Shah Gilani’s “Nvidia’s Secret Partner” Stock – Make 4,735% Over the Next 12 Months?

Nvidia continues to dominate headlines and get all the attention.

However, Shah Gilani has uncovered “Nvidia's Secret Partner“, which few know about and which could turn out to be an even bigger story.


The Teaser

This “secret partner's” new technology solves the biggest problem in the AI chip industry today.


Shah started his first hedge fund in 1982 from his seat on the floor of the Chicago Board of Options Exchange and he's a frequent guest on Fox Business, CNBC, and Forbes, so he's made a name for himself in finance. 

We have previously scrutinized his Hyperdrive trading research service and exposed some of his previous stock picks.

In this teaser, Shah claims “he's never seen a bigger growth story in his 40-year investment career.”

I ought to start keeping track every time an investment guru makes this claim, as it seems like it happens every week, but I digress.

There’s a major shift happening right now in the AI chip market, which Shah noticed after reviewing the investment portfolio of a small and unusual venture capital firm.

The Next Stage of AI

The venture capital firm is Sutter Hill Ventures and it was the first to back Nvidia in 1993 before anyone had ever heard of it.

Of course, this worked out well for them. Anyone who followed them into Nvidia after its IPO in 1999 would be sitting on a 100,000% return today.

Today, Sutter Hill appears to be at it again.

They hold a significant 12.6% stake in a tiny company almost nobody has heard of, which owns the technology that will lead AI into its next stage.

This is “Nvidia's Secret Partner” and it's solving one of the biggest AI chip industry problems: Cluster Networking and Connectivity.


The Pitch

Shah reveals the name and ticker symbol of this company in a new report titled Nvidia’s Secret Partner: This Single AI Stock Could Help Fund Your Retirement.”


All we need to do to get this report is take a risk-free trial subscription to Shah's newsletter – Manward Money Report.

A subscription costs $49 (for now) and we would also get a 365-day money-back guarantee, 12 months of the report with in-depth research and commentary on stocks, options, and the cryptocurrency market, as well as some bonus gifts.


A Repeat of Cisco's Model

Nvidia just announced its new AI chip, Blackwell, which can make 20 quadrillion calculations per second and is 500% faster than its current AI chip.

At a purported cost of $70,000 each, it better be!

There's just one problem…

All of these ultra-powerful Blackwell chips must be built out in AI GPU clusters, which are essentially teams of AI chips working together much like how a human brain functions. Each chip acts as a brain neuron.

However, the current technology connecting these chips cannot handle the sheer power and speed of Blackwell.

This is where “Nvidia’s Secret Partner” comes in, as it has built new technology that connects all the chips in these AI clusters.

The New Cisco

Once upon a time, in the not-so-distant past, Cisco was the backbone of the web.

The Internet, like AI today, was in its infancy and computers couldn’t easily connect and “talk” to each other. Even if they did, data transmission speeds were painfully slow. I still remember the symphony orchestra sound of dial-up Internet.

Cisco changed this by creating routers that allowed data to travel efficiently between computers, local networks, and across the entire internet.

This helped pave the way for the dot-com boom of the 1990s, as regular people could now access the Internet, and early investors in Cisco were amply rewarded.

Those who bought Cisco after it went public in 1990 would have seen a 6,000% gain in 5 years and if you had held onto the stock for 10 years, a 100,600% gain could have been banked.

Now, history could repeat itself, as Nvidia’s Secret Partner is making it possible for anyone to tap into game-changing AI technology.

This is why big names like Microsoft, Amazon, and Intel are turning to it, as any firm that uses Nvidia’s Blackwell chips needs this company's technology as well.

It's a big reason why sales have grown from $34.8 million to $115.8 million between 2021 and 2023. But this isn't the primary catalyst according to Gilani.

He predicts that once its partnership with Nvidia becomes known to a wider segment of the public and how crucial it is to the new Blackwell chips, the stock could go ballistic. Let's find out the name of this company.


Revealing Nvidia's Secret Partner Stock

Shah drops a couple of clues like breadcrumbs for us to follow:

  • Its technology is crucial to the future growth of chip companies in the AI space. It’s why Intel, Nvidia, AMD, and Amazon partnered with it.
  • The US-based company is backed by Sutter Hill Ventures, which owns a 12.6% stake and it only recently became publicly traded.
  • Over the past two years, its revenue has increased 232%.

The secret partner stock is…Astera Labs Inc. (Nasdaq: ALAB). This is why I am so sure:

  • Astera Labs' describes itself as an AI infrastructure provider capable of “removing performance bottlenecks in compute-intensive workloads, such as AI and machine learning.”
  • The company is based in Santa Clara, California, just listed on the Nasdaq in March, and as of its IPO day, Sutter Hill Ventures was listed as its largest single shareholder, with a 12.6% stake.
  • Its revenue is up 200% over the past two years and is ramping up in a big way, based on first-quarter results.


Real Chance to Make 4,735% Over the Next Year?

Looking at the investment opportunity from a macro standpoint, we're at the beginning of a multi-year growth cycle in AI.

Critical infrastructure like semiconductors, data centers, and connectivity solutions, like the kind Astera provides, are no-brainers if you want to invest in AI.

Although it's still early, Astera looks good from a micro standpoint. The company has no debt, is growing revenue by triple-digits year-over-year, and has above-average margins.

However, being in a high-growth sector does have its drawbacks, like attracting loads of competition. This could drive down earnings and margins as companies duke it out for market share, which will weigh on the stock.

Despite this, I like Astera as a speculative growth play and it has a real chance of being a multi-bagger over the long run given its small size.

Buying an ETF that invests in companies developing AI infrastructure, platforms, and software is also an additional way to spread the risk. There are plenty of choices, such as Roundhill Generative AI & Technology ETF (NYSE: CHAT), Invesco AI and Next Gen Software ETF (NYSE: IGPT), and others.


Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • Shah Gilani has uncovered “Nvidia's Secret Partner” stock, which few know about and which could turn out to be one of the biggest growth stories ever!
  • This little-known company is solving one of the biggest AI chip industry problems: Cluster Networking and Connectivity.
  • Shah reveals the name and ticker symbol of this company only in a new report titled Nvidia’s Secret Partner: This Single AI Stock Could Help Fund Your Retirement.” To get our hands on it, we will need a subscription to the Manward Money Report newsletter, which costs $49 for the first year.
  • Fortunately, Greenbull readers don't need a subscription, as we were able to reveal Shah's pick for free as Astera Labs Inc. (Nasdaq: ALAB).
  • Astera has no debt, is growing revenue by triple-digits year-over-year, and has above-average margins, making it a good multi-bagger candidate over the long run.

Is there a better AI connectivity play out there? Tell us in the comments.

5 thoughts on “Shah Gilani’s “Nvidia’s Secret Partner” Stock – Make 4,735% Over the Next 12 Months?”

  1. I like the article very much. I will research ASTERA LABS further. I also like the picture of the gossip girls at the top. That’s great!
    Cheers mate!

    Dan B.

  2. ALAB: My information says this stock does have a good potential in the near future, riding on the back of NAVIDA.

  3. Well back in August of 2023 Shah Gilani said he found three “AI Stealth Stocks” that he said will crush Nvidia, Microsoft, and Alphabet in the years ahead, with more than 2,000% upside over the next three years.

    So far after 10 months all three are down

    BBAI AT 2 now 1.57
    EVLV 6-7 now under 3
    AMBA IN 70s now 50

    during the same time AI stocks have hit new highs!

    So now they have to go up more than 2000% in two years to meet his prediction. I’ll believe it when I see it.

    Why should I believe anything he says…?


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