Is Nomi Prins a Fraud? – Her Iffy Reputation as Journalist, Writer and Stock-Picker

Anybody interested in Investment Advisory Services will find pictures of Nomi Prins plastered all over the internet. The featured image above can give you an idea about how bad it is.Very few people have been “Everything, everywhere, all at once” more than her. An exercise of self-promotion and hype that borders the bizarre. That’s probably one of … Read more

What Are Bill Bonner’s “America’s Nightmare Winter” Predictions And Picks?

The founder of Agora Financial, Bill Bonner just went public with the fourth and final predication of his illustrious 50 year career. He says it will cause the biggest disruption to our society, financial markets, and our very way of life in more than 50 years. This will all culminate in an event called “America’s … Read more