Nomi Prins’ “Breaking Point” and “#1 Gold Stock” – A Generational Nest Egg?

Nomi Prins’ “Breaking Point” and “#1 Gold Stock”

I’m sure you’re familiar with the term “hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.” Well, we may all be about to live it. From tens of thousands of layoffs to bank failures, and a relentless surge in the cost of living, a “Breaking Point” is fast approaching according to former Goldman Sachs director Nomi … Read more

Nomi Prins’ Dollar Endgame – Her “Escape Plan”, “#1 Gold Stock”, and more

Nomi Prins’ Dollar Endgame - Her “Escape Plan”, “#1 Gold Stock”, and more

Something big could be coming down the pipeline that will make the events of the past three years look like a cakewalk. It’s the U.S. Dollar Endgame and investment banker turned investigative journalist Nomi Prins has an “Escape Plan” for us and our hard-earned money.   The Teaser Host Chris Hurt says believing what the mainstream … Read more