Want to Help Us Review Investment Advisories? (Writer Wanted!)

Hi there. We're looking for a writer to help us review investment advisory services. 

And, don't worry, we WILL PAY. This isn't a charity gig.

If you're familiar with our website here, then you know that at Green Bull we're all about helping Main Street investors. There are loads of investment newsletters (advisories) that also claim to do this, yet they are often marketed with overexaggerated claims and in sensational fashion. 

We like to expose stock pick teasers here at Green Bull, but we'd also like to more thoroughly review the underlying investment advisory services that are being promoted via these stock pick teasers.

This is where, potentially, you come in.

We're going to be buying into various investment newsletters run by popular names such as Teeka Tiwari, Paul Mampilly, Nomi Prins, Charles Mizrahi, Jeff Clark, Jeff Brown, publications from TradeSmith, etc. and we'll be providing inside access to these publications for the purpose of reviewing them as thoroughly as possible.

Requirements for the job

The 3 main things we're looking for in our next writer include:

  • Time
  • Skill
  • Interest


Do you have extra time to put towards this job? The position is about as flexible as it gets. You can do your research and writing on your own time, but I'd say ideally we're looking at anywhere from 2-3 in-depth, well-researched, thoroughly informative reviews per month.

How many words per review? Well, this is something that will depend greatly on the investment advisory service that you're reviewing and the best answer is "however many are needed", but very generally speaking I could say 3,000 - 5,000.


You don't need to be a professional writer, but we are looking for someone with research and writing skills that can put together a well-thought out review that is easy-to-follow, engaging, and most importantly... informative. 

It's also important to be able to discern what's fact from fiction (or rather, what's a straightforward fact from a misleading fact). Some skill here is needed. As you're probably well aware of, these investment advisories really like to fluff up their marketing material. They tell you all the good but often conveniently leave out all the bad. So, if the "expert" behind ABC Advisory states that he has a 90% win rate or something like this... you will need to learn to take it with a big grain of salt and look into it more. There's probably more than meets the eye at first glance.


Since you're one this website now, I'm guessing you're interested in this kind of thing. This is what we want. This could be a long-term position for years to come, and if you have an interest in it, it could make the job rather enjoyable.

Some general interests that I'd like to see include:

  • Personal finance and investing (of course)
  • Desire to help others (that's the goal of this site, remember?)
  • Desire to find the truth (remember, there will be a lot of marketing BS to cut through when looking into these investment services)


Besides getting paid, learning about investing as you conduct your research, and helping Main Street investors out, another perk of the job is the fact that you will have access to the investment advisories that you review.

As mentioned, we'll be buying into these advisory services for you to have access as you review them. 

Sure, not all will give great advice, but sometimes you do find them making rather opportune investment recommendations, which are only accessible behind the paywall. Over the 


We can pay via PayPal, Venmo, Payoneer, etc. Just let us know how you want paid and I'll see what I can do.

The pay rate is negotiable. You can apply by following the directions below and we can discuss pay via email.

How to Apply

If interested, please send me an email at: andersfromgreenbullresearch@gmail.com
I will only be communicating about this position through this email.

In the email, please let me know why you think you are right for the position and answer the following questions:

  1. How much time do you have to dedicate towards this?
  2. Do you have any writing experience?
  3. What is your investment background?
  4. Where at are you based?
  5. Why are you interested in writing for us?

It would also be very beneficial if you could provide me with some writing samples. 

Again, the email is andersfromgreenbullresearch@gmail.com 

I look forward to hearing from you,

- Anders