Shah Gilani’s “ASI” Stocks – Make 12,400% by 2030?

We all know Artificial Intelligence has been the defining trend of 2023. But have you heard of Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)?

This is what is going to take us from robots that can't solve a simple online CAPTCHA test to AI that is a million times more powerful than ChatGPT or anything else that exists today and Shah Gilani is teasing a few “ASI” Stocks to profit from this next wave of AI.


The Teaser

We've only just scratched the surface of AI. As I write this, scientists are quietly working on transforming AI into ASI, which will lead to a cryptic event called the Singularity.


Grandfather of the VIX, hedge fund manager, and editor, Shah Gilani is a lot of things, but is he any good at picking stocks? We have attempted to answer this question by exposing and tracking all of his previous stock picks and reviewing individual teasers, like his AI Stealth Stocks.

Between Artificial Super Intelligence and a Singularity event, this already sounds like a Sci-Fi movie script gone off the rails.

For better or worse, this is real and happening now.

PricewaterhouseCoopers says AI is expected to add $15.7 trillion to the global economy over the next decade. That's more than the GDPs of China and India combined! Economist Robert Hanson confirms this, saying “AI will speed up the world economy by as much as 250 times its normal rate”.

So it's not a question of whether Singularity will happen…but when.

The Biggest Paradigm Shift in History

Depending on who you ask, the Singularity, or the exact moment when AI becomes smarter than humans, is predicted to occur sometime between 2030 at the earliest, to 2045 at the latest.

But here's the thing, these predictions were made before the ChatGPT breakthrough of this year.

Now, the Singularity clock shows we're already more than 50% of the way there and Shah believes we could be as little as three months away.

With time of the essence, Shah and his team have spent the last year researching every aspect of AI, and they have put together a set of simple action steps we should take right now to protect ourselves from the Singularity and profit from it, all the same.


The Pitch

Shah has put the full details of his action plan in a simple report called The AI Singularity Playbook.


Inside is a three-part investment strategy critical to making money from the $15.7 trillion AI boom and the only way to get it, is with a subscription to the Money Map Report investment research service.

The regular price of the report is $299 per year, but we can get it now for only $129 with a 365-day money-back guarantee. Included are 12 monthly issues with a minimum of two trade recommendations per month, instant access to four ASI special reports, and a model portfolio.


Three Action Steps to Take Right Now

Step One: Buy for Profit

This starts with the one thing AI is entirely reliant on – data.

To quote the big data industry's preeminent newsletter Datamation, “AI is only as powerful as the data it can access”. The more data AI can use, the smarter it gets. And the smarter it gets, the more data it needs to improve further.

For example, ChatGPT- 3 used 175 billion data parameters and now ChatGPT-4 has grown six times more powerful by using a trillion data parameters.

Shah says three data stocks in particular are ready to leverage AI to the max. More on these a little later.

Step Two: Hold for Income

What's more important than growing our money? Protecting it of course.

One asset in particular that is housed 220 feet under a mountain, blocked by a three-ton steel gate, and guarded 24/7 by armed security, is going to provide us with both safety of principal and passive income.

What really makes this asset stand out is how it's required by federal law to pay us a hefty dividend. Right now, it's boasting a 4.5% dividend yield that could grow exponentially as the company's revenues skyrocket. This is most definitely a REIT, but which one?

Step Three: Sell for Survival

Shah nicely puts it that there are 14 companies we should purge from our portfolios immediately.

Because once ASI comes online, they could drop to zero overnight.

No names are dropped, but he does hint at a certain popular app used to review restaurants that has the potential to be flooded with fake AI reviews and a well-known real estate software company that was too late implementing AI alongside its competitors.

There's a lot to unpack here, so let's not dilly-daddle any longer and get right down to business trying to expose Shah's three data stocks and his REIT pick.


Revealing Shah Gilani's “ASI” Stocks

Here are the few clues we have to work with for each pick:

Data Stock #1

  • Back in 2014, the founder of this company essentially told the world how he would build a company that would become a monopoly in an industry that didn't exist, by solving a problem most clients didn't know they had – data management.
  • The company is now worth $30 billion.
  • They also recently partnered with Amazon Web Services to help customers manage their data.

Without a doubt, the pick here is  Palantir Technologies Inc. (NYSE: PLTR).

Data Stock #2

  • This next company has a secret weapon that could help it grow faster than every data company in existence. It's a project they launched this year called Edge.
  • It's directly partnered with some very powerful tech companies like Lenovo, CDW, and Broadcom.

Can't be sure about this one with so few clues, but searches for “Edge product launches” keep returning Dell Technologies Inc. (NYSE: DELL).

  • Dell launched its 16th-generation PowerEdge server family earlier this year, which is crucial for scaling AI models.
  • Partners include CDW and Broadcom, who provide some of the server firmware.

Data Stock #3

  • This company focuses on something totally unique – clean AI data. Without clean data, AI is garbage. Garbage in, garbage out. Shah says this small company is the best in the world at cleaning data for AI.
  • During the first quarter of this year, they announced that they are close to confirming a major data partnership with not one, not two, but three of the largest global AI companies.

Again, no way to know for sure given the general clues, but the company being teased here could be Inc. (NYSE: AI).


  • Seeking Alpha calls this type of asset “the physical epicenter of AI” and the Department of Justice gives this asset a level-four security rating.
  • Right now, it's boasting a 4.5% dividend yield that could grow exponentially as the company's revenues skyrocket.

Shah is talking about Iron Mountain Inc. (NYSE: IRM).

  • IRM is mentioned by name in this SA article as a “specialty REIT with a growing data center vertical.” Among IRM's 2,300 customers worldwide, are local, state, and federal government agencies.
  • Its current annual dividend yield is exactly 4.54%.

Bonus REIT Pick

  • The same Seeking Alpha article calls this REIT a stable return in an explosive industry.
  • It has raised its dividend payment every single year since it went public. That's 17 straight years now.

Digital Realty Trust Inc. (NYSE: DLR) is the pick here.


Quadruple-Digit Gains by 2030?

Shah is confident that each of his picks could appreciate by triple-digits annually over the next decade.

The Singularity event which is supposedly only months away now, is the catalyst that will help get them there.

As a REIT guy, I like hard assets such as Iron Mountain and Digital Realty that provide income and above-average growth potential, primarily because they also have inherent downside protection. All about safety of principal and a satisfactory return after all.

As for the others, none are profitable concerns as yet, except for legacy personal computer company Dell, whose stock has already gotten a nice 55% bump this year because of all the AI hype pieces.

Not a bad basket of picks overall, but triple-digit annual gains seem aggressive for any of these names.


Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • Opportunistic investor Shah Gilani is teasing a few “Artificial Super Intelligence” Stocks to profit from the coming AI Singularity event.
  • Singularity is said to be the exact moment when AI becomes smarter than humans and it is predicted to occur sometime between three months from now at the earliest and 2045 at the latest.
  • Shah believes this event will happen sooner rather than later and he is a man with an action plan, that he has outlined in a simple report called The AI Singularity Playbook.
  • We were able to reveal three of Shah's ASI picks – Palantir Technologies Inc. (NYSE: PLTR), Iron Mountain Inc. (NYSE: IRM), and Digital Realty Trust Inc. (NYSE: DLR). The other two, Dell Technologies Inc. (NYSE: DELLand Inc. (NYSE: AI), are educated guesses that we're not so sure about.
  • The two REIT picks are solid, the others not so much. However, none are very likely to return triple-digits every single year, from here on out as is promoted in the presentation.

When do you believe Singularity with AI will happen? Let us know in the comments.

5 thoughts on “Shah Gilani’s “ASI” Stocks – Make 12,400% by 2030?”

  1. The AI has potential, but the hypetrain is undeniable. Do the fundamentals still count? or is everyone throwing money on the tech like it was with dot com back in a day? or Crypto. Too much too fast. Would be nice if there was an even slope. How you do not know if you investing at the top or following the trend

  2. What is this stock?

    “This tiny biotech has developed a breakthrough method for treating not just Huntington’s, but over 6,000 genetic diseases, many of which are currently considered “impossible” to treat.”


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