Elon Musk’s X-9840 Stock (James Altucher) – His “Final Blueprint”

Renaissance man James Altucher says Elon Musk's next venture, which he calls “X-9840”, could end up being the biggest of them all.

This is because it's set to revolutionize the entire financial system and money itself. An official announcement could come in the next 24 hours, sending one stock play skyrocketing.

The Teaser

Elon has already predicted that his new venture could be “A multi-trillion dollar company.”

Source: paradigmnewsletters.org

But before we get into the teaser, who is James Altucher and why should we listen to him?

James Altucher's notoriety began amidst the rise of the dot-com boom in the late 90s when he made some timely predictions about the rise of video streaming and social media.

Since that time, he's been up and down, like most serial entrepreneurs, as have his stock pitches that we have reviewed, such as his “Second 1,000% Apple Call” and AI 2.0 Stocks.

One of the first clues we get about this venture is that Elon has already invested $25 billion of his own capital in it.

We're next told that Elon isn't the only one betting big on the success of this new venture.

  • Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle Corp. has put up $1 billion
  • Famed VC fund Sequoia Capital has invested $800 million
  • Even a Saudi Prince has allocated $1.9 billion to this new venture

A quick Google search only brings up how Musk's acquisition of Twitter, which was only pulled up with the help of several parties, including Silicon Valley VCs and Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Al Saud.

Could this be what James is hinting at?

He goes on to say that Elon is “planning to use the two biggest technologies of this century: Digital currencies and Artificial Intelligence to completely reshape how we deal with money.”

“It could change how we pay our bills…

How we save for retirement…

How we get loans…

And how we send and receive money anywhere in the world.”

All told, it could be the biggest change to our financial system since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, and one technology developed by a little-known company will play a key role in this new venture.

The Pitch

A full analysis and the name and ticker symbol of the company behind this technology are only revealed in a special report called Elon Musk's Final Blueprint: Five Plays to Profit from His New Venture.

Source: paradigmnewsletters.org

James also mentions that he's found four other stocks, besides his main pick, which could rocket higher when Elon flips the switch on this new project.

The report is ours only if we subscribe for a risk-free trial to Altucher’s Investment Network monthly research service, for the “special price” of only $49 for the first year. This includes a six-month money-back guarantee, one new investment idea every month, and three bonus reports, besides the one being teased here.

Why Elon Is Focusing On Money Now?

The American dream is dead.

According to James and Elon Musk, if this teaser is accurate, this is the dire reality for most Americans.

The exact cause of this tragic downfall is accurately identified as the current fiat financial system.

Add a mountain of debt totaling some $35 Trillion, which is growing by $1 Trillion every 100 days on average and countries de-dollarizing 10x faster than during the previous two decades, and it is little wonder that the standard of living is increasingly declining.

Elon realized that 100% of all fiat currencies have failed throughout history and that the US dollar won't be an exception if the current course isn't reversed.

What in the World is X-9840?

The origins of this project date back more than 25 years.

In 1999 Elon Musk created a bank called x.com, long before he turned Twitter into X.

It had a charter number – 9840, and Elon had a grand vision for it.

He wanted to turn X into an all-encompassing financial services firm, including banking, credit cards, investments and loans, and digital payment processing.

However, this vision wouldn't be fulfilled, the name of the company was subsequently changed to Paypal, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Fast forward to April 10, 2022, and Elon began executing the plan he had back in 1999.

He purchased Twitter, immediately changed the company's name to X, and soon plans to launch the ability to send and receive money and digital currencies through the X app.

A 2023 Tweet from Elon hinted at this:

If he follows through, and there are signs that he will, with X having already received licenses to facilitate money transfers in 23 states:

Source: paradigmnewsletters.org

And the CEO of X Linda Yaccarino also stating “This is closer than everyone thinks. We’re moving fast. Payments [are] around the corner.”

This is shaping up to disrupt the financial system and one company owns a technology that James predicts “will play a key role in Elon’s new financial platform.” Let's find out what it is together.

Revealing Elon Musk's X-9840 Stock

So far, we know that Elon is trying to build a multi-trillion dollar company, using not only Artificial Intelligence but also blockchain.

We also know that a little-known company has developed a payment processing technology which is key to Elon’s vision. Here is what else we are told about it:

  • This isn't some new tech, but proven technology that has already processed 12 billion transactions.
  • The company has already partnered with IBM, TD Bank, Deloitte, and the World Bank, among others.
  • Its stock is currently trading for less than $5 per share.

All of these clues led me to one company – Adyen N.V. (OTC: ADYEY).

But wait, there's more…

What does James have to say about some of the other stocks he's teasing?

Not much, except for some generic clues, such as “an e-commerce platform that connects millions of shoppers to some of the biggest sellers on the planet” and an “AI company which Forbes called the future of Artificial Intelligence.”

Not much we can do with these, but if anyone wants to have some fun and venture some wild guesses, please do so in the comments below.

A Surefire 10-Bagger?

If we strip away the X payments catalyst, which won't be a factor until sometime towards the end of the year at the earliest, how good of a standalone investment is Adyen stock?

For a fintech firm, Adyen's $35 billion valuation is supported well by its underlying economics.

For starters, the business isn't going anywhere, with $8.3 billion cash on hand against total debt of only $223 million.

Second, it has a 25% Return on Equity (ROE) with a 43% profit margin, meaning it is using the cash it generates effectively and is scaling profitably.

Finally, at a forward price/earnings of 35x, the stock is trading at a reasonable valuation.

Could Adyen also deliver above-average growth?

It may already be, with free cash flow up 31% YOY in 2023 and a free cash flow
conversion ratio of 93%.

Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • Renaissance man James Altucher says Elon Musk's next venture, which he calls “X-9840”, could end up being the biggest of them all and it may send shares of one little-known tech stock skyrocketing.
  • “X-9840” is the bank charter number of Elon Musk's original X.com, which went on to become PayPal. A plan he is now resurrecting with the launch of payments through the X app.
  • A technology developed by a little-known company will play a key role in this new transformation of X and its name and ticker symbol are only revealed in a special report called Elon Musk's Final Blueprint: Five Plays to Profit from His New Venture. The report is ours if we subscribe for a risk-free trial to Altucher’s Investment Network monthly research service, for the “special price” of only $49 for the first year.
  • Since X's other confirmed payments partner, Stripe, is still a privately held concern, all of James' clues led to one company – Adyen N.V. (OTC: ADYEY).
  • Adyen is a solid fintech play with a clean balance sheet, above-average operating economics, a fair valuation, and double-digit annual growth.

Would you use X to send and receive money? Drop a yes or a no in the comments.

3 thoughts on “Elon Musk’s X-9840 Stock (James Altucher) – His “Final Blueprint””

  1. Has anyone looked at DIP $3.64. Green Impact Partners Inc-even today, it grew .020%
    Many millionaires on their roster…thanks…


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