Is Charles Mizrahi a Fraud? – The Truth Behind His Investment Services

Charles Mizrahi is a fairly well-known “expert” in the investment newsletter industry with a Wall Street background and runs several investment newsletter services. But is Charles Mizrahi a fraud? Is he qualified to give investment advice? What is his educational background and work experience? Does he have any hidden secrets we should know about? What is … Read more

Charles Mizrahi’s “Forever Battery” Stock – Quadruple Digit Profits In Just A Few Years?

Its December 5, 1996 and the first electric vehicle just went on sale. Fast forward 21 years later to today and only 2% of the cars sold in the U.S. are electric vehicles, or EVs. However, according to our host John Daly, this is about to change and FAST, as for the first time ever … Read more