as advertised. I followed there instructions to the “T” and even emailed customer service to check to make sure I was in the correct program. I am glad I broke even and not lose, however sad I wasted so much time and effort on the tease. Live and learn and I hope this helps someone.


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