Teeka’s “#1 Play for Escaping the Dollar Collapse” – Doomed or Destined to Boom?

According to intel Teeka Tiwari has obtained from the U.S. Treasury Department, there’s an event taking place in Washington D.C. that he believes will trigger the final collapse of the U.S. dollar.

Millions of unprepared Americans could end up holding a bunch of worthless paper, but Teeka promises to show us three steps we need to take to prepare as well as his #1 Play for Escaping the Dollar Collapse.”


The Teaser

The world is in chaos, but is that bringing us closer to the ultimate demise of the U.S. Dollar or pushing us further away?

Source: palmbeachgroup.com

Love him or hate him, Teeka Tiwari has a knack for getting people talking. He may exaggerate at times, but most newsletter writers do. We have previously exposed his stock and crypto picks and reviewed his #1 Stock for the Coming Digital Dollar.”

Teeka believes the events of October 7th may have tipped the scales, marking the beginning of World War III, and the beginning of the end for the USD.

He's not alone either, with Ray Dalio, the founder of the world’s largest hedge fund echoing a similar sentiment:

Source: palmbeachgroup.com

He’s not only predicting World War III, but also saying we are at the beginning of a huge debt crisis.

Economists have been warning that the United States debt is unsustainable and that the dollar will eventually crash for years. But the government keeps getting more and more into debt, and still no collapse. So what gives and is this time really different?

The Event Helping Trigger the Final Collapse of the U.S. Dollar

From ballooning interest payments due to rising rates to countries beginning to trade more and more in their local currencies, there is so much going against the dollar that I don't even know where to start.

However, all of these things and World War III pales in comparison to one thing – the dreaded failed Treasury auction.

Recently, the U.S. government issued new bonds and didn’t have nearly enough buyers.

For this reason, in the coming weeks, Teeka believes the Treasury will have a failed auction because everyone and their grandmother is rapidly losing trust in the U.S. dollar.

When that happens, the Federal Reserve will have no choice but to step in and print money to buy bonds, directly monetizing the debt.

If or rather when this happens, the next round of money printing will be the last nail in the U.S. dollar’s coffin.

There’s one alternative asset Teeka says will skyrocket higher than anyone can imagine amidst the chaos and it has nothing to do with precious metals, real estate, stocks, or commodities.


The Pitch

Teeka has put all the details on what he believes could be his next big winner inside a special report called The Dollar Collapse Model Portfolio.

Source: palmbeachgroup.com

It contains all the details on five alternative investments, including names and ticker symbols.

The report is a throw-in for those who opt to try Teeka's monthly research service, The Palm Beach Letter. Normally, this would cost $199. But seeing as how the dollar is about to collapse and we should be holding onto whatever we can, Teeka is offering new members a special price of just $49.

Included in this offer are 12 months of the man's best investment ideas, a whopping FOUR bonus reports, as well as full access to a model portfolio, where you can see all of Teeka's current open recommendations, buy-up-to-prices, and more.


Teeka's Three Action Steps to Take Immediately

What are the three steps we need to take to protect and perhaps even grow our wealth?

The first step isn't to buy gold, but to buy Teeka's #1 play for escaping the dollar collapse.

Teeka believes everyone should have some exposure to gold and actually recommended a gold fund called Sprott Physical Gold Trust as early as 2015 as “disaster insurance.” But he says the biggest gains during this coming collapse will not come from gold.

Instead, it's supposed to come from an alternative asset that we can get started with for as little as $0.50 and could help make us 15 times our money or more during the coming crisis.

Step #2: Buy Teeka's #1 Oil Stock for 2024

The Middle East accounts for 31% of global oil production.

That’s why every time there’s a war in the region, oil tends to skyrocket, like during the Arab-Israeli war of 1973.

At the moment, Iran is calling for an oil embargo against Israel, which is why Teeka believes oil could soon be trading at $150 per barrel.

This will create tremendous opportunities in oil stocks and one stock in particular, which is already one of the most profitable oil companies in the world.

Step #3: Buy Teeka's #1 Defense Stock for 2024

Simultaneous wars on multiple fronts mean military spending has been booming.

Add in the potential for World War III and spending could explode (no pun intended).

Even though America is technically broke, that's not stopping it from heavily investing in the military, it is the last thing holding things together after all. In fact, the Pentagon has just revealed an ambitious plan to deploy thousands of drones within the next two years.

One little-known company has developed a stealth AI drone that can’t be detected by the enemy and is at the center of this revolution.

Let's see what clues we are given about each of these plays.


Revealing Teeka’s Plays for Escaping the Dollar Collapse

I had to do some serious Internet detective work for this one, but it was worth it.

Teeka's #1 play for escaping the dollar collapse

The alternative asset being teased here is crypto.

According to some online with direct access to Teeka's Dollar Collapse Model Portfolio report, the five coins in question are as follows:

  1. Lida DAO (LDO)
  2. Chainlink (Link)
  3. Rollbit (RLB)
  4. Optimism (OP)
  5. Polygon (Matic) – the coin was selling for around $0.50 when Teeka's presentation first came out and is now going for around $0.80.

Teeka's #1 Oil Stock for 2024

The only real clue we are given here is that this is one of the most profitable oil companies in the world.

In this respect, Chevron (NYSE: CVX) is the second-largest oil company in the U.S. and it posted record earnings of $36 billion last year. 

This result was only eclipsed by two other major oil producers – Shell (NYSE: SHEL) and ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM), which posted $40 billion and $56 billion in fiscal year 2022 profits respectively.

It could be any one of these companies or another one. Without any additional clues, there is no way to know for sure.

Teeka's #1 Defense Stock for 2024

A few more hints are dropped about this stock:

  • Its stealth AI drone can travel at speeds up to 650 miles/hour, carrying a variety of weaponry, including air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles.
  • The company is crushing the stock market in 2023, up some 70%.
  • Vanguard, Blackrock, and ARK Investment Management are all big shareholders.

This defense stock is Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq: KTOS). Here is why:

  • Kratos' XQ-58 Valkyrie is an experimental unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) capable of carrying weaponry as the teaser describes.
  • Shares of Kratos are up nearly 90% year-to-date.
  • Vanguard, Blackrock, and ARK own 9%, 8%, and 5% of the stock, respectively.


Pocket Four-Digit Gains in the Coming Years?

My thoughts on each of Teeka's picks can be easily summarized:

Crypto: Too volatile and unpredictable to invest anything other than money you can afford to lose.

Oil stock: As per another teaser I recently reviewed, oil and gas are going to continue to be the dominant energy sources for decades to come, and an investment in either royalty trusts or producers should yield an above-average return over the long term.

Defense stock: Kratos isn't yet a profitable company, there are better defense stocks out there if that's your thing.


Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • Teeka Tiwari says there’s an event taking place in Washington D.C., which he believes will hasten the final collapse of the U.S. dollar and he has “five alternative assets for escaping the dollar collapse.”
  • This catastrophic event of which Teeka speaks is a failed Treasury auction. When it happens, it could force the Fed's money printer into overdrive, hammering the final nail in the U.S. dollar’s coffin.
  • One alternative asset will skyrocket higher amid the chaos and all the details on it are in a special report called The Dollar Collapse Model Portfolio.
  • The alternative asset Teeka teases is crypto and the five alternative assets in question are: 1. Lida DAO (DAO), 2. Chainlink (Link), 3. Rollbit (RLB), 4. Optimism (OP), and 5. Polygon (Matic).
  • Many crypto coins have no intrinsic value and can't be called an investment. The blockchain technology which crypto runs on, however, now that's an investment.

What is your dollar collapse plan? Tell us in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “Teeka’s “#1 Play for Escaping the Dollar Collapse” – Doomed or Destined to Boom?”

  1. You got a few things wrong. I have the reports as a lifetime member of the palm beach letter.
    #1 oil: EOG
    Dollar Collapse: BTC, ETH, GRT, XLM, LINK
    Defense stock: KTOS


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