Market veteran Charles Sizemore has a vision to share that will likely get him 10x more hate mail than ever.
Only this time, what he has to say is NOT a prediction, and a few “Freeport Investor Stocks” could hand us generational wealth.
The Teaser
Charles believes we'll see 300 years of change in the next two years.

That was a pretty enticing intro, especially for a CFA and registered investment advisor like Charles Sizemore, who aren't known for their wit and charisma.
Charles is a bit different though, he even partially focuses on alternative investments with minimal correlation to the stock market, which is why he's flown under our radar until now. However, we have reviewed plenty of similar-sounding teasers in the past, including Tom Gentile's Top Three Coins for the Election Melt Up of 2024 and Porter Stansberry's Financial Reset 2024.
Amid the rise of Artificial Intelligence, a record amount of money-printing, not to mention war. One could argue the world has already drastically changed over the past few years.
But, apparently, we're not done yet with the changes and the world will soon become unrecognizable.
Charles says that what he sees coming will “change the entire economic landscape… everything you thought you knew about the world, the media, and your way of life will soon change dramatically.”
He's even got a smoking-gun document that proves all of this.
The End of America As We Know It
According to Charles, the White House itself is ushering in this massive transformation.
But it's nothing any of us has ever experienced before.
It's “an invasion” except it has nothing to do with people coming from Guatemala, Nicaragua, or Mexico in search of a better life.
Instead, it's an “invasion by a faceless, genderless, nationless force worth more than $15 trillion.”
This is Charles' long-winded way of saying virtually every job in America will be disrupted by artificial intelligence and automation.
The rollout of AI and automation represents an “invasion” that will dwarf the border crisis and it was invited by the White House under the guise of national security and defense.
A recent executive order to use The Defense Production Act to “promote AI innovation and competition” has invited technology to be imported into the country from China, Taiwan, and a host of other countries by the shipload.
Already, 3.5 million automated machines are operating today and we must all decide whether we're going to idly stand by or keep up and stay relevant.
The Pitch
Charles has put together a new special report called Parabolic Returns from Exponential Progress.

Inside are all of Charles' “high upside AI picks” and it can be ours if we subscribe to The Freeport Investor newsletter.
The cost to join is $199 for the first year and includes a 30-day money-back guarantee, an additional pair of special reports, 12 monthly issues of the newsletter, and a model portfolio with more than 20 open recommendations.
The Start of An AI Takeover?
This is actually the title of an Atlantic article from last year.
The article concluded that “the impact of AI will be seismic” and that it may already be too late to stop the game-changing technology from taking over.
Here's an example Charles uses…
Education affects everyone and given that a highly-trained AI avatar can teach millions of students at a time, how much longer will we need human teachers?
Beyond the kindergarten and elementary school levels, celebrity teachers will be the only teachers who will survive.
A modern-day Stephen Hawking may teach cosmology, a former pro athlete could teach physical education, and they will be paid millions of dollars to do so.
However, outside of a small handful of experts, the 3.2 million teachers currently staffing classrooms and lecture halls across America will be displaced.
But it's not just teachers we're talking about here, it's cardiologists, lawyers, writers (welp), and computer programmers who will be replaced.
Utter chaos will be the end result.
No wonder many billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg are building private apocalypse bunkers.
So what steps can we as individual investors take today to prepare ourselves?
Well, Charles is NOT recommending the most popular AI stocks, like Nvidia, AMD, and Microsoft, but he does have a few ways we can “turn this new technology to our advantage with a few key moves.” Let's try and find out what they are.
Charles Sizemore's Freeport Investor Stocks
Three separate and distinct reports are teased with concrete steps we can take to prepare for what's coming, including one big investment Charles is making with his own money.
Here is what we know about each:
The AI Renaissance: How to Stay Ahead in a World of Change
This report is all about future-proofing your skills and knowledge right now to stay ahead of the historic shift taking place right now.
No specific investments are teased here, moving on.
Parabolic Returns from Exponential Progress
The primary report teased in this presentation, its contents are much more interesting.
Every high-upside AI pick in the Freeport Investor model portfolio is inside this report, which, as per the teaser, currently stands at more than 20 open recommendations.

Unfortunately, no clues are provided about any of these, but we did some online sleuthing and were able to find a few leaks…
The first is from an April research review of the Freeport Society, so I assume it's still valid. It reveals customer relationship management leader HubSpot Inc. (NYSE: HUBS) as one name in the model portfolio.
That's it for individual names, as they keep things under pretty tight wraps. But, we were able to find a few screenshots breaking down the allocation of the Freeport Society portfolio to give you an idea of what it's all about:

We will dig into this in the next section, but there is one more special report to go.
How to Profit from the CBDC Revolution
Like many, Charles believes the Federal Reserve will soon use the AI crisis or another one as a reason to overhaul the U.S. dollar for the first time since 1971.
This ultimately means the introduction of a Central Bank Digital Currency or CBDC for short.
If the rollout of a digital dollar becomes a reality, one beneficiary will be Bitcoin (BTC).
Charles has a few percent of the total value of his own portfolio in BTC as a way to have funds outside of the fiat currency system.
Financial Freedom or Enslavement?
Based on everything we know, is making “5,000% or more” by subscribing to the Freeport Society research service realistic?
I like the 20% allocation into real estate and gold, hard assets that aren't going anywhere and will only be more scarce and valuable in the future.
The 4% in crypto I can live with as a dollar hedge, but what I can't live with is the whopping 36% invested in T-Bills.
I hope this is just a way to eke out some yield on dry powder that will be allocated into equities, real estate, etc. once the right opportunities come along. Otherwise, having such a large amount invested in the US government while predicting economic upheaval coming down the pipeline makes little sense.
Crypto alone can return 5,000%, but it's only a small part of the overall portfolio. If things get really bad, I can see gold outperforming but that's about it.
Overall, the “Freeport Investor Stocks” have returned a little more than 7% annualized since inception and this isn't likely to change from anything I've seen.
Quick Recap & Conclusion
- Market veteran Charles Sizemore has a controversial vision to share about the future of America and a few “Freeport Investor Stocks” could hand us generational wealth if his predictions come true.
- This is Charles' long-winded way of saying virtually every job in America will be disrupted by artificial intelligence and automation. However, there are a few ways we can “turn this new technology to our advantage with a few key moves.”
- Three separate and distinct reports are teased by Charles – The AI Renaissance: How to Stay Ahead in a World of Change, Parabolic Returns from Exponential Progress, and How to Profit from the CBDC Revolution. All of them are ours with a subscription to the Freeport Society research service for $199 for the first year.
- Only the latter two reports tease any kind of picks, with scant details. HubSpot Inc. (NYSE: HUBS) and Bitcoin (BTC) are the only two names we can definitely say are part of the Freeport Society's model portfolio.
- We were also able to find out that a whopping 36% of the model portfolio is invested in T-Bills. If this remains the case, expect low single-digit returns, as have been the norm since the service's inception.
Will AI be a net-negative or net-positive for society? Tell us what you think in the comments.
I liked your balanced approach. Thanks for the details & objectivity.
Chuck W