A Look at Bryan Perry’s “Underground” Options – 11,000% Return in Just 8 Months?

What's better than stock options? According to Bryan Perry, the answer is so-called “underground options” which are not available to average investors.

Bryan says we could have made up to $1,193,917 starting with only $10,000 in 8 months following his “underground” options trading system. I find out the truth.


The Teaser

To be sure, these aren't hypothetical or back-tested trades, but 23 real trade recommendations issued in real-time over the course of 8 months, from March to October 2022. This is what the breakdown of those trades looks like:

Source: bryanperryinvesting.com

Bryan introduces himself like washed-up actor Troy McClure regularly used to do in The Simpsons, saying we may recognize him from market commentaries on Forbes, Business Week, and CBS’ MarketWatch. We do recognize him from previously reviewed teasers such as his #1 Income Play and our look at the Bryan Perry Investing Advisory Service.

Since launching, this “underground” trading system claims to have produced an astonishing 57.8% annualized return.

Source: bryanperryinvesting.com

Bryan adds that he's never seen a trading system make as much money as this one, and in so little time, in his entire 30-plus year trading career.

So far, underground options are being made to sound like one of the most profitable options trading systems ever created.

What's the secret sauce that makes it all go?

AI that is 100% Legal

This type of trading isn't normally available to the general public because new artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and massive data feeds are employed.

We are assured these “underground” trades are 100% legal and that we can’t get access to these specific trading recommendations anywhere else, no matter how much we’re willing to pay.

The buying and selling of assets in an automated manner is nothing new, in fact, high-frequency trading has been the institutional norm for well over a decade now. Retail trading is finally catching up to this and AI trading bots are now proliferating online.

At this stage, Bryan's underground options trading system is still private. But this is about to change, as he's opening it up to new traders to prove that anyone can use the system to bank huge amounts of profits very quickly.


The Pitch

Bryan says he's only going to let small groups of 50 new traders in at a time to the service that releases his “underground” option trades – Breakout Options Alert.

Source: bryanperryinvesting.com

You can lock in a spot for $399 and get immediate access to Bryan's “underground” trade recommendations. The offer includes an investment dossier called The Underground Options Blueprint, which outlines the exact steps to take to execute trades, access to an investing master class with a 30-45 minute one-on-one coaching session, as well as weekly trade alerts. 


How “Underground” Options Work

The term “underground” options is really a misdirect, as we're talking about regular old stock options here.

That aside, it seems the AI-based system incorporates a proprietary scanner that identifies and tracks so-called “smart money” flowing into the options of a certain stock. A real-time alert is then issued to members who can elect to either ignore it or execute the trade the system just recommended.

So, underground options is a system of AI-generated ideas rather than fully automated trades.

How The System Turned $10,000 Into $1,193,917 in Just 8 Months

Bryan walks us through the trades that achieved an 11,000% return last year.

It all started with a $95 put option trade on Starbucks shares in February.

Back in early 2022, Starbucks shares were plunging like our focus before a caffeine hit, and as we know, put options increase in value when the value of a stock decreases. Right on cue, as the system predicted, SBUX shares kept falling and we could have ended up making 45% on our money in just 13 days.

Source: bryanperryinvesting.com

Fast forward to March 16th and the system recommended we buy June 17 $70 call options on an energy ETF called Energy Select Sector SPDR (NYSE: XLE) for $545 each, as it looked like oil companies’ shares were going to soar with oil prices skyrocketing.

Just a week later, we could have taken profits when the value of the call options jumped to $943, for a gain of 73% in just 7 days.

Source: bryanperryinvesting.com

These are just two examples out of 23 in total, but it does show that the system is right, at least some of the time.

Besides the surface-level info and trade examples, nothing else is revealed about the system, other than that all we need to get started is:

  • A brokerage account
  • An Internet connection
  • $5,000 bucks
  • And the underground options blueprint dossier to assist us through our first few trades

No specific stock options to trade are teased either, so let's dive deeper into options trading as a whole, to find out if such systems really as lucrative as Bryan makes them out to be.


Can You Really Make Millions Trading Options?

Sure, anything is possible, but not likely.

One big reason often cited for trading options is “to generate income when the markets aren't going up.”

Or maximize profits, since a $1 increase in a stock's price doubles profits because each option is worth $2.

Unfortunately, this is nothing more than wishful thinking for the majority. On average, less than 10% of options traders are successful (consistently profitable).

A Chicken and Egg Problem

The big problem with any trading system, even a profitable one like Bryan's underground options purports to be, is that more people will want to put it to work on their behalf.

Of course, the more people that do, the less and less profitable it becomes over time.

This is why all the big trading desks, such as Goldman Sachs and Citadel Securities employ proprietary trading models that cost tens of millions of dollars to develop and are kept under tight wraps.

So, the next time you get pitched a ridiculously profitable trading system, as I recently did on Twitter of all places, I would be mighty skeptical. What is a pursed trade!?

Bryan hasn't shown us anything to make us think that his underground options system is any different or that it will somehow stand the test of time. 

If you're really curious, I would say give it a year or two to see if the system is still around before committing. For now, this is an easy pass.


Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • Veteran trader Bryan Perry is teasing an “underground options” trading system that made $1,193,917 starting with only $10,000 in 8 months.
  • Bryan's AI-based system incorporates a proprietary scanner that identifies and tracks so-called “smart money” flowing into the options of a certain stock and it just opened up to new traders for the first time.
  • Only small groups of 50 new traders at a time are being accepted into the advisory service that releases his “underground” option trades – Breakout Options Alert. We can lock in a spot for $399 and get immediate access to Bryan's options trade recommendations.
  • Predictably, not much info is divulged about the trading system itself, except 23 live trade examples from 2022, that it offers AI-generated ideas rather than fully automated trades, and that it is stock-agnostic.
  • As a new options-based trading system promoted solely to individual investors, we should be overly skeptical about its ability to be consistently profitable over the long term. Few, if any, trading systems are, which is why less than 10% of retail traders are successful.

Can you name one consistently profitable retail trading system? Tell us if you know or have heard of any in the comments.

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